Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-04-19
19 April 2017
Notes: Spencer spoke at Auburn last night. Not too much violence. The Judenpresse, as always, blame the white man's speech for the violent acts of the stooge left. Meanwhile, a nigger in Fresno who called himself Black Jesus but also adopted some jihad jargon killed four whites because he hates "white devils." While the white-douchebag-named Steve Stephens nigger who murdered the old black can collector in Cleveland was caught up with in Pennsylvania getting his MacDonalds on, when he usefully offed himself. The documented anti-White terrorist group SPLC is suing Andrew Anglin of Daily Stormer for encouraging people to email the jewess in Whitefish who tried to extort Richard Spencer's mother. Gold continues a touch under 1290, silver in 18, BitCoin a touch under 1200. VNN:Forum continues down, hopefully it comes back online today since it didn't last night, as we were told it might.
The left is so far gone it will lie about things on videotape. Control of mass media means jews and their brainwashed accomplices can lie about anything and effectively get away with it, even though the White media is there online to correct them. In my fifty years of life, I have never seen a time when the simple facts mattered not in the least. The (((left))) simply doesn't acknowledge facts. All it does is promote its narrative, which is a longer term for reality-falsifying lies.
None of the Work, Half of the Assets (or More)
Alex Jones getting jewed by his wife. The same persona (granted, he's a bullshitter and liar and punch puller, but that doesn't lessen the point) that got her millions in assets, and 43k a month at present, will be used as the reason she should get his kids. This is par for the course where any politicized white man is dragged into the court system. Where being male means being guilty and being female means being victimized. This is why MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way, is surging.
Fake News on Berkeley
LA Times refuses to admit that leftists attacked first - as always.
Quick Critique of Spencer's Speech at Auburn
Washington Post fake news report here. I respect him for leading. That said, his speech was unfocused and lacking urgency. He says why make enemies when you don't have to, then he attacks a libertarian, even though the guy who invited him is one. Why not say, "Oh you're a libertarian - so you support free association?" And then point out that the denial of this Constitutional right, established by whites, destroyed by jews, locks whites in death cages with niggers like the one who just murdered multiple whites in Fresno. Spencer doesn't push love your race, but he calls himself a racial idealist, as opposed to a racial realist. I maintain the white cause is better focused on white racial defense. I would speak by describing our race as under siege, and identify the aggressor and the sources of its power, money and media control. We are now dealing with a judeo-left that openly celebrates its hatred of whites and laughs at their deaths. Identify the two teams doing battle. #TeamWhite vs #TeamJew. And get to the heroic, idealistic stuff at the end. But again, whoever does it in the field is the leader, and right now that's Spencer. He did a good thing by talking down football as a source of identity, something that football-obsessed Auburn kids badly need to hear. Lot of people worked together to nail the logistics for Spencer's speech, a very good omen.
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