Sunday, November 12, 2017
Linder Commentary
Why I Write
My only interest has ever been in doing things others don't or can't; in making observations others haven't. It should go without saying - concerning things that need to be said, from a racial-cultural point of view. If I can't do this, no point in writing. There are now a huge number of people clued into jews and the problems they cause. To fulfill my function as vanguard, I now criticize christianity, as I consider it the main reason why whites don't want to/feel it is immoral to defend themselves as a race - when even the dimmest white is beginning to see that whites as a group are under attack. There are not fifty people pointing out that christianity is inherently and irremediably (unfixably) anti-White. So that is where I put my effort. And I offer other observations as they occur and seem worthwhile.
“When you start labeling people as an ideology, you’re not really seeing them as a person. Let’s face it, not every conservative voice is what they've been charged within the media, which is homophobic, racists, Islamophobic. That’s just not the case. There are narratives out there that are being missed, so you need to have an open mind.”
"Airbnb is destroying families. Airbnb is suing white cities in Florida who are trying to pass laws to limit short-term rentals. Neighborhoods that were full of white families are being replaced with drunk hotel customers. Jewish lawyers have found a way to gut white neighborhoods." --Gab post
"The reason for this is simple – even the “anti-Nazi” Polish Partisan supporters hate Jews and Muslims. In fact, every single group there probably felt the same way. It’s varying shades of nationalism from your basic pro-Catholic anti-Muslim sentiment to straight up NatSoc ideology."
"In simple terms, Israel and Saudi Arabia want a war to destroy Iran because Iran is a regional competitor. And they want to have the United States do most of the fighting, which requires creating some plausible narrative that demonstrates how Iran is a threat "to the whole world" as Netanyahu keeps telling us. The first step in starting the regional war to get Iran will be to strike Lebanon, whose prime minister just fled to Saudi Arabia claiming that Iran is trying to take over his country (basically a lie). That will involve Syria (again) and possibly bring Russia into it. The war against Iran will be unwinnable in any conventional sense as the US has no real interest in fighting it, just like Iraq, Syria and Libya all over again. US interests would be best served by wrapping up action in Syria-Iraq and bringing the boys and girls home.-Phil Giraldi"
Notice the dates. This quotation proves jews acted as jews before Christ, hence catholic claims that jews only became jews by rejecting jesus is factually wrong. They are what they are by their biology, which their evolved culture is an expression of. Also remember the Talmud didn't congeal until around 500 AD. So even without a formal code, jews acted like the ratty creatures they have been known to be for their entire history. The problem with jews is biological.
Cato study on PC.
Just how bad things are in Britain.
I found the level of christinanity on display in Shelbyville to be the most disheartening thing about my trip to Tennessee. The sight of the physically strong Michael Tubbs kneeling in a bank parking lot as Michael Hill prayed to a Hebrew idol made me shudder, but I confess that I myself added to the chorus of contradictions by striking in my pipes and playing Amazing Grace before we set off down the hill to submit ourselves to further humiliations at the hands of ZOG's badge fags.
ReplyDeleteComing back home and listening to nothing but non-stop kvetching about nothing deeper than appearances gives me little reason to hold out hope for a people to whom the reconciliation of ideological self-contradictions is of less importance than apparel selection.
I made the mistake of marching into Shelbyville in shirt sleeves, but it will be a cold day in hell before I march into a race war with an army of ideologically hamstrung hypocrites.
Thanks for the comment, it's good to have some first-hand insight into what went on there. Brad Griffin has evolved into the most fecund writer and actual street leader in the South. He is someone who shifts very easily among and through beliefs, and I don't believe it's conscious, he is just sort of a person without a true middle. In many ways, he has moved VNNward over time, so that now he at least understands the jew thing. And the South does critcize jews now. But they are still wrapped up, as you say, in that old christ-ianity. I guess we just keep working on that.