Notes: Gold and silver rising over 1250 and high 16, respectively. BitCoin going nuts, up near 2000 level, unprecedented. On skulduggery surrounding Seth Rich. Claim: Rich wasn't fatally shot; he was taken to hospital and stabilized; later LEO flooded in, hospital staff were told to keep away; Rich then dies. Not normal procedure, says someone who claims he was there. AmeriKwa is 'grogressing blackwards at an unprecedented rate an' shit. A good brief point on WTC demolitions: jew billionaires wouldn't have leased buildings that were financial liabilities...unless they knew what was going to happen. Sweden drops rape charges vs Assange. Maybe some hope in Austria. You know, the NEXT HITLER COULD BE AN AUSTRIAN. Crazy young wigger named Adolf. With some cheese and a goat and a toothbrush.
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And finally, removal of the fourth statue in New Orleans: Robert E. Lee. So public respect can only be given to niggers and nigger lovers? That is the current state of affairs. Time for a revolution. WHITES HAVE NO INTEREST IN (((FORCED))) ASSOCIATION WITH COLOREDS. Here summing up New Orleans. Like Jefferson said, one race will kill off the other. Figure out which side you want to be. Mayor Mitch Landrieu and the New Orleans City Council are enacting the agenda of black communists who support the Africanization of New Orleans.
The Left can be as violent, racist and hateful as it wants while our side is strangely expected to look, behave, dress and associate like the church choir. The Left can mace elderly women, throw sucker punches and hurl rocks. They can spray paint “Black Power” on our monuments. They can attack police officers and be as nasty and vulgar as they want. They can welcome every extremist under the sun – black communists, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, Republic of New Afrika, etc. – into their ranks. They can form mobs and look like they just crawled out from underneath a rock!
Meanwhile, the Right will debate this or that person’s affiliations, the optics of the event, whether or not we have any “racists” in our ranks, whether it is a good thing to be associated with this or that person, the language that is used, whether there is any violence, etc. The Right does all this while the Left riots in the streets, busts windows, sets buildings on fire and violently attacks people.
New Orleans was the ultimate repudiation of Rainbow Confederates. These people do not care … that you are not a racist, that you are non-White, that you have non-White friends, non-White family members, that you are a nice, tolerant, decent and wonderful Christian. They do not care how many blacks fought for the Confederacy. All they know is that you are the enemy and it is all the same to them.
For the last time, it is not about you. It is about them. They are ideologically motivated black supremacists and militant communists and anarchists. They are going to behave this way regardless of what you say. They are going to be supported by the Democratic Party regardless of what you do. We have a bad habit of exaggerating the importance of what we say and do.He gets it, he finally gets it. Griffin has come a long way. Of course, some of us were saying all this more than a decade ago, but it takes people, many times, a long, long, long time to figure out what's going on. The jew sets the agenda, and it is impersonal. The most striking illustration of this was a hollywood jew who was friends with an actress, goy. When he learned she was a Republican, he quit talking to her. Even though Republicans push the jew agenda too. That is ideological, categorical thinking/hatred. Jews are born to it. Whites don't understand it. They think their Bedazzled(tm) personality will bring the left around. It won't. These are evil rational racist jews + insane delusional whiteskin secular and religious cultists. They "see" something that isn't there, but that doesn't mean they won't stomp you and your family and every other normal white into the ground to capture it. You can't believe in the "noble lie" (read: Pravada [read: ideological Truth]) without ignoring Istina (actual facts). Alabama has had enough grogress, votes to protect its historical monuments.
it is good when a thing looks like what it is: photomatopoeia the Greeks called it.
Not to ignore Phot's brother Onomato (and shout out to shirttail cousin Claymato), after all guy's name is Weiner, and he aint joking about it
Look at that rich Corinthian leather surfacing Lo Weiner. Perfect for the backseat of my Chrysler Cordoba. Some of you KIDS won't know what I'm alluding to. Damn you for yr yootness.
Anglin says: The perverted funny Jew is the type of Jew I hate the least. That is some kind of white weakness.
That's your natural Aryan love of honesty: Weiner looks exactly like what he is: a nasty jew sewer rat degenerate. Truth in labeling, itz. The kike is not trying to fool you, with a nose like that, could grab rats around corners, he's got a real stand-up shnozz that honks i'm a sleazy, banana-nosed/banana-hammocking skeezalicious klezmer-sextzer. i smell fifteen year olds, and they smell DELICIOUS.
There's no triangle. Alt-light isn't a real position, it's jew-funded entertainment for gullible goyim. It's just ordinary cuckservatism - fake opposition/real liberalism (becuz no race). What happens is, as people wake up to one scam (Republican Party), Big Jew sticks another fake in front of their eyes. It's Team White v Team Jew. The so-called Alt-Lite is just fake-right garbage that's jew-funded to get in between The Real Thing and The Kike Thing and confuse people, and sidetrack their effort and siphon their $upport. There are only two positions: whites should exist and have sovereignty - or jews should control things. The race-doesn't-matter colorblind constitutional school is just jew-liberalism, no matter how it understands itself. It's not distinct from Team Jew in any way. The modest, abstract support for free speech is just the cost of doing business, from the jew POV. You can't run a mousetrap without bait, after all, and the bait has to be real peanut butter or cheese or grease. Alt-Lite -- Prosemite Sham and the Titsgirls is the political equivalent of I Can't Believe Its Not Butter for whiteskin right-wingers who think Fox News is da real shit, yo, for sures. BTW, I like all these people - Anglin, Spencer, etc. Whether they like me or not. But politics can only be polarized into two sides at the moment. The only other serious politics is how we live with ourselves, after we've achieved exclusive whiteness, but when they're knocking down Lee statutes...let's put it this way: you don't worry about feng shui when your pagoda's on fire. Right now we need WHITE SOVEREIGNTY. And we'll welcome in bucket line anyone willing to help extinguish the jewblaze. What comes after that can be worried about when the time comes. We already know, or I know by polling my forum, whites are roughly divided into freemen and socialists. Spencer et al. discuss some of this (May 15 edition). As a great man or me has said many times, it's absurd not to take advantage of what is peculiar to our times - and that is the ability to CONSCIOUSLY DECOUPLE, as the kike actress famously said. We don't have to force everyone together. If that's bad when jews do it to us and negroes, how then how becomes it gud when whiteskin does it to white? There has never been less of a time when once size fit all. So why force it. A very important song from my youth captured what I'm trying to say here: "Hold on loosely...but don't let go." THAT is WHITE societal STRUCTURE in the future. The state as giant racial park, but people fishing, picnicking or playing mah jong with bears as they see fit.
Cri de Coeur
Quit loading these pages with adzu, Internet makers. Goddamit. No one watches your stupid pop-up videos. Just stop already. All they do is prevent pages from loading. Put a discreet link to the video. You fucking faggots.
Coverture: The New Necessity
Weev is correct: We must go back to the days when women were legally men's property and responsibility (the part the feminists leave out). It's eucivic. Eugenic too.
Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged...
...ends in Minnesota backing off ban on FGM. Who are we to say? It's their culture. The xtianity defenders then whinney well that's not what that means. But you and I notice they have to say that about damn near every verse in the bible. Like Ratner to Damone in Fast Times, "You know what...maybe they DO know you." When you have to continually defend something by saying IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT, well guess what - MAYBE IT DOES. Someone pass that on to Rhetmaster Vox Day, one standard IQ deviation below God Xirself.
Black Culture Is Rape Culture
Is there even a concept for rape in Africa? (Or crime itself?) I doubt it. Here on Cosby. Here on Baylor. They run a rape program, and take breaks to pass around some footballs at halftime. Life's hard for the coon. He needs a special graduation ceremony at Harvard, as well as special admissions and special grading and... Whining about the march in Charlottesville. Jefferson wrote that Blacks are “inferior to whites in the endowments of body and mind.” He wrote that Black people were driven by uncontrollable impulse and their “existence appears to participate more of sensation than reflection.” Well, as you said, he was a brilliant man. Though you couldn't prove it by those statements, since anyone around coons for five minutes can perceive they're more like animals than whites. Niggers destroy everything: Modena (Italy). Two theories: put a nigger next to a great piece of art. The art will cultivate the negro into a pants-wearing intelligent human. Second theory: the negro will try to fuck the statue, if that fails, he'll knock it over and kick it in the head and/or try to steal it. Which theory do you support? Answer here.
This from WP article about Lee statue removal, from black professor/writer: “Beneath all of the talk is a longing for an America that is not only predominantly white but where the resources of a very, very rich nation are funneled almost exclusively toward whites,” said Anderson, author of the 2016 book “White Rage.” The coonceit here is typical: America had all these resources, just sitting around, and white men went and hogged them all for themselves, denying women-n-coloreds. It's a way for the nigger/jew liar to avoid mentioning that, no, white men created those resources in the first place, by their hard work and brilliance, their organization and unselfish, patient, persevering hard work. Without white men, those resources would not exist. The implication is everything whites have is stolen, not earned, and justice means giving it back to the discoloreds denied their fair share. It is a big lie, but a common one. It's part of the False History of the USA, taught in many colleges these days.
Meet George Zimmerman's Brother in Whiteness
Take a look at the (police report) white man of non-hispanic origin who mowed down people in NYC with his car.
As a racialist, you know that crime stats demonstrate blacks and discoloreds generally, excepting Asians, commit a huge amount of crime compared to whites. The per-capita difference is staggering. Yet, as above shows, it's actually worse than it appears. Worse. Because the crime statistics aren't collected and recorded objectively. Everything is done to shade things against whites, while the jewspapers blather on about whites having institutional power and privilege, and these being racism. So our racism involves "our" skewing crime statistics against our own kind, and discriminating against our own kind in employment and admissions... If you try to reason out the things jews say, you realize they don't parse, and jews are nothing but across-the-board, comprehensive liars. Everything they say is to reduce our self-respect and opportunities in this world, and PRIVILEGE the ruling jews and the discoloreds they've interposed between us. WHITE GENOCIDE IS (((THEIR))) PLAN, (((EXTERMINATION))) IS OUR RESPONSE.
What is Fake News? 100 Years Later, Chicago Tribune Spreads Big Lie Leo Frank Was Innocent
If you're new to all this, you think you can laugh at the exaggeration when someone like me says jews are a race of liars. It's not an exaggeration. Their entire culture is built on deception. It's not just Mossad slogan. Deceiving other races in order to take advantage of them, and destroy them if need be, is what jews do, every hour of the day. Here they take one of their own, a pedophile in his 20s, married, who tried to take advantage of a 13-year-old white girl, and when she refused, he hit her and strangled her - and then had his high-priced defense team try to frame two different blacks. And 100+ years later, all of jew Leo Frank's fellow snipdicks write plays and articles and reviews in which they claim he was "innocent." They literally have written a play proclaiming that, and they tour around the US putting it on. Colleges put it on. This is how utterly duped our stupid, silly, buffoonish race is. Mary Phagan could be your little sister. But all you care about is that you get an important role in "Parade." If you're white, you don't care that it's based on the reversal of the truth. You don't care that it makes the evil jew the good guy, and the innocent, honorable white men of the South the bad guys. You don't care that you're perpetrating an obscene lie. All you care is that this acting role might jumpstart your career.
On Crampus
DePaul hikes fees to pay for illegals. Speak freely? Not in my Holland. Torba on censorship wars. Whiteskin female figures out white privilege at Colgate: a nigger with a glue gun painted black can't run around freely, whereas she can. If white privilege is the difference, then maybe try committing crimes like a groid and see how far your white privilege holds up.
Cutting Edge: Bare Bones Philosophy 80% of Whites Worth a Damn Will Agree With
If someone said . . .We're creating a party to defend and protect our race. It will create a nation in which normal white men can flourish. Free market inside a racial shell. If you try to attack the racial basis of state to make money, you get executed. Not fined. Not jailed. Executed. Normal sex only. Everything else in the closet. We won't chase you, but you can't demand equality or respect for your disorder. Low taxes. This government won't solve your problems, it will defend you racially. The rest is up to you. End of easy divorce - so men and women can have legal stability for forming families. We recognize jews as the threat of threats to our people, and that all the other threats were brought about by them, whether that means perverse changes in law, or importation of violent retarded discoloreds, or altering the political vocabulary so that everything good for our kind becomes 'hate.' We are forming an army to destroy the jews and anyone they ally with. Sign up here: _______________ . . . . I bet people would respond. ... I think Most whites would sign onto that. They might disagree with elements, but they're in line with 80% of it, and they can tolerate the rest.
Washington Post Headline Sampler (last 24 hours)
[thin because i was out most of friday, sure i missed some twattery]
Recapping a stunningly bad two weeks for the Trump White House
Trump turmoil is spreading far beyond Washington to state and local races
5 questions Congress needs to answer about Trump and Russia
The Daily 202: Echoes of Watergate as Trump flies to Middle East amid new Comey revelations
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