Notes: Leftist brags about getting Richard Spencer's podcast kicked off SoundCloud. That is how the left thinks - One Opinion Only. It inspired one of my Gab tweets below. Actually, I think SoundCloud sucks because you have to reopen something in SC after pausing it where it's first linked, which is annoying. Nevertheless, it is something akin to the main utility for audio, so suppression doesn't help outreach. Here an 8m video on how blockchain can change the world. "Data in a block cannot be manipulated retroactively." Distributed...anonymous...decentralized...cannot be regulated by government crooks. Kathy Griffin: where attention whoring meets preening for peers. A tempest over a teepee. So much synthetic emotion. Putin backs up what Assad said in the link the other day - that the US president is more controlled than controller. Repeat: perfect example of chutzpah and gaslighting: proclaiming the exact opposite of the truth. The jew is the murderer. The jew is the coverer-up. The jew is the media-liar 100 years later. The hatred comes from the jew and is directed at the white man and his race and their culture. More on Portland stabber. Jews lie then act surprised when no one believes anything they say. One of the few good things Trump has done is fling the "fake news" at them. Any "woke" white man knows not to believe any jew description of a crime. Christ, these kippah criminals lie about what's on videotape. This Christian fellow strikes me as a pretty common ego-driven, inconsistent manchild type, very common in today's AmeriKwa. Of course they'll call him 'white supremacist' since they plausibly can; the truth has already come out that he's a Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren fan. He also seems to be a loudmouth with mental problems, possibly as a result of being shot by cops. Not kangz, just dingalings. Claim niggers build the pyramids is absurd. Today's Egyptians are equivalent of mice running around an abandoned house. Let's get this straight: negros are a race of bike thieves. Whites are a race of pyramid builders. Smearing Margaret Court for speaking truth about lesbians. Gold near 1270, silver 17, BitCoin 2300. Some analyst who predicted BC would hit 2000 thinks it will hit 100000. Seth Rich was the leaker, this analyst claims. There was no reason for Assange to have spontaneously brought up Seth Rich in the context of the risks his leakers take if Rich were not the leaker involved in the DNC and Podesta emails that WikiLeaks published. So says Jerome Corsi. He's a former WorldNetDaily writer now with InfoWars, I guess. Dozens of ali assups busted around country for organized swindling through convenience stores. See, kids, Semites are crooks. It's their genes and their culture.
The basic jew attitude. They work to make it so. Jews don't care about truth they care about power.
The Truth About the Judeo-Left
One of very few pleasures of being not young, if not precisely old, is a longer perspective. I have never tried to suppress the left; it has never stopped trying to suppress me. After more than 30 years fighting public battles (1986 being the starting year), I don't believe there is anything to be done to the left but shoot them and throw their corpses into a trench. They're no different from ISIS, just slower. Same mentality, though. No room for a second opinion, everyone opposed to them is evil and should die. They can't be lived with, they can only be killed or succumbed to, sine they are intolerant of all expressions of disagreement. I mean, they will abuse your character for disagreeing with their position that men in dresses should be allowed into the women's bathroom. You're either with them or you're evil, and if you're evil, you deserve to be stamped out. There is no reasoning or living with people like this, you can only fight them. They're like cats with distemper, these whiteskins, or dogs with rabies: putting them down is the only workable option. But it's the jews, who are operating by purely rational logic, toward ends only white nationalists, until recently, have dared to acknowledge, who are the real problem, as they are the drivers, the agenda setters, and the funders and excusers of white-genocidal cultural-racial destruction. But today, even Pine cones know whatz up.
We Do Need a Civil War 2: This Tyme Itz Goysonal
This guy has it right: We have the left who thinks it is their God given right to suppress if not kill anyone who disagrees with them. The left can't persuade, only suppress. As it perfects its art, extends its network in media, academia and politics proper, it suppresses more and more dissent. Encouraging it to expand its forbidden zone. In turn pissing off more and more normal people. After decades, you can't speak the truth about anything relevant. You can, though, get fired for, say, disagreeing that mentally disordered men in dresses should be treated as women. The left continues to push on, not just by the logic of crushing all dissent but because of the rational racial motives driving its true leaders, the jews. So practical leftism is an amalgam of racist jews and whiteskin cultists. It manipulates language, media reports and law until there's no safe space, no neutral space, for normals. Every aspect of life has been politicized. Even without leftism, government itself has grown so huge that regulations exist for everything. Increasingly, normals feels they have nowhere left to turn. In desperation and anger they vote for someone who talks a good game. He actually wins - against 100% mass media opposition. But when elected, the resentful, hate-filled media won't let him do his job. Everything he does, down to the food he eats, is viciously attacked. His enemies in the permanent government, the permacracy as I call it, similar to but not precisely same as deep state, block his every move, knowing they have media support. So the polarization continues. "You have no legal way to oppose us," the left says to white normals as well as their politicized version White Nationalists. Ultimately there must be some kind of splitting up or there will be violence. There already is violence in fact, but it's all one way: from the coddled minorities used by the left to break up settled communities of their opposition. At some point whites will fight back. They've tried the typical route, with some racialized conservative legal parties, but this has failed. What can be done now is create a White army. It must be racial, not partisan. The support is there, in 2017, but the leader is not.
Niggers Hate Work
All government employment programs are scams. "Job training" is a scam concept, thus popular with jews, who love scam-concepts the way humans love their children. Jobs are job training. Blacks are stupid because they have low IQs. Whites are functionally stupid because they ignore evidence screaming at them that, as per this brief column, niggers are a different species with an entirely different mentality. You can no more train them to be human than you can train a skunk not to stink.
Got to Say...
...much as I dislike jews, Google's Blogger platform is nearly infinitely preferable to WordPress, which I loathe. Original VNN should have stayed as an html platform, I see with retrospect. Just big bold letters, in a big box, with smaller category boxes on right. Focus on text. I was the last of the pre-meme generation of white nationalists, similar to the way I was part of the last generation of college students before the Internet - even used a typewriter instead of a computer. I graduated in 1988. Internet went mass-public in about 1995. The way I do things, I do a lot of editing. I have to go back and forth 20x per page. Blogger updates in a second. Even if it took ten seconds I would find it too long, and last I checked, WordPress took longer than that. There is too much functionality built into systems today. Probably 95% of people only need the basic ones. Indenting, italics, quotes, bolding. Beyond that, stuff is extraneous. I have to compliment whoever designed Blogger because it performs just about exactly as I, a user with no interest in technology, would have had it custom built. Of course, Google will SJW-censor the way all the commonest utilities will, but that is a different topic. Point is, if you want to write a blog, Blogger is a very good platform, the best I know of.

'Open' Society
Is closed to all ways of thinking but one - it is totalitarian. Zuckerberg and Soros, both jews, both big fans of forced assimiliation of whites and No Second Opinion about anything. Zuckerberg works to erase off his Facebook any criticism of muslim invaders Soros paid to destroy Europe. These people must be destroyed - utterly eradicated, down to the last yid larva, before they do the same to us. They started it. We must end it. That is the White mission. Here on another terrorist thwarted. Realistically, you can be for both mass domestic spying and mass Islamic immigration, or you can be against both. It's like Sierra Club: 1) protect the environment; 2) support massive third-world invasion. 'Governments' tell you in THEIR schools that they exist to serve the people. Which makes everything you read in the papers highly confusing, because everything governments actually do seems to be against the interests of the people. Governments are not some God-ordained device for human management but self-aggrandizing gangs that serve only themselves. Look into who "themselves" are and you'll find they're highly UNrepresentative of the population. Zuckerberg says: "The forces of freedom, openness and global community against the forces of authoritarianism, isolationism and nationalism." This is how little jews respect you, the listener. Even if you're at an elite college, where he's giving the commencement address. He knows he's been in the paper for months talking about washing Facebook of any posts Merkel doesn't like. There's your 'freedom' in the mouth of a jew, makes a nice contrast with the jew's behavior. Same with openness, which is a joke like his freedom. Or it means him and his jew buddies opening your borders which leads to opening your property (as the newcomers vote to take it away by tax). Same with 'global community.' Big walls around Zuckerberg properties. Big wall guarding Israel. Global 'community' means you forced to mix with aliens. It also means tyranny. No criticism of jews, Israel, the lies they claim as history.
Niger Beat
One thing I wish whites would never say again about niggers is don't they understand how bad it will be for them when we're gone? No. No, they don't. They don't understand what will happen two second after they kill or attack someone. They can barely connect a plug and outlet, much less something as abstract as whites being responsible for the quality of their lives. In any case, if whites are gone, they're back to living as niggers. Which was where they came in. More mudshark misery inflicted on hapless tot.
On Crampus
Arizona on cutting edge of feminist lunacy. Political science itself isn't science, the name is borrowed to gain the acclaim, as with Marxist 'science' (scientific, as opposed to uptopian, socialism) and Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy's Christian Science, which is about as scientific as, well, this new quantum feminisms. White privilege garbage in Ontario schools.
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