31 July 2017
Thought: If most people didn't believe in luck-fate-chance as opposed to causality, a lot of the bullshit explanations we see wouldn't be spread. I.e., we're doing it to ourselves. Or, popular with convervative cowards from time immemorial, it's just something in the ether (the zeitgeist explanation). All this shit just comes from somewhere, never nailed down, for no reason. Versus the explanation that satisifes Occam: itz da joos.
You Must Never Notice the Jew
White liberation means giant heaping piles of dead jews. Guy gets fired for pointing out two jews are top presenters on BBC.
Paranoia Privilege
Margaret Atwood's A Handmaid's Tale. I picked this book up decades ago. It was so boring I quit reading, which is unusual. Nothing but juiceless feminist paranoia. Nothing funny, plausible or thought-provoking. But because her type controls the media, or the type that controls the media is sympathetic to her nuttiness, finds it useful, this dry as Death Valley tortoise dung novel is made into a movie. A better example of far more plausible paranoia would be novel about a future in which jew pseudoscientists claim to have located racism in the brain -- pardon me, the white brain (only) -- and lobby supine Congress to pass a law forcing all whites to have political lobotomies. Now there's some rational and filmable paranoia! Call it Schnarffman's Tale. ... another example of PP is the Russia horseshit. There's literally no evidence of any crime. Yet the media harp on the no-it-there for months. Jews don't need evidence, reason, anything - because they control the press. They can fill it with whichever lies seem most useful. There's no cost to their lying, most of the time. Until the Internet, others could just grumble. But Trump used the Internet to win, and how the majority recognizes itself. Other people think the way I do! Self-recognition. Like a cow waking up and realizing it can stomp a mudhole in the herdsman. Other limelight experts (Kid Rock) with majority views realize they might well duplicate Trump's accomplishment, and act accordingly.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-29
29 July 2017
Do Jews Stop Lying When They Kahn-Kocht a Bible?
The bible isn't reliable history. Modern Lebanese = ancient Canaanites, if you believe in DNA rather than the bibble. I mean, the bibble is muh godd's word...and the DNA is fact. So...(this is me shrugging at jewed pewed you). ... Now, you show this good word to a religious chap...this is why we atheists loathe them: this duppery-do will have fifteen evasion excuses for God's First Book and why it doesn't square with reality. A christian making excuses for God is the forerunner of the liberal making excuses for niggers. The reason atheists feel contempt for christians is they will not hold to any standard. All they do is run away and make shit up and demand respect for their claims and hallucinations.
I Love McGregor's Swagger
In general I like men with swagger, they make life delightful by making me laugh. So CM wears NBA jersey of guy who texted lil May-nig's wife, which led to beating. Jersey now occupied by phresh nigballer who nigsults CM. He responds: "That's C.J. Watson mate. I don't know who the f--- you are. No disrespect tho kid. Keep hustling and stay in school." "Stay in school" lol. Rekt! as they say. Everything but condescending pat on fuzzy-wuzzy's raisinhead. ... Thinking of swagger, it really is a male thing, per biology. Sometimes you see it in females, though. One example is in Kingpin, a great movie, in which the very attractive woman responds to the clown's "you're not his type" with "Oh I'm every guy's type." TRUST ME BRO, I KNOWS WHAT THE PECKERIANS ARE AFTER, nod 'n' wink.
"Shark Attacks Female Tourist While Snorkeling In Bahamas"
The Rise of the White Hot Thot
She'll cause a reationary...in your jorts, you trailer-park-dwelling racist scumbag!
Do Jews Stop Lying When They Kahn-Kocht a Bible?
The bible isn't reliable history. Modern Lebanese = ancient Canaanites, if you believe in DNA rather than the bibble. I mean, the bibble is muh godd's word...and the DNA is fact. So...(this is me shrugging at jewed pewed you). ... Now, you show this good word to a religious chap...this is why we atheists loathe them: this duppery-do will have fifteen evasion excuses for God's First Book and why it doesn't square with reality. A christian making excuses for God is the forerunner of the liberal making excuses for niggers. The reason atheists feel contempt for christians is they will not hold to any standard. All they do is run away and make shit up and demand respect for their claims and hallucinations.
I Love McGregor's Swagger
In general I like men with swagger, they make life delightful by making me laugh. So CM wears NBA jersey of guy who texted lil May-nig's wife, which led to beating. Jersey now occupied by phresh nigballer who nigsults CM. He responds: "That's C.J. Watson mate. I don't know who the f--- you are. No disrespect tho kid. Keep hustling and stay in school." "Stay in school" lol. Rekt! as they say. Everything but condescending pat on fuzzy-wuzzy's raisinhead. ... Thinking of swagger, it really is a male thing, per biology. Sometimes you see it in females, though. One example is in Kingpin, a great movie, in which the very attractive woman responds to the clown's "you're not his type" with "Oh I'm every guy's type." TRUST ME BRO, I KNOWS WHAT THE PECKERIANS ARE AFTER, nod 'n' wink.
"Shark Attacks Female Tourist While Snorkeling In Bahamas"
Good news, sharks now breathe air, ocean may become safer. Bad news, land sharks may become a real thing. Fucking retarded urinalists.
The Rise of the White Hot Thot
She'll cause a reationary...in your jorts, you trailer-park-dwelling racist scumbag!
Friday, July 28, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-28
28 July 2017
Roundup: Free speech in UK? Yr kidn m8. Yr dugs a nasee - courts n jails 4 trainr. In Canada, they don't like library allowing memorial for woman Kulaszka (sp?) who assisted Christie and Zundel trial, at which the holocaust was exposed as a the holoHoax all honest men know it to be. That ain't nothing. That's an echt life achievement. Immigration policy is yet another tool the jews can use to torture the white community, like "diversity" and "integration." These are all laughing-up-(((their)))-sleeves terms for jews, who must find it difficult to believe whites are as gullible as history proves them to be.
On Crampus
Columbia promoting anti-whitism. As usual. Columbia is where bad ideas in what is wrongly called education get started. It has been a hotbed of kikes for 100+ years. Columbia trains the people who train teachers. It's the ultimate source of much bad stuff. In 2017, that means anti-white crap about privilege (whites earned nothing/stole everything), microaggressions (the nigger rapes and murders? why, that's nothing compared to your innocent question), challenging European pedogogical approaches (i.e., eliminating standards so niggers feel comfortable - dragging white children who can learn to the level of blacks who can't). Columbia takes the dumbest, most easily brainwashed segment of the white community (the type that becomes K-12 teachers) and tells the lemmings they're a change agents for a new world order. Very exciting to numbskulls. Muh Ahm on da cuttin edge. Public schools should be eliminated because they have no legitimate mission; rather, they are all about controlling people for the benefit of whichever party controls the state, and that's all they ever have been or can be. Force children to attend. Force parents to pay for them. Force teachers to use books and lesson plans devised by the central controllers, produced by their guidelines. It may be taken as an absolute rule: wherever blacks deviate from white standards (everywhere), jews will invent bogus deficits on white parts to counterbalance and restore the equality lie. For every black deficiency, the jew is profuse in explanations, extenuations, denials - but in the end he blames it all on the white and his rotten attitude. Yes, always it is the white man's attitude that is the real problem, not the black's behavior. So a white kid asking a nigger if she can touch her hair (typical sort of microagression these doltcogs are being Columbia-trained to sign papers saying they will boldly fight against) is worse than black kids daily attacking white boys and girls in the hall. Actual violence is overlooked - as any -- literally any -- white kid who went to school with large numbers of blacks and was attacked by them. Every single one will tell you the teachers/administrators refused to act on it, and most of them will say the same about their very own parents. This is the actual state of things, and has been for a long time. Reinforcing this anti-white System with fresh shit-memes like privilege and microaggressions is what teacher training is all about. And the big-grinning blonde-simps that become K-12 teachers just eat it up, because they're brainless parrots. If you think from the jew's POV, it's easy to figure out, in the abstract, what jews will do. They invent racism as a catchcall, general explanation for the white-black civilizational gap. Every other invention covers a particular subset of this general problem. But racism is imaginary. There are racial differences. There are people who observe these. Jews conflate these and turn them into the highest crime. Literally worse than murder - many blacks have gotten loose from a murder charge because they said the white they murdered called them a nigger. We simply cannot allow jews to live among us. They hate us, and they work as a team. They take over our mass media, which is the media that tells people what everyone else thinks. They use this to poison our minds. They also move into the schools. Teaching teachers lies, always anti-white. After decades of this garbage, indeed nearly a century, the culture has been destroyed by sexualization, and anti-whitism is everywhere and growing increasingly violent and openly genocideal. WHITE GENOCIDE IS (((THEIR))) PLAN, COUNTER-(((EXTERMINATION))) IS OUR RESPONSE.
Whites Were In America Thousands of Years Ago
I believe that is the most that can be affirmed with factual certainty. Certainly, evidence of whites being here before Asians is talked down and hushed up, but that in itself does not prove whites were in the Americas first.
Roundup: Free speech in UK? Yr kidn m8. Yr dugs a nasee - courts n jails 4 trainr. In Canada, they don't like library allowing memorial for woman Kulaszka (sp?) who assisted Christie and Zundel trial, at which the holocaust was exposed as a the holoHoax all honest men know it to be. That ain't nothing. That's an echt life achievement. Immigration policy is yet another tool the jews can use to torture the white community, like "diversity" and "integration." These are all laughing-up-(((their)))-sleeves terms for jews, who must find it difficult to believe whites are as gullible as history proves them to be.
On Crampus
Columbia promoting anti-whitism. As usual. Columbia is where bad ideas in what is wrongly called education get started. It has been a hotbed of kikes for 100+ years. Columbia trains the people who train teachers. It's the ultimate source of much bad stuff. In 2017, that means anti-white crap about privilege (whites earned nothing/stole everything), microaggressions (the nigger rapes and murders? why, that's nothing compared to your innocent question), challenging European pedogogical approaches (i.e., eliminating standards so niggers feel comfortable - dragging white children who can learn to the level of blacks who can't). Columbia takes the dumbest, most easily brainwashed segment of the white community (the type that becomes K-12 teachers) and tells the lemmings they're a change agents for a new world order. Very exciting to numbskulls. Muh Ahm on da cuttin edge. Public schools should be eliminated because they have no legitimate mission; rather, they are all about controlling people for the benefit of whichever party controls the state, and that's all they ever have been or can be. Force children to attend. Force parents to pay for them. Force teachers to use books and lesson plans devised by the central controllers, produced by their guidelines. It may be taken as an absolute rule: wherever blacks deviate from white standards (everywhere), jews will invent bogus deficits on white parts to counterbalance and restore the equality lie. For every black deficiency, the jew is profuse in explanations, extenuations, denials - but in the end he blames it all on the white and his rotten attitude. Yes, always it is the white man's attitude that is the real problem, not the black's behavior. So a white kid asking a nigger if she can touch her hair (typical sort of microagression these doltcogs are being Columbia-trained to sign papers saying they will boldly fight against) is worse than black kids daily attacking white boys and girls in the hall. Actual violence is overlooked - as any -- literally any -- white kid who went to school with large numbers of blacks and was attacked by them. Every single one will tell you the teachers/administrators refused to act on it, and most of them will say the same about their very own parents. This is the actual state of things, and has been for a long time. Reinforcing this anti-white System with fresh shit-memes like privilege and microaggressions is what teacher training is all about. And the big-grinning blonde-simps that become K-12 teachers just eat it up, because they're brainless parrots. If you think from the jew's POV, it's easy to figure out, in the abstract, what jews will do. They invent racism as a catchcall, general explanation for the white-black civilizational gap. Every other invention covers a particular subset of this general problem. But racism is imaginary. There are racial differences. There are people who observe these. Jews conflate these and turn them into the highest crime. Literally worse than murder - many blacks have gotten loose from a murder charge because they said the white they murdered called them a nigger. We simply cannot allow jews to live among us. They hate us, and they work as a team. They take over our mass media, which is the media that tells people what everyone else thinks. They use this to poison our minds. They also move into the schools. Teaching teachers lies, always anti-white. After decades of this garbage, indeed nearly a century, the culture has been destroyed by sexualization, and anti-whitism is everywhere and growing increasingly violent and openly genocideal. WHITE GENOCIDE IS (((THEIR))) PLAN, COUNTER-(((EXTERMINATION))) IS OUR RESPONSE.
Whites Were In America Thousands of Years Ago
I believe that is the most that can be affirmed with factual certainty. Certainly, evidence of whites being here before Asians is talked down and hushed up, but that in itself does not prove whites were in the Americas first.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-26
26 July 2017
Nazi-Germany-Approved Movie about Anglo-Boer War
Not something you see every day, this perspective.
What Jews Do
Continually create new bogus ideas and double standards and spread them thru the media and eventually educational system. Whites either stupidly accept them or chat in outrage about them. Jews are well aware these double standards are ridiculous and unfair. Have no doubt about that. They serve their purpose, though, which is to keep the dull-witted whiteskins forever on their back foot, jaws a-gapin'. So jews will just keep on keeping on bullshitting and winning. For our side, there's nothing left to discuss. Jews are what they are - which is what they always have been: a genocidal genetic clan of criminals. Jews aren't going to change. The only thing to do with them is exterminate them. Which is counter-exterminate, since they initiated genocidal hostilities against our kind. Grasping this is peak jew understanding. (((They))) are trying to white-genocide us, they've even reached the point they can admit that openly. At least their dumber use-group members can (niggers, etc). This is not a complex matter. Yet "we" (unclear antecedent) get caught up in christian religion, political positions and so on. None of that is relevant. The white nationalist/white racial cause is for whites who want to continue to exist as a group - without being controlled by other groups. How we live amongst ourselves is a distant, secondary matter. Trying to bundle in these other various social matters ON WHICH WHITES ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL DISAGREE is useless and counterproductive. They always say, how can jews, a 2% minority, possibly boss around the 98% majority. The answer is: because jews are a group, and the people they fight are just individuals. They win easily. The way to defeat them is to form a counter group.
What CIA-Special Forces Actually Do
They work for the jews. They train terrorists. Jews call these terrorists moderates in mass media. The boots on the ground are aware of this. They passively resist by refusing to train obvious radicals (ISIS and suchlike). Quite a System we have, aint it? Only a conscious group can defeat the jews. Building that group is the white priority, the groundwork is spreading and understanding of what jews actually are and what that means for non-jews, specifically for whites. Jews are so powerful, create such fear in people, that even when they attack people directly and by name, those people, in this case Gavin McInnes, refuse to blame the jews themselves, but blame their actual enemies. Now that is power. A great article by Eric Striker.
Not the article but the video at the bottom: golf traditionally teaches a straight-arm swing; Spieth great champion, doesn't do it that way. So what is the value of tradition? There is no way around it: thinking > tradition. "We don't have enough time to think about everything." True. But we certainly have enough time to think about everything that matters.
Nazi-Germany-Approved Movie about Anglo-Boer War
Not something you see every day, this perspective.
What Jews Do
Continually create new bogus ideas and double standards and spread them thru the media and eventually educational system. Whites either stupidly accept them or chat in outrage about them. Jews are well aware these double standards are ridiculous and unfair. Have no doubt about that. They serve their purpose, though, which is to keep the dull-witted whiteskins forever on their back foot, jaws a-gapin'. So jews will just keep on keeping on bullshitting and winning. For our side, there's nothing left to discuss. Jews are what they are - which is what they always have been: a genocidal genetic clan of criminals. Jews aren't going to change. The only thing to do with them is exterminate them. Which is counter-exterminate, since they initiated genocidal hostilities against our kind. Grasping this is peak jew understanding. (((They))) are trying to white-genocide us, they've even reached the point they can admit that openly. At least their dumber use-group members can (niggers, etc). This is not a complex matter. Yet "we" (unclear antecedent) get caught up in christian religion, political positions and so on. None of that is relevant. The white nationalist/white racial cause is for whites who want to continue to exist as a group - without being controlled by other groups. How we live amongst ourselves is a distant, secondary matter. Trying to bundle in these other various social matters ON WHICH WHITES ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL DISAGREE is useless and counterproductive. They always say, how can jews, a 2% minority, possibly boss around the 98% majority. The answer is: because jews are a group, and the people they fight are just individuals. They win easily. The way to defeat them is to form a counter group.
What CIA-Special Forces Actually Do
They work for the jews. They train terrorists. Jews call these terrorists moderates in mass media. The boots on the ground are aware of this. They passively resist by refusing to train obvious radicals (ISIS and suchlike). Quite a System we have, aint it? Only a conscious group can defeat the jews. Building that group is the white priority, the groundwork is spreading and understanding of what jews actually are and what that means for non-jews, specifically for whites. Jews are so powerful, create such fear in people, that even when they attack people directly and by name, those people, in this case Gavin McInnes, refuse to blame the jews themselves, but blame their actual enemies. Now that is power. A great article by Eric Striker.
Not the article but the video at the bottom: golf traditionally teaches a straight-arm swing; Spieth great champion, doesn't do it that way. So what is the value of tradition? There is no way around it: thinking > tradition. "We don't have enough time to think about everything." True. But we certainly have enough time to think about everything that matters.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-25
25 July 2017
Creating New Double Standards to Apply to Whites
There's crime - the usual, normal, obvious stuff. But crime becomes politicized where jews are given political existence. Leftists (jews) invent hate crime. Hate crime is a bogus catetory that includes real crimes treated differently for political reasons and non-crimes made into crimes. Jew politics operates by way of categories. Special punishment and special preference and privilege are awarded according to the group in question, and its jew-determined relation to other groups. It's never hate speech or a hate crime when jews attack some group they're trying to destroy (whites), but always a hate crime when a member of a targeted group (whites) criticizes a group jews use (muslims, blacks) to accomplish their anti-white mission. In this instance, a white dared criticize muslims. So the cops show up at his door and arrest him. That's not white culture, that's jew culture. We lived in a jewed world - until we do something about it. There is nothing to do about it except exterminate jews. No other 'solution' deserves the name because no other solution solves the problem.
Jews Lie About Everything
"It is not enough to cover up - we must reverse." This is the chutzpah mentality applied to crimes, whether committed by jews (Jack the Ripper, Leo Frank, for two) or members of groups jews are currently using (nigs, mexes, homos, feminists, etc.).
Media Coverage of Mayfield-McGregor
Thing I dislike about McGregor-Mayfield coverage/reaction most is the snarksharts pretending that the difference between boxing and MMA is as between tiddlywinks and rock climbing or chess or painting. Just completely different and unthinkably incompatible disciplines. Then why is McGregor taking fight? Why is he training extremely hard? If he thinks he can win, as he does, why is his view and behavior ridiculous and this vast army of ant-level experts correct? The fact is, punching is an element of MMA, and boxing is a variant of punching. They're not the same, but they're hardly unrelated or wildly different.
This Style I Cannot Stand
I don't know how long it's been around or where it started. I'd guess ESPN. This "what did we learn"...or "things we learned." Straight from kindergarten to the (((ass media))). Maybe natural evolution of Letterman calling his audience kids, a polite term for retards. Democracy produces people who don't want to be adults; for whom the idea of adulthood is horrifying.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-17
17 July 2017
Notes: I'm out this week. Daily posting will resume on 25 July. I plan also to be out one week in August, and then one week in September. I will be posting daily when I'm here. I will give you my investment tip in early September, before the 10th. ... The NOI book on Leo Frank is on the way, I will be doing an audiobook on that. And I promise, and this time I mean it, I will begin Lindercast-ing when I get back. That's free-range commentary many have asked me for (since we quit doing Goyfire) on passing/permanent issues. Apart from those, I should be posting and taping daily, and adminning the forum, through the end of the year. ... Varg tells me the app that facilitated our Newsbot is no longer, due to corporate changes. He will find a new solution.
Roundup: A patriarchal society is one that demands a rape occur before arrest, charge, conviction be made. Very old-school way of thinking: a criminal is someone who commits a crime, not someone who falls afoul of a woman's feelings. Like something out of a dinosaur museum, eh? To feminists, the accusation is the proof. But really, demanding proof itself is misogyny. My characterization of the feminist position and mentality is in no way an exaggeration - just read Jezebel on any one of these campus cases. Google up Jezebel Nungesser Columbia, and watch how Jez has treated the innocent man over the years vs the stupid broad who carried around the mattress. The woman in every one of these cases is referred to by 99% of the commentariat as the victim, even when her story has been completely destroyed, as in the case of gal whose lies formed the basis of the hoax perpetrated by the jewess Sabrina Rubin Erdely and the Rolling Stone. Those who believe in education should study feminism. These people cannot recognize a pattern to save their lives. Duke after Virginia after Columbia, the next hoax down the pike they'll have exactly the same reaction. This is putting ideology, or faith, over reality. The reality is that women do lie. Often. For various reaons. The reality is that rape is one of the most lied about crimes, not one of the least. ... Review of old movie Giant. There's no persuasive reason to believe jesus existed. Bible accounts are every bit as contradictory and bullshit-based as accounts of the so-called Holocaust. Casey on jew Yellen and quantitative easing. The key is not learning from your own mistakes, that's tard stuff. It's learning from others' mistakes so you can avoid them. If not, the cost could be your life.
I grasp the concepts of fun, of vice. But buying lottery tickets.... How is that fun? The secret to understanding poor people is that they believe things happen randomly. They believe in luck. Anyone doing better than them is luckier. That's why if you loan poor person money, you probably won't see it again. After all, you did nothing to earn it. You just got lucky. If you didn't deserve it in the first place, you don't deserve it back.
Big-Tentism Doesn't Work
You let anyone in, you let in people who aren't big-tentists. People with principles they stick to, and once enough of them are let in by your non-existent doormen, they will take over your joint and refurbish it you to their taste. They'll redefine you right out of existence while using your name. This will confuse the stupid people, i.e., the vast majority. Although catholicism was jewed from day one, there were elements of it that were less jew-helpful than others. Namely, the desire for stable families led to the promotion of sexual control (1) and the cute little story, true or untrue, that jews killed christ and then, with typical chutzpah, said His blood be on us and our children (2). So there was some cathy-content that was less than jew-positive, let's say. But all that could be changed if, via some clownage like interfaith dialogue be instituted. So of course it was. Dialogue is a jewish propaganda term that appears to mean let's talk but actually means let me browbeat you until you sign off on this new policy I've written for you. Catholics opened the door to this type of bilge with Vatican II in 1964, now the jews are trying to force the church to change its theology to something jew acceptable. They already got the church to dump the jews-killed-Son-of-God charge, but nothing is ever enough for jews. They are now working to pretending any healing of rift with SSPX, a traditionalist catholicish sect. Because that might bring some jew-truthing back into the fold. So with typical chutzpathic effrontery, the jews respond "No" to the question is the pope catholic? No, the real catholic is whoever writes the lettesr and position papers for the catholics to sign, some functionary at Big Jew.
Niger Beat
All nigger problems are caused by witchcraft. That's not politics, that's science. Why are blacks fat? Your racism? Why are blacks stupid? Again, racism. There is no point of black failure that isn't explained by white racism. What whites think about blacks comes before the facts. White attitudes are never responses to black behavior. You should know that by now. Why do roses smell sweet? Because we think they do.
Kevin Kervick on his motivations. Rational, mild, right-wing stuff. But I haven't watched enough to taxonomize him completely. Says the hatred of whites has led him to gravitate to the alt-right, but he's worried about its anti-jew aspects. He's not about hate and racism, eh. Not our KK. There's no third K there, altho two is suspicious enough. Smells like a scared, awakening older white man. Believes white erasure and white genocide are real things. Race makes a better basis for society than religion. It's humiliating to the religious cultists to accept that. They prefer to deny it to preserve their pride.
Notes: I'm out this week. Daily posting will resume on 25 July. I plan also to be out one week in August, and then one week in September. I will be posting daily when I'm here. I will give you my investment tip in early September, before the 10th. ... The NOI book on Leo Frank is on the way, I will be doing an audiobook on that. And I promise, and this time I mean it, I will begin Lindercast-ing when I get back. That's free-range commentary many have asked me for (since we quit doing Goyfire) on passing/permanent issues. Apart from those, I should be posting and taping daily, and adminning the forum, through the end of the year. ... Varg tells me the app that facilitated our Newsbot is no longer, due to corporate changes. He will find a new solution.
Roundup: A patriarchal society is one that demands a rape occur before arrest, charge, conviction be made. Very old-school way of thinking: a criminal is someone who commits a crime, not someone who falls afoul of a woman's feelings. Like something out of a dinosaur museum, eh? To feminists, the accusation is the proof. But really, demanding proof itself is misogyny. My characterization of the feminist position and mentality is in no way an exaggeration - just read Jezebel on any one of these campus cases. Google up Jezebel Nungesser Columbia, and watch how Jez has treated the innocent man over the years vs the stupid broad who carried around the mattress. The woman in every one of these cases is referred to by 99% of the commentariat as the victim, even when her story has been completely destroyed, as in the case of gal whose lies formed the basis of the hoax perpetrated by the jewess Sabrina Rubin Erdely and the Rolling Stone. Those who believe in education should study feminism. These people cannot recognize a pattern to save their lives. Duke after Virginia after Columbia, the next hoax down the pike they'll have exactly the same reaction. This is putting ideology, or faith, over reality. The reality is that women do lie. Often. For various reaons. The reality is that rape is one of the most lied about crimes, not one of the least. ... Review of old movie Giant. There's no persuasive reason to believe jesus existed. Bible accounts are every bit as contradictory and bullshit-based as accounts of the so-called Holocaust. Casey on jew Yellen and quantitative easing. The key is not learning from your own mistakes, that's tard stuff. It's learning from others' mistakes so you can avoid them. If not, the cost could be your life.
I grasp the concepts of fun, of vice. But buying lottery tickets.... How is that fun? The secret to understanding poor people is that they believe things happen randomly. They believe in luck. Anyone doing better than them is luckier. That's why if you loan poor person money, you probably won't see it again. After all, you did nothing to earn it. You just got lucky. If you didn't deserve it in the first place, you don't deserve it back.
Big-Tentism Doesn't Work
You let anyone in, you let in people who aren't big-tentists. People with principles they stick to, and once enough of them are let in by your non-existent doormen, they will take over your joint and refurbish it you to their taste. They'll redefine you right out of existence while using your name. This will confuse the stupid people, i.e., the vast majority. Although catholicism was jewed from day one, there were elements of it that were less jew-helpful than others. Namely, the desire for stable families led to the promotion of sexual control (1) and the cute little story, true or untrue, that jews killed christ and then, with typical chutzpah, said His blood be on us and our children (2). So there was some cathy-content that was less than jew-positive, let's say. But all that could be changed if, via some clownage like interfaith dialogue be instituted. So of course it was. Dialogue is a jewish propaganda term that appears to mean let's talk but actually means let me browbeat you until you sign off on this new policy I've written for you. Catholics opened the door to this type of bilge with Vatican II in 1964, now the jews are trying to force the church to change its theology to something jew acceptable. They already got the church to dump the jews-killed-Son-of-God charge, but nothing is ever enough for jews. They are now working to pretending any healing of rift with SSPX, a traditionalist catholicish sect. Because that might bring some jew-truthing back into the fold. So with typical chutzpathic effrontery, the jews respond "No" to the question is the pope catholic? No, the real catholic is whoever writes the lettesr and position papers for the catholics to sign, some functionary at Big Jew.
Niger Beat
All nigger problems are caused by witchcraft. That's not politics, that's science. Why are blacks fat? Your racism? Why are blacks stupid? Again, racism. There is no point of black failure that isn't explained by white racism. What whites think about blacks comes before the facts. White attitudes are never responses to black behavior. You should know that by now. Why do roses smell sweet? Because we think they do.
Kevin Kervick on his motivations. Rational, mild, right-wing stuff. But I haven't watched enough to taxonomize him completely. Says the hatred of whites has led him to gravitate to the alt-right, but he's worried about its anti-jew aspects. He's not about hate and racism, eh. Not our KK. There's no third K there, altho two is suspicious enough. Smells like a scared, awakening older white man. Believes white erasure and white genocide are real things. Race makes a better basis for society than religion. It's humiliating to the religious cultists to accept that. They prefer to deny it to preserve their pride.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-16
16 July 2017
Roundup: What happened to Canada. The usual. It got jewed. Sex deviants and aliens favored over normals. Rents and real estate prices driven through the roof in many areas by excessive immigration. Here from jew Makow's site on Protocols. Here Heartiste on Trump and Macron. Here on SSPX, and muzz-izzy resistance to any reconciliation with Bergoglio's leftist catholicism. Here on various marxist capital controls (one of his planks of communism) already operating in US. Here on stress of being a man, with a family. New Israel rule denies medical access to invaders. If a white nation did that... ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Counter-exterminating jews is the only solution that solves. Cuckscreech allgeged-music video featuring Richard Spencer and beatdown of a 'hater.' Fuck the Sex Pistols / We're the Bollcucks, singin' about how life is so easy for the straight white man. Of course the ideology is reality-reversed and the assertions are counter-factual. This is communist, categorical, ideological hatred. Categories by ((( ))). Paddy Tarleton could turn this song around easily. Comments are great:
"Life's so easy when you're bent, You gargle spunk to pay the rent, Don't have to worry 'bout the HIV, Get my AIDS pills off the doctor for free.
Hamburg: Cops On Trial For Resisting Rage For the Machine Riots
They want everything the globalists do except, what?, nowier or faggier? Everything is upside down and inside out in Germany, thanks to whoever is ultimately responsible for Sau Merkel's decisions. Germans bad, niggers good. Rioters good, cops bad. This sick sad world must culminate in massive killings, I surthuse. Let's face it: modern indoors living is basically a German-British production. Once we murder these nations, we're going to be no better than some nigger sitting in the shell of an auto going vroom vroom, VROOM VROOM NIGGA. Thing about types. Like, your Anglo type, and American type is part of that, is all about Me Being Seen Doing Teh Good Thing. The German type is all about Me Doing Something Effective. Same politics result in preening on the first part, wearing a twatcap or such, versus blowing shit up or killing a banker or doing something else genuinely nasty-destructive on the second. Now I may have that wrong. The difference may be not Anglo-German but American-European. If it involves lit candles and teddy bears, it's ineffective quasi-religious symbolism, and I, for one, loathe it. But it is the AmeriKwan way, lo these last few decades. Imagine politics without personalities. It's not easy but you can try. It would be more like garbage management. Do people sit around talking about purity spiraling in garbage management?
Thought: So-called health care is based on the beautiful idea not of relieving misery and solving problems but of creating a second set of utility bills to charge you for living in your own body. Doctors and pharmcos as body landlords.
Roundup: What happened to Canada. The usual. It got jewed. Sex deviants and aliens favored over normals. Rents and real estate prices driven through the roof in many areas by excessive immigration. Here from jew Makow's site on Protocols. Here Heartiste on Trump and Macron. Here on SSPX, and muzz-izzy resistance to any reconciliation with Bergoglio's leftist catholicism. Here on various marxist capital controls (one of his planks of communism) already operating in US. Here on stress of being a man, with a family. New Israel rule denies medical access to invaders. If a white nation did that... ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Counter-exterminating jews is the only solution that solves. Cuckscreech allgeged-music video featuring Richard Spencer and beatdown of a 'hater.' Fuck the Sex Pistols / We're the Bollcucks, singin' about how life is so easy for the straight white man. Of course the ideology is reality-reversed and the assertions are counter-factual. This is communist, categorical, ideological hatred. Categories by ((( ))). Paddy Tarleton could turn this song around easily. Comments are great:
"Life's so easy when you're bent, You gargle spunk to pay the rent, Don't have to worry 'bout the HIV, Get my AIDS pills off the doctor for free.
Hamburg: Cops On Trial For Resisting Rage For the Machine Riots
They want everything the globalists do except, what?, nowier or faggier? Everything is upside down and inside out in Germany, thanks to whoever is ultimately responsible for Sau Merkel's decisions. Germans bad, niggers good. Rioters good, cops bad. This sick sad world must culminate in massive killings, I surthuse. Let's face it: modern indoors living is basically a German-British production. Once we murder these nations, we're going to be no better than some nigger sitting in the shell of an auto going vroom vroom, VROOM VROOM NIGGA. Thing about types. Like, your Anglo type, and American type is part of that, is all about Me Being Seen Doing Teh Good Thing. The German type is all about Me Doing Something Effective. Same politics result in preening on the first part, wearing a twatcap or such, versus blowing shit up or killing a banker or doing something else genuinely nasty-destructive on the second. Now I may have that wrong. The difference may be not Anglo-German but American-European. If it involves lit candles and teddy bears, it's ineffective quasi-religious symbolism, and I, for one, loathe it. But it is the AmeriKwan way, lo these last few decades. Imagine politics without personalities. It's not easy but you can try. It would be more like garbage management. Do people sit around talking about purity spiraling in garbage management?
Thought: So-called health care is based on the beautiful idea not of relieving misery and solving problems but of creating a second set of utility bills to charge you for living in your own body. Doctors and pharmcos as body landlords.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-15
15 July 2017
Roundup: Remember kids, when you're buying or selling illegal drugs, it's important to be polite and keep up your end of the bargain. Otherwise a kinky-haired Nardo might turn your head into a bowling ball. And bury your pins under twelve feet God's own Pennsylvania loam. Trump removes fed control of K-12. That's a real mitzvah. Historically education was a local thing. That changed under LBJ. For the usual reason: let's have only Washington, D.C., make decisions about everything for everybody. That's what centralization means. That's why centralization is always popular with pinheads and people pushing an anti-majority or anti-normal agenda (same thing). Christians are the type of people who yawp about #Gawd #Faith n #Family and then they stand by sucking their thumbs when Important Jews tell them they aren't allowed to have their christian ideals in schools. Something found nowhere in the constitution. Of course, neither is gunpoint-tax-enforced public education. Strange that our braniest generation arose when public school system didn't exist. Private tutors is the older way, and the better way. If people want to learn, nothing in the world can stop them, especially with the Internet. If people don't want to learn, forcing them to attend school won't make them. But that's what public school is: forcing competent people to subsidize double-titted nitwits (public school teachers). The dumbest parrots on two wheels. Trump's move might kill Common Core; it's also pro-white, because white men dont need central government to wipe their ass or tell them what to teach their children. And if they do, they're just white niggerspinach, and to hell with them. Something is going on in Australia. Sobran on Islam. We are viewing the prime-time murder of Germany, unless some unseen force rises up to change things. Tucker and kike Boot, another useless warmonger, like the shabbos goy Peters, a jew turd-eater sans pareil. Vox Day on Clooney and the different way the very rich think. Video of (((Weinstein))) getting the white male treatment at Evergreen. Meanwhile, back in God's Country (Penn.), rich diversity, specifically alt-Romanians, is fertilizing a small town to no thanks from the hate-filled yokels who haven't been backhoed to double-dog-dig depth by DiNardo. Alt-same based coon (proud boi) threatens Unite the Right rally.
Unite The Right Isn't What's Needed
What's needed is Unite the White - but only around the right principles: pro-white, anti-jew. If it's about identity, if it's about race, why is the rally focused on some political position? Whites don't agree on politics, or economics. The White cause is for those who value race as the basis of a new nation. So there is no unity except for a brief time and place. Big tentism doesn't work. It's not "our" job to appeal to people but to figure out what we want, declare for it openly, and let people come to us who want it too. What will win the vast majority of people to the white-racial cause is seeing that it will back its words with actions. Brave leadership fronting for white racial defense and sexual normality. Whether this comes from a Hitler, Franco, whatever - the average white person won't care.
"Alt-Lite" is Dangerously Confused Misnomer
It should be called what it is: Alt-Same. Same old anti-racial (hence anti-white) professional (cuck 'n' jive) conservatism by jews (Rebel [read: Rebbe] Media) for whiteskins (suckers). It's not a lite version of the real thing, it's directly opposed to the real thing. IT SAYS THIS PUBLICLY. Christ, the alt-same is MORE principled than the alt-right! How pathetically ironically sad is that? What's new and needed in American politics is something overtly pro-white. That excludes jews and identifies them as the enemy. Not Washington Generals 2.0. Christ...why do you people continually make me feel like a cross-combo between Mr. Hand in Fast Times and the principal in Breakfast Club. What am I saying that is neither true nor easy to understand? REJECTING RACE = LIGHT VERSION OF RACIALISM...HOW? Are you that fucking stupid you need a black scholarship? NOT DECLARING JEWS THE ENEMY BUT ACTUALLY TAKING MONEY FROM THEM TO PROMOTE LIES IS NOT ANTI-WHITE HOW?? Do you even realize that jews operate by front groups? Do you not see that as National Review and the rest were mocked into oblivion by righteous contempt a new generation of Shekelberg's simp-foolers has been summoned into existence, as if by magic. CALL THINGS WHAT THEY ARE. The 'Alt-Lite' is the ALT-MOTHERFUCKING-SAME-OLD-SCAM. Ooh wow. The man stuck a dildo up his ass on camera. That changes everything.
Russia and Trump
All the claims amount to a ball of boring, paranoid jewish lying. This neverending cavalcade of jewcrap is exactly why politics and news in general are inherently boring. It's just jewish lies. There's no substance. Once you get "the trick," (i.e., you grasp that jews simply reverse reality -- and once you grasp their agenda (always anti-White). there isn't anything left to grasp. It's a matter of how to oppose it. When you research the history of the jews and their behavior across time, and the weak, wrong catholic/christian response to them that guarantees whites will always succumb and lose to them, you eventually come to the correct conclusion: only counter-exterminating them as a mass, just like the collective mad dogs they are, as reflected in that Russia story, will get the job done. Whites aren't willing to think that unthinkable (yet) because they've been brainwashed by christ-lunacy to think that turning off their sense organs is higher morality. Sunday School and jewish Monday School have tag teamed to turn them into unseeing dolts who parrot whatever they're told. White liberation begins in the head: seeing what jews are doing to us, understanding how we'd b wise to treat them; figuing out how to organize and do it.
Trump's Win
Has given a lot of people ideas, from jew Zuckerberg to, now, Kid Rock. And why not? Most politicians are lawyers. It's practically the defining feature of changed America, this excess of lawyers. Shows the new mentality. In my generation, practically anyone of serious brains who wasn't into science became a lawyer. That's not a good thing. At best lawyers protect things, but all too often they mainly try to steal things.
US Government Actual Departments
Endless Wars
Funny Money
Putting Land Off Limits
The Jewing of Lakewood
Jews simply ignore goy-law. It's always been this way. Keep it in mind when they whine about immigration and such - they never followed the laws they accused of being biased against them. Jews are always willing to cheat and lie to advance their own. Just as they are always willing to steal from goyim (you). In fact, it's mandatory, according to their Talmud. Judaism, as Yeager says, is not a religion, it's a composite fruit of dozens of ongoing criminal conspiracies.
Conor McGregor is Like Adolf Hitler
Hitler is not really remarkable to look at. He's not huge or muscular, and while attractive enough, not a matinee idol. So what is the there there? It's will. Conor McGregor has it too. Of course he has physical gifts in his line, as Hitler had gifts in his (oratory and leadership) but perhaps most significantly he had the will to see, to feel, what he could become, and the will to make that feeling into reality. So yes, there is a chance he can beat Mayweather. The left keeps clucking how he hasn't a chance in hell, but that's ideology talking more than genuine analysis. It has the feeling of spitting in the wind to me. They don't sound like they actually believe it themselves, they're just doing their usual asserting opp-reality and madly looking around at each other for nod-confirmations. If this were any other form of fighting, Mayweather would be taken out in round one, most likely. Mayweather has much more on the line, is an old guy and retired for two years, and he has to be very, very careful. That's how I see it. I would not bet on either side. The good odds on McGregor are already gone (because the public prefers to bet a little to win a lot, rather than let someone hold its money for a hour and get it back with dozens of times more interest than any bank will pay you [ie, bet the favorite]). They said a lot of shit about the greatness of MMA's Aldo before he lost to McGregor in basically the time it took him to get within punching distance. Of course McGregor can beat Mayweather. Odds are the spritey nig can dance around and outpoint the non-boxer fighter, but if McGregor can corral the shrimpy coon, he can certainly punch through his cajun drywall. McGregor is someone who, for all his 'narcissism,' pays extremely close attention to the man he's fighting. (Very similar to Donald Trump in this regard.) In the case of Aldo, McGregor stated exactly what he was going to do, and did it. Very rare, that. I personally lean McGregor because I think the black is going to feel the pressure not to run, and this will lead him to mix it up a little more than he might, and this might cause a knockout. I would certainly not bet Mayweather because if he were to lose, he could almost certainly make the same amount again in a rematch, whereas I don't think that would be the case if McGregor lost. To me, as a pure fight-for-money, it makes more sense for Mayweather than McGregor. Mayweather has continual tax problems. It's an interesting topic for analysis; there are very many ways to look at it - it's good for instructing someone on how to think. Which is: think like a jew. They're on top, in part, because they look at things from all angles. It's goyish naivete to look at things only as they are supposed to be (i.e., by the rules). I would not at all be surprised if McGregor knocked out Mayweather. He certainly believes in himself, all his background shows this, if you read up on him. He truly is a self-made man, very similar to Hitler. He did it by his will. Everyone has talents, but not everyone has will. It's easy to say will is a talent too, but will can certainly be developed by exercising it, and that's the parallel between these otherwise dissimilar cases. What I really believe will happen is either Mayweather cracks and gets busted in short order, knocked out. Or he does his usual dancing and jabbing, outpoints McGregor, who is forced to walk the line of illegality to corral him into the punching zone. That would be a very dirty, messy fight. I can see McGregor, who is very used to using his legs, finding it irresistible to lift his knees to slow down Mayweather's escapes. He'll also use his arms a lot and even his head.
Verbal War: Word Febreeze to Perfume Coontown
From a Gab poster: I hypothesized years ago that any older neighborhood containing the words "terrace", "gardens", or "heights" was ghetto. I excluded ones in newer communities like my current one. However, thanks to HUD, the neighborhoods like that here are now the source of the shootings, stabbings, and assaults
Thought: Your speech is violence (or hate); their violence is speech. Link.
Roundup: Remember kids, when you're buying or selling illegal drugs, it's important to be polite and keep up your end of the bargain. Otherwise a kinky-haired Nardo might turn your head into a bowling ball. And bury your pins under twelve feet God's own Pennsylvania loam. Trump removes fed control of K-12. That's a real mitzvah. Historically education was a local thing. That changed under LBJ. For the usual reason: let's have only Washington, D.C., make decisions about everything for everybody. That's what centralization means. That's why centralization is always popular with pinheads and people pushing an anti-majority or anti-normal agenda (same thing). Christians are the type of people who yawp about #Gawd #Faith n #Family and then they stand by sucking their thumbs when Important Jews tell them they aren't allowed to have their christian ideals in schools. Something found nowhere in the constitution. Of course, neither is gunpoint-tax-enforced public education. Strange that our braniest generation arose when public school system didn't exist. Private tutors is the older way, and the better way. If people want to learn, nothing in the world can stop them, especially with the Internet. If people don't want to learn, forcing them to attend school won't make them. But that's what public school is: forcing competent people to subsidize double-titted nitwits (public school teachers). The dumbest parrots on two wheels. Trump's move might kill Common Core; it's also pro-white, because white men dont need central government to wipe their ass or tell them what to teach their children. And if they do, they're just white niggerspinach, and to hell with them. Something is going on in Australia. Sobran on Islam. We are viewing the prime-time murder of Germany, unless some unseen force rises up to change things. Tucker and kike Boot, another useless warmonger, like the shabbos goy Peters, a jew turd-eater sans pareil. Vox Day on Clooney and the different way the very rich think. Video of (((Weinstein))) getting the white male treatment at Evergreen. Meanwhile, back in God's Country (Penn.), rich diversity, specifically alt-Romanians, is fertilizing a small town to no thanks from the hate-filled yokels who haven't been backhoed to double-dog-dig depth by DiNardo. Alt-same based coon (proud boi) threatens Unite the Right rally.
Unite The Right Isn't What's Needed
What's needed is Unite the White - but only around the right principles: pro-white, anti-jew. If it's about identity, if it's about race, why is the rally focused on some political position? Whites don't agree on politics, or economics. The White cause is for those who value race as the basis of a new nation. So there is no unity except for a brief time and place. Big tentism doesn't work. It's not "our" job to appeal to people but to figure out what we want, declare for it openly, and let people come to us who want it too. What will win the vast majority of people to the white-racial cause is seeing that it will back its words with actions. Brave leadership fronting for white racial defense and sexual normality. Whether this comes from a Hitler, Franco, whatever - the average white person won't care.
"Alt-Lite" is Dangerously Confused Misnomer
It should be called what it is: Alt-Same. Same old anti-racial (hence anti-white) professional (cuck 'n' jive) conservatism by jews (Rebel [read: Rebbe] Media) for whiteskins (suckers). It's not a lite version of the real thing, it's directly opposed to the real thing. IT SAYS THIS PUBLICLY. Christ, the alt-same is MORE principled than the alt-right! How pathetically ironically sad is that? What's new and needed in American politics is something overtly pro-white. That excludes jews and identifies them as the enemy. Not Washington Generals 2.0. Christ...why do you people continually make me feel like a cross-combo between Mr. Hand in Fast Times and the principal in Breakfast Club. What am I saying that is neither true nor easy to understand? REJECTING RACE = LIGHT VERSION OF RACIALISM...HOW? Are you that fucking stupid you need a black scholarship? NOT DECLARING JEWS THE ENEMY BUT ACTUALLY TAKING MONEY FROM THEM TO PROMOTE LIES IS NOT ANTI-WHITE HOW?? Do you even realize that jews operate by front groups? Do you not see that as National Review and the rest were mocked into oblivion by righteous contempt a new generation of Shekelberg's simp-foolers has been summoned into existence, as if by magic. CALL THINGS WHAT THEY ARE. The 'Alt-Lite' is the ALT-MOTHERFUCKING-SAME-OLD-SCAM. Ooh wow. The man stuck a dildo up his ass on camera. That changes everything.
Russia and Trump
All the claims amount to a ball of boring, paranoid jewish lying. This neverending cavalcade of jewcrap is exactly why politics and news in general are inherently boring. It's just jewish lies. There's no substance. Once you get "the trick," (i.e., you grasp that jews simply reverse reality -- and once you grasp their agenda (always anti-White). there isn't anything left to grasp. It's a matter of how to oppose it. When you research the history of the jews and their behavior across time, and the weak, wrong catholic/christian response to them that guarantees whites will always succumb and lose to them, you eventually come to the correct conclusion: only counter-exterminating them as a mass, just like the collective mad dogs they are, as reflected in that Russia story, will get the job done. Whites aren't willing to think that unthinkable (yet) because they've been brainwashed by christ-lunacy to think that turning off their sense organs is higher morality. Sunday School and jewish Monday School have tag teamed to turn them into unseeing dolts who parrot whatever they're told. White liberation begins in the head: seeing what jews are doing to us, understanding how we'd b wise to treat them; figuing out how to organize and do it.
Trump's Win
Has given a lot of people ideas, from jew Zuckerberg to, now, Kid Rock. And why not? Most politicians are lawyers. It's practically the defining feature of changed America, this excess of lawyers. Shows the new mentality. In my generation, practically anyone of serious brains who wasn't into science became a lawyer. That's not a good thing. At best lawyers protect things, but all too often they mainly try to steal things.
US Government Actual Departments
Endless Wars
Funny Money
Putting Land Off Limits
The Jewing of Lakewood
Jews simply ignore goy-law. It's always been this way. Keep it in mind when they whine about immigration and such - they never followed the laws they accused of being biased against them. Jews are always willing to cheat and lie to advance their own. Just as they are always willing to steal from goyim (you). In fact, it's mandatory, according to their Talmud. Judaism, as Yeager says, is not a religion, it's a composite fruit of dozens of ongoing criminal conspiracies.
Conor McGregor is Like Adolf Hitler
Hitler is not really remarkable to look at. He's not huge or muscular, and while attractive enough, not a matinee idol. So what is the there there? It's will. Conor McGregor has it too. Of course he has physical gifts in his line, as Hitler had gifts in his (oratory and leadership) but perhaps most significantly he had the will to see, to feel, what he could become, and the will to make that feeling into reality. So yes, there is a chance he can beat Mayweather. The left keeps clucking how he hasn't a chance in hell, but that's ideology talking more than genuine analysis. It has the feeling of spitting in the wind to me. They don't sound like they actually believe it themselves, they're just doing their usual asserting opp-reality and madly looking around at each other for nod-confirmations. If this were any other form of fighting, Mayweather would be taken out in round one, most likely. Mayweather has much more on the line, is an old guy and retired for two years, and he has to be very, very careful. That's how I see it. I would not bet on either side. The good odds on McGregor are already gone (because the public prefers to bet a little to win a lot, rather than let someone hold its money for a hour and get it back with dozens of times more interest than any bank will pay you [ie, bet the favorite]). They said a lot of shit about the greatness of MMA's Aldo before he lost to McGregor in basically the time it took him to get within punching distance. Of course McGregor can beat Mayweather. Odds are the spritey nig can dance around and outpoint the non-boxer fighter, but if McGregor can corral the shrimpy coon, he can certainly punch through his cajun drywall. McGregor is someone who, for all his 'narcissism,' pays extremely close attention to the man he's fighting. (Very similar to Donald Trump in this regard.) In the case of Aldo, McGregor stated exactly what he was going to do, and did it. Very rare, that. I personally lean McGregor because I think the black is going to feel the pressure not to run, and this will lead him to mix it up a little more than he might, and this might cause a knockout. I would certainly not bet Mayweather because if he were to lose, he could almost certainly make the same amount again in a rematch, whereas I don't think that would be the case if McGregor lost. To me, as a pure fight-for-money, it makes more sense for Mayweather than McGregor. Mayweather has continual tax problems. It's an interesting topic for analysis; there are very many ways to look at it - it's good for instructing someone on how to think. Which is: think like a jew. They're on top, in part, because they look at things from all angles. It's goyish naivete to look at things only as they are supposed to be (i.e., by the rules). I would not at all be surprised if McGregor knocked out Mayweather. He certainly believes in himself, all his background shows this, if you read up on him. He truly is a self-made man, very similar to Hitler. He did it by his will. Everyone has talents, but not everyone has will. It's easy to say will is a talent too, but will can certainly be developed by exercising it, and that's the parallel between these otherwise dissimilar cases. What I really believe will happen is either Mayweather cracks and gets busted in short order, knocked out. Or he does his usual dancing and jabbing, outpoints McGregor, who is forced to walk the line of illegality to corral him into the punching zone. That would be a very dirty, messy fight. I can see McGregor, who is very used to using his legs, finding it irresistible to lift his knees to slow down Mayweather's escapes. He'll also use his arms a lot and even his head.
Verbal War: Word Febreeze to Perfume Coontown
From a Gab poster: I hypothesized years ago that any older neighborhood containing the words "terrace", "gardens", or "heights" was ghetto. I excluded ones in newer communities like my current one. However, thanks to HUD, the neighborhoods like that here are now the source of the shootings, stabbings, and assaults
Friday, July 14, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-14
14 July 2017
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville, Va.
Roundup: Attempting to redefine West as what we have now, anti-White jewism. The west is disappearing because it doesn't believe, it lacks confidence, etc. Maybe it's just being murdered. When you define all opposition to yourself as extreme and uncivilized, it makes it hard to understand. All criticism of alt-right reads the same because -- just as it was for decades with white nationalist criticism -- the reviewer/critic is unwilling to seriously consider his own assumptions. This type of review has the form of intellectualism but not the content. Try it. I dare you. Why do whites, normal white people, have any political interest in forced association with jews and other non-whites? Try to answer that question. Here on CounterFund. Dickinson explained that he sees CounterFund as the linchpin of a parallel far-right economy. The alt-right movement shouldn't fund or depend on platforms that are hostile to their goals, he believes. CounterFund's website sports endorsements from Richard Spencer, the suit-wearing white supremacist who went viral after being punched in the face, and comedian Sam Hyde, whose divisive show Million Dollar Extreme was kicked off the air by Adult Swim. Dickinson is pitching CounterFund itself as a new kind of political party, one that cares for its community rather than pouring money into candidates' campaigns. It's hard to overstate the degree to which he's willing to take this project beyond mainstream acceptability. Dickinson compared CounterFund to Hezbollah: "Hezbollah is a government within a government. They collect garbage, they operate hospitals, they're an economy within an economy, and a government within a government."
Ron Paul says: The real unemployment rate is at least 50 percent higher than the manipulated “official” rate. Jewing the economy. Promoting violence against Whites. Tucker Carlson with Max Boot, jew. Joshua Bonehill languishes in prison for posting a cartoon on the Internet. You've probably heard the Proud Boys talk about it, them being defenders of free speech and all. NOT apologizing is WHITE. THINKING BEFORE YOU SPEAK is WHITE. Saying shit offhand then retracting it with grovels is conservative. Brave new world ushered in by jew pornographers, results in wrecked anuses of young girls, since jews heavily promote anal sex within their heavy promotion of pornography. The simplest solution to this problem is what I've been recommending for years: KILL ALL JEWS. There really isn't another way. Christianity is simply too weak to cope with judaism. That's obvious. Only an angry racial cause can defeat it, and that's why the jews, who do have most power in the west, tolerate christianity while execrating Nazism.
See, The Thing About Moslemism
...is that jihad is mainstream in it. Except that implies it could be, from some event, sidelined or extremized. Not so. Jihad is a tenet of Islam. There might be slightly varying interpretations of it, but that's all they are - slightly varying. No one in Islam denies that holy war against the infidel is the heart and soul of the religion. Therefore muslimism is incompatible with...any group that doesn't want to be muslim. This is ignored by diversity promoters. Their ideology makes less sense than Islam. Either differences in beliefs and behavior among human groups are trivial (in which case why celebrate them or pretend they form the basis of society) or they are substantial, in which case bloody conflict is unavoidable. Multiculturalism is intellectually incoherent, and the jews who created it know this. It's put out to fool the ones who don't think, which certainly includes most whiteskins / public-school victims.
Parade of Lies
America is a horrible place where a jew can't rape and strangle a 13-year-old white girl without someone getting upset about it. Thank god somebody wrote a gorgeous play vindicating the truth.
Holidays - What They Mean to Leftists
Thanksgiving is about hating your relatives.
Christmas is about eating Chinese food and going to movies.
Halloween is about dressing up as your sex-deviant of choice and getting drunk.
Easter is called Passover, it's about celebrating the murder of non-jew babies.
On Crampus
Diversity scam pays well. Although the average salary for a diversity officer was approximately $175,000, at 15 universities the position offers remuneration in excess of $200,000, while in two cases the salary tops $300,000 per annum.
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville, Va.
Roundup: Attempting to redefine West as what we have now, anti-White jewism. The west is disappearing because it doesn't believe, it lacks confidence, etc. Maybe it's just being murdered. When you define all opposition to yourself as extreme and uncivilized, it makes it hard to understand. All criticism of alt-right reads the same because -- just as it was for decades with white nationalist criticism -- the reviewer/critic is unwilling to seriously consider his own assumptions. This type of review has the form of intellectualism but not the content. Try it. I dare you. Why do whites, normal white people, have any political interest in forced association with jews and other non-whites? Try to answer that question. Here on CounterFund. Dickinson explained that he sees CounterFund as the linchpin of a parallel far-right economy. The alt-right movement shouldn't fund or depend on platforms that are hostile to their goals, he believes. CounterFund's website sports endorsements from Richard Spencer, the suit-wearing white supremacist who went viral after being punched in the face, and comedian Sam Hyde, whose divisive show Million Dollar Extreme was kicked off the air by Adult Swim. Dickinson is pitching CounterFund itself as a new kind of political party, one that cares for its community rather than pouring money into candidates' campaigns. It's hard to overstate the degree to which he's willing to take this project beyond mainstream acceptability. Dickinson compared CounterFund to Hezbollah: "Hezbollah is a government within a government. They collect garbage, they operate hospitals, they're an economy within an economy, and a government within a government."
Ron Paul says: The real unemployment rate is at least 50 percent higher than the manipulated “official” rate. Jewing the economy. Promoting violence against Whites. Tucker Carlson with Max Boot, jew. Joshua Bonehill languishes in prison for posting a cartoon on the Internet. You've probably heard the Proud Boys talk about it, them being defenders of free speech and all. NOT apologizing is WHITE. THINKING BEFORE YOU SPEAK is WHITE. Saying shit offhand then retracting it with grovels is conservative. Brave new world ushered in by jew pornographers, results in wrecked anuses of young girls, since jews heavily promote anal sex within their heavy promotion of pornography. The simplest solution to this problem is what I've been recommending for years: KILL ALL JEWS. There really isn't another way. Christianity is simply too weak to cope with judaism. That's obvious. Only an angry racial cause can defeat it, and that's why the jews, who do have most power in the west, tolerate christianity while execrating Nazism.
See, The Thing About Moslemism
...is that jihad is mainstream in it. Except that implies it could be, from some event, sidelined or extremized. Not so. Jihad is a tenet of Islam. There might be slightly varying interpretations of it, but that's all they are - slightly varying. No one in Islam denies that holy war against the infidel is the heart and soul of the religion. Therefore muslimism is incompatible with...any group that doesn't want to be muslim. This is ignored by diversity promoters. Their ideology makes less sense than Islam. Either differences in beliefs and behavior among human groups are trivial (in which case why celebrate them or pretend they form the basis of society) or they are substantial, in which case bloody conflict is unavoidable. Multiculturalism is intellectually incoherent, and the jews who created it know this. It's put out to fool the ones who don't think, which certainly includes most whiteskins / public-school victims.
Parade of Lies
America is a horrible place where a jew can't rape and strangle a 13-year-old white girl without someone getting upset about it. Thank god somebody wrote a gorgeous play vindicating the truth.
Holidays - What They Mean to Leftists
Thanksgiving is about hating your relatives.
Christmas is about eating Chinese food and going to movies.
Halloween is about dressing up as your sex-deviant of choice and getting drunk.
Easter is called Passover, it's about celebrating the murder of non-jew babies.
On Crampus
Diversity scam pays well. Although the average salary for a diversity officer was approximately $175,000, at 15 universities the position offers remuneration in excess of $200,000, while in two cases the salary tops $300,000 per annum.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-12
12 July 2017
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville, Virginia. Why Unite the Right instead of Unite the White? A goup made up xtians, ptards and racialists will fracture on those lines. Group must pro-white/anti-jew, neither negotiable, both public. Otherwise it will go the way of conservatardism.
Truth: Whites retain an immense amount of energy waiting to expend in something actually useful. But it must be overtly racial and overtly anti-jew or the white man knows it will be for nothing. It will either be coopted or sidetracked. The age of euphemisms, codes and proxies must end. We are #TeamWhite. Our enemy is #TeamJew.
Roundup: Sex robots are here and making money for their owners. Anti-White billboard in Saskatoon. We'll have a movement when people start setting fire to crap like this. Daily Stormer moves increasingly toward 100% ironic articles, which is a natural evolution of laying out the incredible, anti-white stupidity year after year. Time for a White Liberation Army. PCR on Russia. Why doesn't Trump fire the streetshitter for publicly contradicting him re Putin? Jews have to be destroyed, and the first step is to treat them as a class. National Review on Nagle's book on alt-right. Nagle quotes Marxist critic Mark Fischer’s observation that the online Left is “driven by a priest’s desire to excommunicate and condemn, an academic-pedant’s desire to be the first to be seen to spot a mistake, and a hipster’s desire to be one of the in-crowd.” Forward calls jewess Loomer alt-right. Mike Peinovich divested himself of his jew wife, and he apparently checks out on the Geige counter. Weev was right about Etherium, tanking. Meanwhile gold dipped near 1200 and silver back down to 15. BitCoin around 2400. Here on Hungary, Orban and (((Soros))).
Riots by the bored and the clueless. What we see in Germany, among the non jews, is a stick-up-the-ass people/culture that has been been brainwashed for decades that it must obey the delusion - and has tried to do so, to the best of its very high abilities. That this leads to manifest insanities and absurdities - those are not things that Germans culture so easily recognizes. Europe simply has to have a racial army start fighting back, there's no point in pretending this can be done legally - not, at least, until the army is built and proven effective.
Media Front
Politics > profits. Jew organs will go out of business rather than cease publishing anti-White propaganda. This is true in movies, newspapers and comic books. Jewsmedia organs discriminate against whites. Every time you hear the (((media))) complain about old white men in the media, investigate how many of those shown are actually jews. It will always be most.
On Crampus
Standards are racist because niggers can meet them. You can have standards (civilization) or niggers. Not both. It's always people who are literally part of the System telling us how institutionally racist the System is. Words lose all meaning in mouths of leftists, it's why they're neither credible nor interesting. I mean if, like me, you've watched and dealt with them for four decades. They're simply liars (jews) and fools (whiteskins) and retards (niggers etc.). Where they can control anything, they're totalitarian. In the end, there's nothing to do but stomp them into the dirt.
Niger Beat
Withhold video because people might get the wrong idea about niggers. It how BART do. The reaction is the problem, you see, not the rhesus action. To the state, your safety doesn't matter. Your attitude toward niggers does.
Acting like an adult is anti-semitic.
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville, Virginia. Why Unite the Right instead of Unite the White? A goup made up xtians, ptards and racialists will fracture on those lines. Group must pro-white/anti-jew, neither negotiable, both public. Otherwise it will go the way of conservatardism.
Truth: Whites retain an immense amount of energy waiting to expend in something actually useful. But it must be overtly racial and overtly anti-jew or the white man knows it will be for nothing. It will either be coopted or sidetracked. The age of euphemisms, codes and proxies must end. We are #TeamWhite. Our enemy is #TeamJew.
Roundup: Sex robots are here and making money for their owners. Anti-White billboard in Saskatoon. We'll have a movement when people start setting fire to crap like this. Daily Stormer moves increasingly toward 100% ironic articles, which is a natural evolution of laying out the incredible, anti-white stupidity year after year. Time for a White Liberation Army. PCR on Russia. Why doesn't Trump fire the streetshitter for publicly contradicting him re Putin? Jews have to be destroyed, and the first step is to treat them as a class. National Review on Nagle's book on alt-right. Nagle quotes Marxist critic Mark Fischer’s observation that the online Left is “driven by a priest’s desire to excommunicate and condemn, an academic-pedant’s desire to be the first to be seen to spot a mistake, and a hipster’s desire to be one of the in-crowd.” Forward calls jewess Loomer alt-right. Mike Peinovich divested himself of his jew wife, and he apparently checks out on the Geige counter. Weev was right about Etherium, tanking. Meanwhile gold dipped near 1200 and silver back down to 15. BitCoin around 2400. Here on Hungary, Orban and (((Soros))).
Riots by the bored and the clueless. What we see in Germany, among the non jews, is a stick-up-the-ass people/culture that has been been brainwashed for decades that it must obey the delusion - and has tried to do so, to the best of its very high abilities. That this leads to manifest insanities and absurdities - those are not things that Germans culture so easily recognizes. Europe simply has to have a racial army start fighting back, there's no point in pretending this can be done legally - not, at least, until the army is built and proven effective.
Media Front
Politics > profits. Jew organs will go out of business rather than cease publishing anti-White propaganda. This is true in movies, newspapers and comic books. Jewsmedia organs discriminate against whites. Every time you hear the (((media))) complain about old white men in the media, investigate how many of those shown are actually jews. It will always be most.
On Crampus
Standards are racist because niggers can meet them. You can have standards (civilization) or niggers. Not both. It's always people who are literally part of the System telling us how institutionally racist the System is. Words lose all meaning in mouths of leftists, it's why they're neither credible nor interesting. I mean if, like me, you've watched and dealt with them for four decades. They're simply liars (jews) and fools (whiteskins) and retards (niggers etc.). Where they can control anything, they're totalitarian. In the end, there's nothing to do but stomp them into the dirt.
Niger Beat
Withhold video because people might get the wrong idea about niggers. It how BART do. The reaction is the problem, you see, not the rhesus action. To the state, your safety doesn't matter. Your attitude toward niggers does.
Acting like an adult is anti-semitic.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-11
11 July 2017
Action: 12 August Charlottesville. The big one.
Investments: Gab taking investments now.
Roundup: Feds use bad behavior of Chicago niggers to curtail your white rights. Here jewstream media on neoreaction. Bannon called Megyn Kelly "pure evil." Nah, too weak. Just a scrote-cunt. "Every single day we're seeing a black person murdered by a white devil caucasoid." Anti-swirl nigress says avoid the noyd coons, no swirling. Blacks use 'coon' as an apeithet. It's not the easiest to define. It has element of uncle tom, but also an element of simple manners, as we whites see it. But again, we must not project our mindset onto these animals for they don't think like our species. To them, the way Bakari acted (obnoxious, grabby, insulty) that's just nigger normal. So they never draw the lesson a white man would: quit acting obnoxious, control yourself. To them, NIGGER IS NORMAL. NORMAL NIGGER BEHAVIOR (as we see it) is just NORMAL BEHAVIOR to them. They seriously dont see anything wrong with him grabbing all the white women, cursing them for not responding and getting violent toward security after not stopping when asked to stop. Blacks simply cannot conceive of themselves as behaving offensively in the eyes of others. Even though all they do is take offense, as they've been trained, when whites try to treat them like humans or hold them to standards. "They didnt lay a hand on his caucazoid friends." And the nigger relates this to race rather than behavior. They truly don't see it. Or pretend they don't. The guy's own friends (white) told him to quit behaving obxnoxously. In this dumb nigger bitch's eyes, the white female caucazoid led the nigger to its demise...by being hit on obnoxiously by the nigger and rejected. This is what makes the third world the third world: they can't perceive reality. Need more time in the evolution oven, mon.
Media Front
Trying to form a financial cartel with Congress' approval, to go along with their opinion cartel. If we actually had a free press they'd simply go out of business (and you could read more than one POV on tv or newsstand).
Nazis: Two Female Test Pilots
We've heard of Hanna Reitsch, but there was also La von Stauffenberg. 3rd edition, revised and expanded, debunking of the holocaust nonsense, by Germar Rudolf. Why not just call the book The Holohoax instead of some name no one can remember?
Niger Beat
This is why #HeroDylannRoof is a hero. Every time a white man kills a nigger, God gives an angel a watermelon. They're all criminals or criminal factories or criminal support systems or doting criminal grandmas and grandpas. There are no good niggers. Here's an example, a racially motivated gang rape, by niggers, in Clermont, Florida. Victim: white woman. You remember that nigger who got killed in Greece recently. Plenty of pictures of him with white girls in college, and white simps on camera wet-eyed about the coon's demise. Now, anyone reading this should know how to read this type of story. There is more than 90% chance this nigger initiated some kind of problem that led to his getting his ass beat. And you also know the media will do its damnedest to cover that up. So let's see. I have seen it claimed on Gab the coon punched a white woman in the bar, which led to his beating. I don't have a link to a story on that. The controlled media continue to use the passive voice. A fight just happened. Just broke out for no reason. You know how they roll. But the truth will come out in time, it always does. And when it does, it confirms our views 99% of the time. After all, we didn't form our views until we'd seen some things, man. We're not the left, pressing our ideology on reality till it goes away. ... Niggers bear God's image. They reflect qualities of Him. Valuable ones. Really, of inestimable worth, according to the assay experts within the catholic church, if you can pry them off their children long enough to run tests. Here is some rolling stock of God's Own brand special dark hominid punching a white man. Unlike God, the knockout game does not exist. Keep that in mind. ... "Bakari" Henderson. Do you suppose that nigger's parent was trying to name him after Captain Morgan? Ah, so the rapee was a mudshark: The victim says she thought the men were her friends and was hanging out with them late at night on June 22nd. Whites just seem to naturally anthropomorphize niggers, particularly naive white women, and of course this is reinforced by 'public education.' What they need to understand, if only the hard way, is that niggers don't think like whites because they're a different species. Well, I'm mixing these stories up but no matter. The truth is right here in our forum. Bakari was nigging all over white girls at the bar, who rejected him. Rejecting 'a black man' is racism, so he got righteously violent. Then he got his ass beat, and, as sometimes happens in these things, one party got knocked down and cracked his noggin. In this case, it was the uppity coon. Oh what a tragic loss. A real Greek tragedy. Bakari was a nigger acting like a nigger and got, for once, the deserved response. We'll miss you, McCoon! Enjoy your undergound nig-digs! Maybe in 10,000,000 years a scientist will excavate you as a coony coprolite. Here on nigger violence in New Orleans. Here a white tutors a black, the black refuses to pay, called the coon a nigger, the nigger murders him, the jew refuses to prosecute the nigger murderer. Calling someone a nigger is worse than murder, under the current de facto laws of the United States. Whites aren't second-class citizens, they have no rights at all. They're slaves.What this means is that every nigger suspect will claim it was called a nigger to justify its actions. Of course, many niggers already do that, this will just make it commoner. More here. It's a general problem: the jewsmedia, by sympathetic coverage of outrageous black behavior increase the crime rate.
Jews Lie Always
Reading this book, it's a cartoon history of the world. By Larry Gonick. I haven't looked him up but I'm sure he's a jew. It's something from the '70s or '80s. I expected it to be full of lies, like everything else jews write, and sure enough it is. In the first 150 pages are the lies: 1) women invented agriculture; 2) Egytians were blacks (Hittites were barbarians); one figure remarks how unthinkable it is that whites rule over blacks; 3) says the Aryans destroyed ancient Indian civilization. Just a side remark, the book hasn't got into Indian history yet. Jews know very well that the Egyptians who created the stuff that still strikes us today were not Nubians. They know that. They deliberately lie about it - as they do about everything else. All their lies follow a pattern to make a point: to diminish white achievements and denigrate the white race. And exalt the jews as some kind of noble, civilization-founding people. But that part is yet to come.
It was not a mistake, it just wasn't much. It was a symbolic victory that in practice means nothing unless followed up with 1000 other decisions, mostly reversals. Blaming it for killing British nationalism -- there never was much of that in the first place, and it was civic not racial. Because it's literally illegal to say what needs to be said in the UK, at least directly. So, Britons are reduced to slaves of jews and the muslims they let in to destroy British culture. So quit worrying about politics, it's just war-lite. Time to get to killing the people who took over the island. #HeroThomasMair.
On Crampus
Mizzou becomes Mizzoo when niggers rioted in recent years, and now the school is paying the price in dropping enrollment.
Action: 12 August Charlottesville. The big one.
Investments: Gab taking investments now.
Roundup: Feds use bad behavior of Chicago niggers to curtail your white rights. Here jewstream media on neoreaction. Bannon called Megyn Kelly "pure evil." Nah, too weak. Just a scrote-cunt. "Every single day we're seeing a black person murdered by a white devil caucasoid." Anti-swirl nigress says avoid the noyd coons, no swirling. Blacks use 'coon' as an apeithet. It's not the easiest to define. It has element of uncle tom, but also an element of simple manners, as we whites see it. But again, we must not project our mindset onto these animals for they don't think like our species. To them, the way Bakari acted (obnoxious, grabby, insulty) that's just nigger normal. So they never draw the lesson a white man would: quit acting obnoxious, control yourself. To them, NIGGER IS NORMAL. NORMAL NIGGER BEHAVIOR (as we see it) is just NORMAL BEHAVIOR to them. They seriously dont see anything wrong with him grabbing all the white women, cursing them for not responding and getting violent toward security after not stopping when asked to stop. Blacks simply cannot conceive of themselves as behaving offensively in the eyes of others. Even though all they do is take offense, as they've been trained, when whites try to treat them like humans or hold them to standards. "They didnt lay a hand on his caucazoid friends." And the nigger relates this to race rather than behavior. They truly don't see it. Or pretend they don't. The guy's own friends (white) told him to quit behaving obxnoxously. In this dumb nigger bitch's eyes, the white female caucazoid led the nigger to its demise...by being hit on obnoxiously by the nigger and rejected. This is what makes the third world the third world: they can't perceive reality. Need more time in the evolution oven, mon.
Media Front
Trying to form a financial cartel with Congress' approval, to go along with their opinion cartel. If we actually had a free press they'd simply go out of business (and you could read more than one POV on tv or newsstand).
Nazis: Two Female Test Pilots
We've heard of Hanna Reitsch, but there was also La von Stauffenberg. 3rd edition, revised and expanded, debunking of the holocaust nonsense, by Germar Rudolf. Why not just call the book The Holohoax instead of some name no one can remember?
Niger Beat
This is why #HeroDylannRoof is a hero. Every time a white man kills a nigger, God gives an angel a watermelon. They're all criminals or criminal factories or criminal support systems or doting criminal grandmas and grandpas. There are no good niggers. Here's an example, a racially motivated gang rape, by niggers, in Clermont, Florida. Victim: white woman. You remember that nigger who got killed in Greece recently. Plenty of pictures of him with white girls in college, and white simps on camera wet-eyed about the coon's demise. Now, anyone reading this should know how to read this type of story. There is more than 90% chance this nigger initiated some kind of problem that led to his getting his ass beat. And you also know the media will do its damnedest to cover that up. So let's see. I have seen it claimed on Gab the coon punched a white woman in the bar, which led to his beating. I don't have a link to a story on that. The controlled media continue to use the passive voice. A fight just happened. Just broke out for no reason. You know how they roll. But the truth will come out in time, it always does. And when it does, it confirms our views 99% of the time. After all, we didn't form our views until we'd seen some things, man. We're not the left, pressing our ideology on reality till it goes away. ... Niggers bear God's image. They reflect qualities of Him. Valuable ones. Really, of inestimable worth, according to the assay experts within the catholic church, if you can pry them off their children long enough to run tests. Here is some rolling stock of God's Own brand special dark hominid punching a white man. Unlike God, the knockout game does not exist. Keep that in mind. ... "Bakari" Henderson. Do you suppose that nigger's parent was trying to name him after Captain Morgan? Ah, so the rapee was a mudshark: The victim says she thought the men were her friends and was hanging out with them late at night on June 22nd. Whites just seem to naturally anthropomorphize niggers, particularly naive white women, and of course this is reinforced by 'public education.' What they need to understand, if only the hard way, is that niggers don't think like whites because they're a different species. Well, I'm mixing these stories up but no matter. The truth is right here in our forum. Bakari was nigging all over white girls at the bar, who rejected him. Rejecting 'a black man' is racism, so he got righteously violent. Then he got his ass beat, and, as sometimes happens in these things, one party got knocked down and cracked his noggin. In this case, it was the uppity coon. Oh what a tragic loss. A real Greek tragedy. Bakari was a nigger acting like a nigger and got, for once, the deserved response. We'll miss you, McCoon! Enjoy your undergound nig-digs! Maybe in 10,000,000 years a scientist will excavate you as a coony coprolite. Here on nigger violence in New Orleans. Here a white tutors a black, the black refuses to pay, called the coon a nigger, the nigger murders him, the jew refuses to prosecute the nigger murderer. Calling someone a nigger is worse than murder, under the current de facto laws of the United States. Whites aren't second-class citizens, they have no rights at all. They're slaves.What this means is that every nigger suspect will claim it was called a nigger to justify its actions. Of course, many niggers already do that, this will just make it commoner. More here. It's a general problem: the jewsmedia, by sympathetic coverage of outrageous black behavior increase the crime rate.
Jews Lie Always
Reading this book, it's a cartoon history of the world. By Larry Gonick. I haven't looked him up but I'm sure he's a jew. It's something from the '70s or '80s. I expected it to be full of lies, like everything else jews write, and sure enough it is. In the first 150 pages are the lies: 1) women invented agriculture; 2) Egytians were blacks (Hittites were barbarians); one figure remarks how unthinkable it is that whites rule over blacks; 3) says the Aryans destroyed ancient Indian civilization. Just a side remark, the book hasn't got into Indian history yet. Jews know very well that the Egyptians who created the stuff that still strikes us today were not Nubians. They know that. They deliberately lie about it - as they do about everything else. All their lies follow a pattern to make a point: to diminish white achievements and denigrate the white race. And exalt the jews as some kind of noble, civilization-founding people. But that part is yet to come.
It was not a mistake, it just wasn't much. It was a symbolic victory that in practice means nothing unless followed up with 1000 other decisions, mostly reversals. Blaming it for killing British nationalism -- there never was much of that in the first place, and it was civic not racial. Because it's literally illegal to say what needs to be said in the UK, at least directly. So, Britons are reduced to slaves of jews and the muslims they let in to destroy British culture. So quit worrying about politics, it's just war-lite. Time to get to killing the people who took over the island. #HeroThomasMair.
On Crampus
Mizzou becomes Mizzoo when niggers rioted in recent years, and now the school is paying the price in dropping enrollment.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-10
10 July 2017
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville, Virginia. The big one.
Notes: I merged our two main Hush Crime threads, took Pamela Ross's name off, hoping she will reappear. They are now simply #1 Hush Crime thread here. 225 pages and counting.
Roundup: This african has complete contempt for Germany for its people having no balls. Everything he says is correct. The solution is to kill all niggers and the jews and cucks and christians who let them in. No other solution will work. Gab founder Torba talks about free speech. As Jobbik turns cuckward, Force and Determination rises behind it. Balázs László, one of the movement’s leaders, told the crowd of mostly black-clad muscular, tattooed men that Europe showed an ill-conceived tolerance in the face of peril from its existing minorities and the influx of millions more people. “Tens of millions are added to the ranks of the Arabs, Africans and gypsies who will show no tolerance once they realise the power that their demographic significance lends them,” he said. “Our ethnic community must come first … there is no equality.” Zsolt Tyirityán, another leader of the movement, used the Nazi ideology of lebensraum, or living space, to paint a stark picture of Europe’s present. “World history is made and lost on population, the fight for living space and the fight to hold on to living space,” he said. “Anyone who says different is either delusional or lying. Any way you look at it, the strongest always wins.” He added: “I have race awareness. I am proud to be a white European … And I reserve the right to defend that.” That's Hungary, nigger! Stuff's going on... In Chicago too, where a precocious niglet has learned to rob people at six years old. That mah nigger! That old-school niggin'. And pre-school. Hey, not fair. He's a gentle midget. He be turning he life around befo he learn to walk. New Yorker stuff on alt-right. The controlled media/left will misrepresent anything actually pro-white as alt-right, no matter what the figures themselves say. Perfect example of my dictum: if you want the truth about a man, ask his enemy: you'll get the worst in considered relief:
Big Lies: Christianity. If it put forward its story as a myth, we could cool story, bro and keep going. But it doesn't. So we -- must -- take it head it on. Absolutely essential. Did God turn into a man, die, then return from death? The question answers itself. But if you swallow this big lie, then why would you balk at swallowing any other? Your very soul is at risk when you accede in obvious lies. This is what Semitical Correctness has proved, in later versions of communism. A man who will repeat the lies the jews of the christian cult created for their Jesus character is not a man you can rely on for anything. Jesus turned water into wine? Do you believe that? Jesus walked on water? Do you believe that? Go to a mirror right and look yourself in the eye, and answer that questions. Because it does matter. It's not a light thing in any way, it's as heavy as things get.
Alt-Lite = Alt-Same
Isn't serious, just plausible. Which is all it needs to be. Is all any 'conservatism' needs to be. Because it's enough to fool the masses of whiteskin middle-class goyim, who take appearances for reality. From the white-racial perspective, alt-lite is a serious threat. There's a big market for near-truth. The way it works is, the professionals go up to the wall of off limits ideas. They peer over. They see what's going on, what people are saying. They take whatever they can use. They deball it. They turn it into Muzak. Or Thomas Kinkadery. They put it in their columns. They get reaction. They make money. They sell books. They get invited to give high-priced speeches. "It was all a game, a way of making a living." Which is all well and good except - it leads to where we are now. No genuine opposition to the jews. Just fake opposition that serves individual interests but does nothing for our collective race. Business as usual conduces to White Genocide. The way to break the cycle is to attack not just the jews who set up and run and benefit from the System, but the whiteskin fake opposition (usually called conservatives) who keep it propped up. That has always been my thesis, and it has proved correct. But the attacks should be stronger than they are, and they should be directed at all guilty parties. We should be simultaneously attacking not just the cucks but the church. Not just the jews but the christians. Any competitor for the mindshare of whiteskins is our enemy, Most dangerous are the ones plausibly seem to represent the interests, implicit or explicit, of same. Alt-Lite is dangerous because its people have talent and profile. They SEEM to be pro-white, or at least not anti-white, which feels like the same thing to the average white person in 2017. But we must destroy alt-lite. Our goal must be that the white population sees that we white nationalists are the only true opposition to the ruling System that all the fakes and pretenders are part of. The public must see the alt-lite is just another cell in the judeo-System dungeon for white folks. We must polarize the public between #TeamWhite and #TeamJew. Force them to choose, they'll choose us. Any other group that provides false hope, like the church or the alt-right, must be understood to be our enemy - and attacked. In a purely political sense, alt-lite is more serious than alt-right because the alt-light kicks racialists out of its ranks and overtly identifies them as the enemy, whereas many on the alt-right can't figure out whether alt-lite are their enemies or their friends. That you're competing for mindshare among a population and using some overlapping points does not mean white nationalism and alt-lite are on the same side, it means they are competitors. Rather, alt-lite is your enemy, using your pro-white talking points to push their anti-white, jewish agenda.
Thought: The purpose of propaganda is not to change what you think, but to change what you think your neighbor thinks. People all think they are special and unique but actually even the outliers are 99% like everyone else. So if they harbor reservations about obvious lies, they should be able to realize that so does everyone else. But they don't. Because they're different. They unthinkingly think. This is why propaganda actually works. So when you hear "Diversity is our greatest strength," you say "that's absurd" to yourself inwardly. Nevertheless, you assume that there must be a lot of people who actually do believe this, so you'd better keep quiet about it. And that's where they get you. Actually, almost no one believes this except the retarded portion of the community (public school teachers). Everyone else feels the way you do. Thus is a large-majority view stifled, dominated and politically extinguished by a tiny-minority view. A related conception is that the purpose of propaganda is not to get you to believe its obvious lies but to prevent you from publicly opposing them. They don't need your support, (((they))) need your lack of open resistance.
Plagiarism, An Explainer
This is an interesting subject, one I've never really seen written up properly. Maybe it is somewhere, but if so I'm not aware of it. It's not like these are earth-shattering observations but they are subtle points, yet valuable. It's kind of like street crime like white-collar crime, what I'm going to talk about. The one is visible, the other has to be tracked down carefully over many hours. Plagiarism breaks into two kinds. People only think of the first, because they are mostly oblivious. The first is overt copying of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and more. Simple theft. Copying someone's words without attribution. Something the meanest intelligence can understand. MLK's Ph.D. thesis is a good example. It was about 1/3 simple copied from another student at the same school, as I recall. That's tard plagiarism. A nigger can do it. The second kind is the interesting kind. Those of higher intelligence essentially prospect for ideas. As few can think, this minority stands out. The clever will read them, steal their concepts, but work subtle emendations to hide the provenance. And this will fool 99% of the population, which is brainless and tone deaf. People who specialize in this kind of thievery, to name two, are Ann Coulter and Steve Sailer. I will write more about this in future days. This kind of dishonest to honest plagiarism is quite an interesting subject, and it ties in with originality. In my opinion, it is unethical to take ideas and phrases from others without accrediting them. I consider it dishonorable and unAryan and worst of all - it's just small. It's a stinky, shrimpy, ugly little thing to do. Don't do it.
Niger Beat
Dawg was a peacemaker an' shit. He all about bringing people together...with weed. They havin a har time wrapping they head aroun his death and basic math. "A drunken bar brawl broke out" (passive voice indicates nigger guilt). Well, if you watch the news, that's one line of mulattos shut down before it got started. War in.
Bogus Concepts: Edgy
There's the truth, there's euphemisms and there's lies. The truth has undeniable power. It attracts people. People are where the money is. But if you can't tell the truth, and you want the money, what do you do? You hint at it. Wink at it. Talk in codes. Example of (((Laci Green))) (correction: Laci Green is apparently the union of an Iranian and a white Mormon, not a jew). Pretending to be red-pilled to make money once her marxist shtick grew stale and less profitable. Professional conservatism works along her lines. If you look at it objectively, it's the same thing as official leftism: anti-white masquerading as race-neutral. But the truth lies with the racialists: race exists, race matters. Anyone who denies that is not a conservative, no matter what he calls himself. Conservatism by definition is not ideological, it has no problem with facts of any kind, and is against denying them. It's a good label for jews to use, and this has been its professional reality since William F. Buckley justified the ways of Big State Central to Flover Man. As Willmoore Kendall said, "just another liberal rag." Which would make William F. Buckley and all his mini-mes "just another bunch of usless jew-fearing Semitically Correct leftists."
White Literature
What Mary McCarthy said about Lillian Hellman stands for the entire jew race. Every word they write is a lie, including 'and' and 'the.' The Education of Henry Adams should be read. A man from the top, sharp mind, intellectual, with a genuine American pedigree. That's a perspective worth paying attention to. He knew what America was (had begun as) and he saw in front of his nose what America was becoming. On Housman as maybe even a Thomas Kinkade of sorrow. Good background on Luther. Here on Evelyn Waugh.
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville, Virginia. The big one.
Notes: I merged our two main Hush Crime threads, took Pamela Ross's name off, hoping she will reappear. They are now simply #1 Hush Crime thread here. 225 pages and counting.
Roundup: This african has complete contempt for Germany for its people having no balls. Everything he says is correct. The solution is to kill all niggers and the jews and cucks and christians who let them in. No other solution will work. Gab founder Torba talks about free speech. As Jobbik turns cuckward, Force and Determination rises behind it. Balázs László, one of the movement’s leaders, told the crowd of mostly black-clad muscular, tattooed men that Europe showed an ill-conceived tolerance in the face of peril from its existing minorities and the influx of millions more people. “Tens of millions are added to the ranks of the Arabs, Africans and gypsies who will show no tolerance once they realise the power that their demographic significance lends them,” he said. “Our ethnic community must come first … there is no equality.” Zsolt Tyirityán, another leader of the movement, used the Nazi ideology of lebensraum, or living space, to paint a stark picture of Europe’s present. “World history is made and lost on population, the fight for living space and the fight to hold on to living space,” he said. “Anyone who says different is either delusional or lying. Any way you look at it, the strongest always wins.” He added: “I have race awareness. I am proud to be a white European … And I reserve the right to defend that.” That's Hungary, nigger! Stuff's going on... In Chicago too, where a precocious niglet has learned to rob people at six years old. That mah nigger! That old-school niggin'. And pre-school. Hey, not fair. He's a gentle midget. He be turning he life around befo he learn to walk. New Yorker stuff on alt-right. The controlled media/left will misrepresent anything actually pro-white as alt-right, no matter what the figures themselves say. Perfect example of my dictum: if you want the truth about a man, ask his enemy: you'll get the worst in considered relief:
Cernovich said recently, in a text message to me. “He fancies himself an outlaw intellectual when he's a soft-faced fame whore who’d be performing in off-Broadway shows if he had the musical talent.” (Spencer, for his part, has called Cernovich and his cohort “liars and freaks.”)It's like a free consultant's report, eh? Yeah, fuck those "soft faced" fame whores, they should be more like us manly faced tranny-chasing fame whores. McDildo overtly states he's pro-Western, not about race. Hence, not alt-right. It's not socially dangerous to be pro-West, but it is socially dangerous to be pro-White. Most people don't look any deeper than that. They haven't actually thought about the central question: if the West doesn't have anything to do with whiteness, then what is the west? South America? Yet another interview with Nagle. The nonjew left has lost all ability to consider anything objectively. Why would whites want a white nation? To the left, it's obvious such a desire is motivated by something immoral, hence the question is unthinkable. There's no way of compromising with people who think like this. They are lockstep totalitarians who simply cannot conceive that other points of view are possible, just bad characters who need to be put down. Here a history of doxxing. On the deeper meaning of the childish G20 riots.
Big Lies: Christianity. If it put forward its story as a myth, we could cool story, bro and keep going. But it doesn't. So we -- must -- take it head it on. Absolutely essential. Did God turn into a man, die, then return from death? The question answers itself. But if you swallow this big lie, then why would you balk at swallowing any other? Your very soul is at risk when you accede in obvious lies. This is what Semitical Correctness has proved, in later versions of communism. A man who will repeat the lies the jews of the christian cult created for their Jesus character is not a man you can rely on for anything. Jesus turned water into wine? Do you believe that? Jesus walked on water? Do you believe that? Go to a mirror right and look yourself in the eye, and answer that questions. Because it does matter. It's not a light thing in any way, it's as heavy as things get.
Alt-Lite = Alt-Same
Isn't serious, just plausible. Which is all it needs to be. Is all any 'conservatism' needs to be. Because it's enough to fool the masses of whiteskin middle-class goyim, who take appearances for reality. From the white-racial perspective, alt-lite is a serious threat. There's a big market for near-truth. The way it works is, the professionals go up to the wall of off limits ideas. They peer over. They see what's going on, what people are saying. They take whatever they can use. They deball it. They turn it into Muzak. Or Thomas Kinkadery. They put it in their columns. They get reaction. They make money. They sell books. They get invited to give high-priced speeches. "It was all a game, a way of making a living." Which is all well and good except - it leads to where we are now. No genuine opposition to the jews. Just fake opposition that serves individual interests but does nothing for our collective race. Business as usual conduces to White Genocide. The way to break the cycle is to attack not just the jews who set up and run and benefit from the System, but the whiteskin fake opposition (usually called conservatives) who keep it propped up. That has always been my thesis, and it has proved correct. But the attacks should be stronger than they are, and they should be directed at all guilty parties. We should be simultaneously attacking not just the cucks but the church. Not just the jews but the christians. Any competitor for the mindshare of whiteskins is our enemy, Most dangerous are the ones plausibly seem to represent the interests, implicit or explicit, of same. Alt-Lite is dangerous because its people have talent and profile. They SEEM to be pro-white, or at least not anti-white, which feels like the same thing to the average white person in 2017. But we must destroy alt-lite. Our goal must be that the white population sees that we white nationalists are the only true opposition to the ruling System that all the fakes and pretenders are part of. The public must see the alt-lite is just another cell in the judeo-System dungeon for white folks. We must polarize the public between #TeamWhite and #TeamJew. Force them to choose, they'll choose us. Any other group that provides false hope, like the church or the alt-right, must be understood to be our enemy - and attacked. In a purely political sense, alt-lite is more serious than alt-right because the alt-light kicks racialists out of its ranks and overtly identifies them as the enemy, whereas many on the alt-right can't figure out whether alt-lite are their enemies or their friends. That you're competing for mindshare among a population and using some overlapping points does not mean white nationalism and alt-lite are on the same side, it means they are competitors. Rather, alt-lite is your enemy, using your pro-white talking points to push their anti-white, jewish agenda.
Thought: The purpose of propaganda is not to change what you think, but to change what you think your neighbor thinks. People all think they are special and unique but actually even the outliers are 99% like everyone else. So if they harbor reservations about obvious lies, they should be able to realize that so does everyone else. But they don't. Because they're different. They unthinkingly think. This is why propaganda actually works. So when you hear "Diversity is our greatest strength," you say "that's absurd" to yourself inwardly. Nevertheless, you assume that there must be a lot of people who actually do believe this, so you'd better keep quiet about it. And that's where they get you. Actually, almost no one believes this except the retarded portion of the community (public school teachers). Everyone else feels the way you do. Thus is a large-majority view stifled, dominated and politically extinguished by a tiny-minority view. A related conception is that the purpose of propaganda is not to get you to believe its obvious lies but to prevent you from publicly opposing them. They don't need your support, (((they))) need your lack of open resistance.
Plagiarism, An Explainer
This is an interesting subject, one I've never really seen written up properly. Maybe it is somewhere, but if so I'm not aware of it. It's not like these are earth-shattering observations but they are subtle points, yet valuable. It's kind of like street crime like white-collar crime, what I'm going to talk about. The one is visible, the other has to be tracked down carefully over many hours. Plagiarism breaks into two kinds. People only think of the first, because they are mostly oblivious. The first is overt copying of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and more. Simple theft. Copying someone's words without attribution. Something the meanest intelligence can understand. MLK's Ph.D. thesis is a good example. It was about 1/3 simple copied from another student at the same school, as I recall. That's tard plagiarism. A nigger can do it. The second kind is the interesting kind. Those of higher intelligence essentially prospect for ideas. As few can think, this minority stands out. The clever will read them, steal their concepts, but work subtle emendations to hide the provenance. And this will fool 99% of the population, which is brainless and tone deaf. People who specialize in this kind of thievery, to name two, are Ann Coulter and Steve Sailer. I will write more about this in future days. This kind of dishonest to honest plagiarism is quite an interesting subject, and it ties in with originality. In my opinion, it is unethical to take ideas and phrases from others without accrediting them. I consider it dishonorable and unAryan and worst of all - it's just small. It's a stinky, shrimpy, ugly little thing to do. Don't do it.
Niger Beat
Dawg was a peacemaker an' shit. He all about bringing people together...with weed. They havin a har time wrapping they head aroun his death and basic math. "A drunken bar brawl broke out" (passive voice indicates nigger guilt). Well, if you watch the news, that's one line of mulattos shut down before it got started. War in.
Bogus Concepts: Edgy
There's the truth, there's euphemisms and there's lies. The truth has undeniable power. It attracts people. People are where the money is. But if you can't tell the truth, and you want the money, what do you do? You hint at it. Wink at it. Talk in codes. Example of (((Laci Green))) (correction: Laci Green is apparently the union of an Iranian and a white Mormon, not a jew). Pretending to be red-pilled to make money once her marxist shtick grew stale and less profitable. Professional conservatism works along her lines. If you look at it objectively, it's the same thing as official leftism: anti-white masquerading as race-neutral. But the truth lies with the racialists: race exists, race matters. Anyone who denies that is not a conservative, no matter what he calls himself. Conservatism by definition is not ideological, it has no problem with facts of any kind, and is against denying them. It's a good label for jews to use, and this has been its professional reality since William F. Buckley justified the ways of Big State Central to Flover Man. As Willmoore Kendall said, "just another liberal rag." Which would make William F. Buckley and all his mini-mes "just another bunch of usless jew-fearing Semitically Correct leftists."
White Literature
What Mary McCarthy said about Lillian Hellman stands for the entire jew race. Every word they write is a lie, including 'and' and 'the.' The Education of Henry Adams should be read. A man from the top, sharp mind, intellectual, with a genuine American pedigree. That's a perspective worth paying attention to. He knew what America was (had begun as) and he saw in front of his nose what America was becoming. On Housman as maybe even a Thomas Kinkade of sorrow. Good background on Luther. Here on Evelyn Waugh.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-07-09
9 July 2017
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville. The big one.
Roundup: CNN-lol underdrawing Yogi Bear reruns. WP on KKK and Birth of a Nation, touches on Leo Frank. Evidence was thin. Yeah. He was last person to see her and there was only one other person around. The jury believed the black janitor over the bigshot jew (head of local B'nai). Here on Alfred Schaefer, victim of thought 'n' theft police in Germany. Jew Molyneux on Canada, a land without identity. Yeager says Copernicus was German, not Polish, though in Poland. Hating faggots is more natural than faggotry, after all, since it's found in a far greater percentage of hominids than tropism toward same-sex buggery. A Salon whinepiece on alt-right from some broad who actually thinks Facebook suppresses leftists more than rightists. I mean, is she lying or does she believe that? I think she actually believes it. It's demonstrably untrue, and ludicrous, but the deeper meaning is what I always say: these fuckers are so far in time and distance removed from any sort of opposition that they have evolved strange new forms, like potatoes etiolated and groping under the kitchen sink. The metaphors I always use are hothouse flowers or bubble boys. I mean, how in the world can you seriously contend that leftists are censored compared to rightists? Only in the delusional world of all-leftism all the time (i.e., academia and mass media) could you say that without being looked at like you had two heads. The white-right is 'winning' at least enough to disturb the cultists purely on the power of ideas. VNN did everything purely with words. We got into the top 10,000 on alexa purely on WORDS from basically just one man - ENTIRELY WITHOUT MEMES. Slogans, wit and truth sufficed. Slogans and memes share something, and that is simplicity. Simplicity and repetition are key. Overall, the essential are 1) the right ideas; 2) laughter (irony, mocking, etc). From that point, it's talent. Memes are great, though, as they simplify things, and they are visual for an age in which people prefer to watch rather than read. But it is factually wrong to claim memes are necessary, rather they're just popular. It is the fact that the white-racial position is the actual majority view among whites, and that it is artificially being repressed by the System (the jews and their lackeys) that accounts for its success. Individual talents and forms matter, but anyone pushing these ideas will have success, because it's the ideas themselves that are what's popular. I mean, we have gotten to a position where literally wanting national borders and men kept out of the women's restroom are extreme right-wing positions. The left has gotten insaner over the years because no one is allowed to check its insanity with rational argument, laughter, or even just eye-rolls because these are all interrupting-the-service hate crimes. Driven underground, white young men simply shake their heads at an insane world they didn't create (but seems to hate them for no obvious reason) and play video games. A fraction of those get online and into graphics and politics. And all of a sudden they mock the System, and find great purchase because they point out obvious facts. They have fun, they make graphics, their arguments are, to people who think, more compelling than the Stuff We're Supposed to Believe coming down from on high, the Official Sources like CNN etc. The content, the ideas, denied by the left, suppressed by the left, made literally criminal by the left, yet they can't be squashed because they represent the views of the white majority. That's what's going on. It's been the same for decades. It simply wasn't clear until the Internet made it possible to break the famous cycle whereby people suppress their true views because propaganda brainwashes them that their neighbors don't share their views (on race, etc) when actually they do. On the Internet, we can see that we normals are the actual majority. (As I said first in one of my three media laws, before Sailer or Coulter tried to steal it, a look at the comments below any jew-System-organ 'official' news article will confirm: the readers are always to the white-rightside of the editors-reporters.) The left has gone unopposed for so many decades it thinks its own farts are fresh air. It truly believes anyone opposed to it is a dangerous "hater." The left is a cult. The leaders are rational jewish racists. The mass of its members, though, are cultists - the average reporters and academics like the woman in question. All these mental women ever do, because it's all they can do, is parrot what they hear. It's not only all they know, it's all they can conceive. Witchhunting is their natural 'political' activity. Every authority she has ever known has pushed the same nostrums, and she is biologically incapable of escaping that mental box. But white men aren't limited the way these women stuffed into slots they're unfit for are, and they can laugh at her. She may have the power and the income, but we have the best of it, when it comes to argument and spectacle. And that's why people gravitate toward White sources - where they are legally allowed to! White amateurs -- mere children, in many cases -- are smarter, more coherent and undeniably funnier than all the Official Women (of either sex) artificially elevated above them. It's not memes that make the difference, it's not even men, it's that the content, the actual ideas, ideals and positions correspond to the innermost desires of the normal white majority. Already this truth has found political representation by proxy in Trump, and one day it will find representation in a genuinely new Hitler. Except this new leader will recognize what I harp on today, which is that the only solution to this mess is to counter-exterminate jews, and that certainly goes for any goycucks who serve them. No more expelling. That's played. No more conversions. We have 2000 years of proof that doesn't work. Jews underground is the solution. When jews are gone, broads like this loopy dipship won't be hired in the first place, they'll be mothers and housewives, not idiots who think calling grass green is right-wing extremism. ... Another broad, same place, calls Trump a white nationalist, from his Poland speech. Ojala! as the Spanish say. After two years of flirting with overt white nationalism, Trump jumps the alt-right shark in his Warsaw speech... So this broad doesn't understand what "jump the shark" means. (Note, this is yet another horrible page layout, making it hard for the reader to read in a new and disturbing way. Just run fucking conventional text, and pictures, you designer faggots.) I guess in her typical leftist mind, where everybody in the cult really knows that everybody on the outside is racist and trying to hide it, the distinction makes sense. The right says to the left: you're wrong, I can prove it. Or it says, you're lying. The left says to the right: You're evil. This, that and the other subdivision. (In practice, since none of these categories make sense (evil/racist, evil/sexist, evil/homophobe, evil/Islamophobe), the left use them all at the same time, more or less interchangeably, and don't really believe you can be one without the other. And in any case, the point is to attack the person, not describe him accurately, so any bullet fired might hit the target, so why be stingy on the trigger?). Here on SPLC barratry re Anglin, very interesting. Do the terrorist criminals at SPLC have their clit caught in a wringer? The controlled media lie about everything. Here on Aztec gold. On Revilo Oliver and frontman Robert Welch of the jew-committee-run John Birch Society. Since that sickening afternoon, I have been unable to think of the little shyster without revulsion and a feeling that I have been contaminated by association with him. How Ian Smith betrayed Rhodesia. Here on the cops and White and anti-white confrontations in Virginia. Israel objects to Hungary defending its nation against kike Soros. Haaretz claims there are 100,000 jews in Hungary. ISIS driven to jumping into Tigris as they face complete defeat.
There's nothing wrong with this post in one sense, its claims are correct. But it avoids the real point about conservatism: it's about providing the ruling jews with a fake opposition to waste the time, money and energy of their one potential racial competitor. That's the role and function of judeo-Conservatism Inc. For the individual conservatives WN and alt-right love to mock, the cuckservatives or career girls, it's about an individual's status and compensation. The cuck view is essentially that of the employee: whatever (((Boss))) says goes. He poses as an independent man of letters who has reached his profound position after decades of lucubration, but the reality is he's someone who sold his soul and moves his pen as Boss Jew tells him. In fact, he doesn't even need to be told. Anyone at a respectable publication knows What Can't Be Said Or You'll Be Fired. The cuck is an employee, exactly the same mentality as a New Jersey gas-station attendant. Honor and all the other high terms are the stuff of his columns, but that's cuz he's in that business. He knows they're just marketing pablum for the public babies, not real things. The cucks are essentially cynics. That's what makes them so contemptible. Their existence is proof that most people have no ideals - yet all those highest terms are the stuff of their columns. We all instinctively sense this perversion, and it curls our lips and makes us rightly despise them. To them, they gets paid yo. It's all about the benajamins. They get paid, you don't. That's proof they're better and higher than you. This is not just how they think, it is how most white American middle-class people think. Money is the god of the Anglo, Anyone on tv or in the prestige printed press Matters. Anyone outside does not. Ideas, contradictions don't matter to these people. The right analogy is to imitation-flavoring in food. It may taste like the real thing but it's not. It's just fake crap to make money and forestall resistance. We control the opposition by creating and leading it, as Lenin said. The right way to view professional conservatism and the profoundest criticism of it is as a necessary pillar of the ruling (((System))). As James Mason would say, the whole thing has to be destroyed, and to get caught up in criticizing parts of it is to ignore that fact. It is good to see that finally the white-right does attack the conservatives -- as I argued long before anyone was actually doing it. And the minute people started doing it, huge success ensued. In fact, the attack on the conservatives is not comprehensive enough. The ones deriding purity spiraling are the ones who were against attacking conservatives in the first place. They like to think these people are wrong and can be won over but to believe that is to misunderstand the System and the actual game being played. The same mistake is made with the so-called alt-Lite. Of course these people aren't serious intellectually or politically. But they are serious in ways that matter: they have public profiles, they have real talents, and they have access to networks of influential people with money. Therefore they are well positioned to steal the spotlight hence undermine a burgeoning white-racial movement. They are the political solution the jew-left has come up with to confuse the public and suck money and attention away from a genuinely pro-White movement that might be developing since their main controlled organs (National Review and its ilk) outed and destroyed themselves by their opposition to Trump. Fresh fake-opp needed! Ah, Rebbe Media, we love your application! That alt-lite are intellectually incoherent clowns isn't the point. THEY'RE NOT TRYING TO BE INTELLECTUALLY SOLID. What they're trying to do is a limited hangout, in CIA terms - use some valid points, minor points (minor = doesn't threaten Jewpower) so the average white reader falsely concludes they're on his side, while their main ingredient remains the disease-causing semitic sugar of liberalism. When a man sticks a dildo up his ass, he's trying to tell you he's not serious. I really wish I didn't need to point that out. But while their positions are a joke (and they know they are a joke, but again, they are cynics lying for money), their institutional support is serious. The alt-lite is positioned to destroy or outcompete the alt-right by virtue of their (((network)) and (((production values))) -- and you'd better believe that is a dead-serious threat and intention of The System. Alt-Lite is not a way station it is a competitor for white potentially White minds. Richard Spencer said something intelligent when he said the alt-lite must be "crushed." That is exactly right. And the way to crush it is to point out its ACTUAL function and the ACTUAL powers it serves. As I have here.
The Black African Problem
There's one solution that works: killing every nigger that tries to get into a white country. And ending all aid to the continent. What really should be done is recolonize Africa and kill the blacks or at least prevent them from breeding. Thanks to christ-insanity and jewsmedia brainwashing, people don't have the stomach for these actual solutions. Violent retards are not good for civilization. That much should be obvious. Also obvious should be the fact that violent retardation is not a problem that can be fixed. Except by killing or spaying. "What you subsidize you get more of." In almost every country in the white world, violent retardation is subsidized. People of value, people who can actually run their lives and participate usefully in an actual civilization are enslaved by the authorities, forced to pay taxes to subsidize the incompetent, and particularly the colored incompetent. This situation cannot last forever. What must be done is destroy all blacks in white areas, and destroy all whites who foist this violent retardation on us in the name of morality. MONEY IS NOT A CURE FOR NIGGER. BULLET IS A CURE FOR NIGGER. If money turned niggers into humans, that would have been discovered somewhere in the first few trillions "we" wasted on the welfare state. It does not. Nor does education. The popular solutions are revealed as lies by 2017 because if they were honest beliefs then the holders have for decades had the honest evidence to reject them as honest mistakes. But they continue with the same claims. It's a power and morality play from the jews and christians, with the obvious and now open end of producing white genocide. Here on King Douche of Wop Mountain, Pope Greaseball Primus Inter Faggus. We must psychologically untie ourselves from coloreds, and this means taking a direct look at the rottenness of christianity, not just the obvious jewlies called liberalism. Christianity is a universalist, egalitarian mentality and morality, and it lays the psychological and moral basis for thinking that all people are really the same, and the miserable anti-white politics that grow in that soil. It primes people to accept that whitekind have anything at all to do with the diseased, degenerate discos that are 90+ percent of the world, and that the only true measure of a whiteskin is how he "helps" the discolored "man." Christianity is bad for whites and good for jews - and how many white-rightists can perceive that, let alone will tell you that? Christ-insanity is a dream doctrine for jews, for it not only pacifies whites, teaches them a taste for illusion over reality, it protects jews, by doctrine, from the only solution that can end their problem: counter-exterminating them. Just as people resisted forever my correct call to ATTACK conservatives, not fraternize them, so they make the same mistake today with christianity.
Posobiec appears to be a sort of neo-Bill White (currently in Marion). Making up lies about people he doesn't like, pretending to have inside sources. Claiming he knows shit he doesn't to get attention and trick others into revealing things. Being dishonest as a standard practice and calculated tactic. Mixed with some undeniably genuine intelligence, shrewd analysis and plain guts, this M.O. can befuddle people effectively. It's the admixture of the good stuff that makes the bad stuff harder to identify. Because most people are either liars or basically honest, and it's pretty easy to tell. Few who aren't jews lie strategically and coldly, most lie to save face. I can say from long experience, as I always have, that what should happen is that pollutants such as Posobiec are ostracized. But most won't. They enjoy seeing people they don't like attacked. Malicious lying may be politically destructive but they find such lying enhances their entertainment experience. And since we can't really win, as many to most actually think, then the quality of the online entertainment becomes the true bottom line. This is why, despite all its defenders, anonymity is mostly a bad thing, not a good thing. Anonymity encourages people to act tough, run their mouths, and then run away the minute anything gets real. It may be necessary faggotry, but it's undeniable that faggotry is the blood brother of anonymity.
Verbal war: Adjectives
...are for women and liars. Men mainly use them for comedy, since they don't mean anything, the ones covering anything that isn't bare description. 'Edgy' is perfect example.
Snake Front
Some guy in Thousand Oaks has dozens of alligators, cobras, rattlesnakes, etc. I don't know. I guess laws against this make sense. But I'd rather swim in a home pool of young alligators than a hotel pool full of niggers. There is something viscerally repellent about dark niggers in a bright blue pool. Inescapably it treads on the mind's toilet nerve. Like the candybar scene in Caddyshack times one hundred.
Action: 12 August, Charlottesville. The big one.
Roundup: CNN-lol underdrawing Yogi Bear reruns. WP on KKK and Birth of a Nation, touches on Leo Frank. Evidence was thin. Yeah. He was last person to see her and there was only one other person around. The jury believed the black janitor over the bigshot jew (head of local B'nai). Here on Alfred Schaefer, victim of thought 'n' theft police in Germany. Jew Molyneux on Canada, a land without identity. Yeager says Copernicus was German, not Polish, though in Poland. Hating faggots is more natural than faggotry, after all, since it's found in a far greater percentage of hominids than tropism toward same-sex buggery. A Salon whinepiece on alt-right from some broad who actually thinks Facebook suppresses leftists more than rightists. I mean, is she lying or does she believe that? I think she actually believes it. It's demonstrably untrue, and ludicrous, but the deeper meaning is what I always say: these fuckers are so far in time and distance removed from any sort of opposition that they have evolved strange new forms, like potatoes etiolated and groping under the kitchen sink. The metaphors I always use are hothouse flowers or bubble boys. I mean, how in the world can you seriously contend that leftists are censored compared to rightists? Only in the delusional world of all-leftism all the time (i.e., academia and mass media) could you say that without being looked at like you had two heads. The white-right is 'winning' at least enough to disturb the cultists purely on the power of ideas. VNN did everything purely with words. We got into the top 10,000 on alexa purely on WORDS from basically just one man - ENTIRELY WITHOUT MEMES. Slogans, wit and truth sufficed. Slogans and memes share something, and that is simplicity. Simplicity and repetition are key. Overall, the essential are 1) the right ideas; 2) laughter (irony, mocking, etc). From that point, it's talent. Memes are great, though, as they simplify things, and they are visual for an age in which people prefer to watch rather than read. But it is factually wrong to claim memes are necessary, rather they're just popular. It is the fact that the white-racial position is the actual majority view among whites, and that it is artificially being repressed by the System (the jews and their lackeys) that accounts for its success. Individual talents and forms matter, but anyone pushing these ideas will have success, because it's the ideas themselves that are what's popular. I mean, we have gotten to a position where literally wanting national borders and men kept out of the women's restroom are extreme right-wing positions. The left has gotten insaner over the years because no one is allowed to check its insanity with rational argument, laughter, or even just eye-rolls because these are all interrupting-the-service hate crimes. Driven underground, white young men simply shake their heads at an insane world they didn't create (but seems to hate them for no obvious reason) and play video games. A fraction of those get online and into graphics and politics. And all of a sudden they mock the System, and find great purchase because they point out obvious facts. They have fun, they make graphics, their arguments are, to people who think, more compelling than the Stuff We're Supposed to Believe coming down from on high, the Official Sources like CNN etc. The content, the ideas, denied by the left, suppressed by the left, made literally criminal by the left, yet they can't be squashed because they represent the views of the white majority. That's what's going on. It's been the same for decades. It simply wasn't clear until the Internet made it possible to break the famous cycle whereby people suppress their true views because propaganda brainwashes them that their neighbors don't share their views (on race, etc) when actually they do. On the Internet, we can see that we normals are the actual majority. (As I said first in one of my three media laws, before Sailer or Coulter tried to steal it, a look at the comments below any jew-System-organ 'official' news article will confirm: the readers are always to the white-rightside of the editors-reporters.) The left has gone unopposed for so many decades it thinks its own farts are fresh air. It truly believes anyone opposed to it is a dangerous "hater." The left is a cult. The leaders are rational jewish racists. The mass of its members, though, are cultists - the average reporters and academics like the woman in question. All these mental women ever do, because it's all they can do, is parrot what they hear. It's not only all they know, it's all they can conceive. Witchhunting is their natural 'political' activity. Every authority she has ever known has pushed the same nostrums, and she is biologically incapable of escaping that mental box. But white men aren't limited the way these women stuffed into slots they're unfit for are, and they can laugh at her. She may have the power and the income, but we have the best of it, when it comes to argument and spectacle. And that's why people gravitate toward White sources - where they are legally allowed to! White amateurs -- mere children, in many cases -- are smarter, more coherent and undeniably funnier than all the Official Women (of either sex) artificially elevated above them. It's not memes that make the difference, it's not even men, it's that the content, the actual ideas, ideals and positions correspond to the innermost desires of the normal white majority. Already this truth has found political representation by proxy in Trump, and one day it will find representation in a genuinely new Hitler. Except this new leader will recognize what I harp on today, which is that the only solution to this mess is to counter-exterminate jews, and that certainly goes for any goycucks who serve them. No more expelling. That's played. No more conversions. We have 2000 years of proof that doesn't work. Jews underground is the solution. When jews are gone, broads like this loopy dipship won't be hired in the first place, they'll be mothers and housewives, not idiots who think calling grass green is right-wing extremism. ... Another broad, same place, calls Trump a white nationalist, from his Poland speech. Ojala! as the Spanish say. After two years of flirting with overt white nationalism, Trump jumps the alt-right shark in his Warsaw speech... So this broad doesn't understand what "jump the shark" means. (Note, this is yet another horrible page layout, making it hard for the reader to read in a new and disturbing way. Just run fucking conventional text, and pictures, you designer faggots.) I guess in her typical leftist mind, where everybody in the cult really knows that everybody on the outside is racist and trying to hide it, the distinction makes sense. The right says to the left: you're wrong, I can prove it. Or it says, you're lying. The left says to the right: You're evil. This, that and the other subdivision. (In practice, since none of these categories make sense (evil/racist, evil/sexist, evil/homophobe, evil/Islamophobe), the left use them all at the same time, more or less interchangeably, and don't really believe you can be one without the other. And in any case, the point is to attack the person, not describe him accurately, so any bullet fired might hit the target, so why be stingy on the trigger?). Here on SPLC barratry re Anglin, very interesting. Do the terrorist criminals at SPLC have their clit caught in a wringer? The controlled media lie about everything. Here on Aztec gold. On Revilo Oliver and frontman Robert Welch of the jew-committee-run John Birch Society. Since that sickening afternoon, I have been unable to think of the little shyster without revulsion and a feeling that I have been contaminated by association with him. How Ian Smith betrayed Rhodesia. Here on the cops and White and anti-white confrontations in Virginia. Israel objects to Hungary defending its nation against kike Soros. Haaretz claims there are 100,000 jews in Hungary. ISIS driven to jumping into Tigris as they face complete defeat.
There's nothing wrong with this post in one sense, its claims are correct. But it avoids the real point about conservatism: it's about providing the ruling jews with a fake opposition to waste the time, money and energy of their one potential racial competitor. That's the role and function of judeo-Conservatism Inc. For the individual conservatives WN and alt-right love to mock, the cuckservatives or career girls, it's about an individual's status and compensation. The cuck view is essentially that of the employee: whatever (((Boss))) says goes. He poses as an independent man of letters who has reached his profound position after decades of lucubration, but the reality is he's someone who sold his soul and moves his pen as Boss Jew tells him. In fact, he doesn't even need to be told. Anyone at a respectable publication knows What Can't Be Said Or You'll Be Fired. The cuck is an employee, exactly the same mentality as a New Jersey gas-station attendant. Honor and all the other high terms are the stuff of his columns, but that's cuz he's in that business. He knows they're just marketing pablum for the public babies, not real things. The cucks are essentially cynics. That's what makes them so contemptible. Their existence is proof that most people have no ideals - yet all those highest terms are the stuff of their columns. We all instinctively sense this perversion, and it curls our lips and makes us rightly despise them. To them, they gets paid yo. It's all about the benajamins. They get paid, you don't. That's proof they're better and higher than you. This is not just how they think, it is how most white American middle-class people think. Money is the god of the Anglo, Anyone on tv or in the prestige printed press Matters. Anyone outside does not. Ideas, contradictions don't matter to these people. The right analogy is to imitation-flavoring in food. It may taste like the real thing but it's not. It's just fake crap to make money and forestall resistance. We control the opposition by creating and leading it, as Lenin said. The right way to view professional conservatism and the profoundest criticism of it is as a necessary pillar of the ruling (((System))). As James Mason would say, the whole thing has to be destroyed, and to get caught up in criticizing parts of it is to ignore that fact. It is good to see that finally the white-right does attack the conservatives -- as I argued long before anyone was actually doing it. And the minute people started doing it, huge success ensued. In fact, the attack on the conservatives is not comprehensive enough. The ones deriding purity spiraling are the ones who were against attacking conservatives in the first place. They like to think these people are wrong and can be won over but to believe that is to misunderstand the System and the actual game being played. The same mistake is made with the so-called alt-Lite. Of course these people aren't serious intellectually or politically. But they are serious in ways that matter: they have public profiles, they have real talents, and they have access to networks of influential people with money. Therefore they are well positioned to steal the spotlight hence undermine a burgeoning white-racial movement. They are the political solution the jew-left has come up with to confuse the public and suck money and attention away from a genuinely pro-White movement that might be developing since their main controlled organs (National Review and its ilk) outed and destroyed themselves by their opposition to Trump. Fresh fake-opp needed! Ah, Rebbe Media, we love your application! That alt-lite are intellectually incoherent clowns isn't the point. THEY'RE NOT TRYING TO BE INTELLECTUALLY SOLID. What they're trying to do is a limited hangout, in CIA terms - use some valid points, minor points (minor = doesn't threaten Jewpower) so the average white reader falsely concludes they're on his side, while their main ingredient remains the disease-causing semitic sugar of liberalism. When a man sticks a dildo up his ass, he's trying to tell you he's not serious. I really wish I didn't need to point that out. But while their positions are a joke (and they know they are a joke, but again, they are cynics lying for money), their institutional support is serious. The alt-lite is positioned to destroy or outcompete the alt-right by virtue of their (((network)) and (((production values))) -- and you'd better believe that is a dead-serious threat and intention of The System. Alt-Lite is not a way station it is a competitor for white potentially White minds. Richard Spencer said something intelligent when he said the alt-lite must be "crushed." That is exactly right. And the way to crush it is to point out its ACTUAL function and the ACTUAL powers it serves. As I have here.
The Black African Problem
There's one solution that works: killing every nigger that tries to get into a white country. And ending all aid to the continent. What really should be done is recolonize Africa and kill the blacks or at least prevent them from breeding. Thanks to christ-insanity and jewsmedia brainwashing, people don't have the stomach for these actual solutions. Violent retards are not good for civilization. That much should be obvious. Also obvious should be the fact that violent retardation is not a problem that can be fixed. Except by killing or spaying. "What you subsidize you get more of." In almost every country in the white world, violent retardation is subsidized. People of value, people who can actually run their lives and participate usefully in an actual civilization are enslaved by the authorities, forced to pay taxes to subsidize the incompetent, and particularly the colored incompetent. This situation cannot last forever. What must be done is destroy all blacks in white areas, and destroy all whites who foist this violent retardation on us in the name of morality. MONEY IS NOT A CURE FOR NIGGER. BULLET IS A CURE FOR NIGGER. If money turned niggers into humans, that would have been discovered somewhere in the first few trillions "we" wasted on the welfare state. It does not. Nor does education. The popular solutions are revealed as lies by 2017 because if they were honest beliefs then the holders have for decades had the honest evidence to reject them as honest mistakes. But they continue with the same claims. It's a power and morality play from the jews and christians, with the obvious and now open end of producing white genocide. Here on King Douche of Wop Mountain, Pope Greaseball Primus Inter Faggus. We must psychologically untie ourselves from coloreds, and this means taking a direct look at the rottenness of christianity, not just the obvious jewlies called liberalism. Christianity is a universalist, egalitarian mentality and morality, and it lays the psychological and moral basis for thinking that all people are really the same, and the miserable anti-white politics that grow in that soil. It primes people to accept that whitekind have anything at all to do with the diseased, degenerate discos that are 90+ percent of the world, and that the only true measure of a whiteskin is how he "helps" the discolored "man." Christianity is bad for whites and good for jews - and how many white-rightists can perceive that, let alone will tell you that? Christ-insanity is a dream doctrine for jews, for it not only pacifies whites, teaches them a taste for illusion over reality, it protects jews, by doctrine, from the only solution that can end their problem: counter-exterminating them. Just as people resisted forever my correct call to ATTACK conservatives, not fraternize them, so they make the same mistake today with christianity.
Posobiec appears to be a sort of neo-Bill White (currently in Marion). Making up lies about people he doesn't like, pretending to have inside sources. Claiming he knows shit he doesn't to get attention and trick others into revealing things. Being dishonest as a standard practice and calculated tactic. Mixed with some undeniably genuine intelligence, shrewd analysis and plain guts, this M.O. can befuddle people effectively. It's the admixture of the good stuff that makes the bad stuff harder to identify. Because most people are either liars or basically honest, and it's pretty easy to tell. Few who aren't jews lie strategically and coldly, most lie to save face. I can say from long experience, as I always have, that what should happen is that pollutants such as Posobiec are ostracized. But most won't. They enjoy seeing people they don't like attacked. Malicious lying may be politically destructive but they find such lying enhances their entertainment experience. And since we can't really win, as many to most actually think, then the quality of the online entertainment becomes the true bottom line. This is why, despite all its defenders, anonymity is mostly a bad thing, not a good thing. Anonymity encourages people to act tough, run their mouths, and then run away the minute anything gets real. It may be necessary faggotry, but it's undeniable that faggotry is the blood brother of anonymity.
Verbal war: Adjectives
...are for women and liars. Men mainly use them for comedy, since they don't mean anything, the ones covering anything that isn't bare description. 'Edgy' is perfect example.
Snake Front
Some guy in Thousand Oaks has dozens of alligators, cobras, rattlesnakes, etc. I don't know. I guess laws against this make sense. But I'd rather swim in a home pool of young alligators than a hotel pool full of niggers. There is something viscerally repellent about dark niggers in a bright blue pool. Inescapably it treads on the mind's toilet nerve. Like the candybar scene in Caddyshack times one hundred.