Friday, November 24, 2017
SPORTSRACE: Media, pardon me, (((media))), can't wait to replace white Case Keenum with black Teddy Bridgewater. Only problem: Keenum's playing great, winning every week. Black QB was never that great, has been out two full years. Other note: rise of great undrafted, unscholarshiped WHITE receiver Adam Thielen. How many other whites like AT are overlooked due to misconceptions, bigotry, stupidity, legal and social pressure? It's a good question, a fair question, and a question that can't easily be answered. Catching passes isn't purely a matter of speed. There have been few converted track stars who've succeeded in NFL. Receiving vs sprinting is like real-world engineering vs textbook theory. If whites generally pay closer attention to details than blacks, and if speed differentials are small, then whites are where one would look for receivers. But this has not been the case in recent decades. Mass sports, particularly NFL, is (jewish anti-white) racial politics by other means - and 2017 shows this more than any other year. It's the Trump stuff, of course, the nig kneeling and Prez Tweeting, but the old racial struggle continues, with the media, just as in politics proper, trying to replace whites with blacks, particularly at the QB position. You won't see Thielen as the subject of any how-did-we-miss stories, but he should be. They treat these white receivers as isnt-it-cute white boy trying out for NFL black man team. Then he gets on team. He plays slot. He plays wide. He demonstrates superior route running and hands. He dominates. Whites are both diminished and assumed. They're assumed genetically/racially less competent than blacks. Receiver is treated by jewsmedia as natural black position. Yet they're also assumed to catch every ball. Watch the camera placement and nuances in announcers' and color guys' voices: they don't like focusing on WHITES in HBFP (historically black football positions). It makes them visibly, aurally uncomfortable. You can tell they've been told the deal behind the scenes -- treat whites at HBFP as INTERLOPERS, let your camera selection and voice indicate as much. Or, they don't need to be told this, it's simply part of the environment. Sports media are as jew-leftist as any other, dont kid yourself. Sports is an area in which it's ok to assume genetic-racial differences because they are held to favor the black. So they help build up the race, make it more plausible for mixing with, for white girls. That's the game. Same as all the other games. Just one front in the same game. Notice also the success of Carson Wentz, a white QB from North Dakota - and like Thielen, who is also from the great white north, he played division II, yet is dominating in the pros. So, division one is basically niggers from the South; division II and III are many whites from up north. Clear sign that the big schools are overweighting Southern blacks compared to northern whites. Final observation - Minnesota is a very white and very tough team, as they beat the redskins I have my investment-of-year on at DC. In large measure by out-toughing them. Final final note, Minnesota's coach is a white man named Mike Zimmer who didn't get a chance to head coach until later in life, and despite terrible injuries, has created a very tough strong great team. Possibly the Rooney Rule, which demands discoloreds be interviewed for coaching positions, delayed his entry, kept him at coordinator level. Again - who knows? Nothing can be proved, and the media have no interest in investigating anti-White discrimination. Same in football as in politics proper - where the (((media))) are very hostile to Trump's DOJ going after Harvard to get the paper documentation about their admissions policies. Everybody knows they discriminate against Whites and Asians, but they are tailing dragging to admit it. Whites are discriminated against literally everywhere they can be in American society. They can start their own businesses, but if they bid for contracts, they don't get racial setasides or favors. And they still have to pay taxes that go to support coloreds, not their fellow whites. The US government is illegitimate. It operates against the express will and interests of the white majority, and in favor of 1) the jew minority, 2) any group the jew pulls around itself to support and disguise the loxist game being played.
THEME: OBLIVIOUSNESS: Ever notice just how oblivious people are? these days or always. So (why so? so, no so) I'm at the PO. I come out the door. There's two women in the street, right in front of my car, between my car and another. I walk up to them, in a C around them. Get in the car. Start the car. The one woman reacts like a hurricane hit out of nowhere. Complete and utter oblivious surprise. She's literally standing in the street, heavily trafficked street, as people are continually coming in and out of the PO. Utter surprise. Women live in a world that is basically a three-foot bubble of social chatter, and anything beyond that sphere they have to be pig-whistled to attention to pick up on. I've said many times, just watch them at cash register. They act like they're surprised they have to pay. Zero anticipation of anything. Even the most predictable thing in the world. The only alt-explanation is of course they know they have to pay, but they feel no urgency, they enjoy their line-backing social chatter. Or they enjoy being in what to them seems to be, for me on the outside, the mini-spotlight of being The Chosen One checking out. I would pay it no mind if I hadn't seen the same blankness over and over and over again. Then the dig in the purse for the coins, bills or checkbook. The laborious writing-out. Women never learn. They are the same at 80 as at 18, mentally, and if you think that's a joke, it aint. It really and truly aint. They don't truly develop or mature. Or, they mature to the very limited extent they can, and never develop beyond it. Whereas men, at least many men, or good men, develop and improve their entire lives - again, MENTALLY.
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