29 April 2017
Conservatives Are Professionals
We focus too much on their despicable jew subservience and punch-pulling cowardice. Their 'upside,' for them, is they are professionals at draining and profiting from LWA - legitimate white anger. They prevent a revolution from gaining force by sidetracking it for their big business. This is why it is necessary, always, unceasingly, unstintingly, to ATTACK THE CONSERVATIVES. It must always be a two-pronged attack: on the jews who created the anti-White System, and the conservatives who represent the fake opposition to it. And that certainly includes fagofakes like Gayvin McInnes, which means Man of Many Dildoes in the original gaylick, and vagina-lipped Peej Twatson. Andrew Anglin says, "I hate the sickening Paul Joseph Watson/Gavin McInnes meme “conservatism is the new punk." It's alway a variation on this. Before Anglin's time (he is 32) it was P.J. O'Rourke and the Republican Party Reptile, who liked to sex and booze and drug. But Peej the First turned into a bitter old woman, pimping jews wars, just another whoreson courtier satirist, and very much more than willing to denounce his own racial kind and flatter Boss Yid. No, the Fake Opposition will be with us until the whole System goes down, and as they help prop it up, they need to be kicked out, just like jews proper. Ann Coulter is no different. Fawning words to jews, cowardice when it counts. And of course ritual denunciation of "racists" when it matters. She's out for herself, even Gary North can see that; he calls her a waffler on LRC today.
Jews, Communists, Pedophiles: Meet the Left
Are you willing to kill all these people? If not, do you realize they are willing to kill all yours? That's not theory, that's the history of the USSR et al. in the 20th century. Jews are natural born liars and murderers, and they hate whites worse than any other group. Exterminating jews is the only solution that can work.
NGOs on Tape Working with Smugglers to Flood Italy and Europe
As Orban advises, have to deal with these NGOs and the (((Soros))) behind them. NGO = Non-Governmental Organization. Notice the way government(s) work. If there's something they are forbidden to do by law, they either ignore the law or they use a private group, or a foreign governmental service, to do the thing for them.
Words New to Me: Boriqua
A native-born Puerto Rican. Boriqua supposedly name of island before Columbus arrived.
Bog People Are the Best People
Long, interesting one on bog people - people preserved in all their demineralized rubbery goodness in a northern band from Ireland across England to northern Germany and Denmark.
Real Dangers: Performance Throttling
Irish Savant explains Trump's withdrawing 'net neutrality' is his most dangerous betrayal yet. it's about what you access... Its power lies in the ability to apply discriminatory pricing and 'performance throttling' to offending web sites. Term to remember: performance throttling. It's like dreamhost: you can have "unlimited" bandwidth for ten dollars a month - but served thru the world's tiniest straw.
Rainy as hell here in the NEMO, not sure how it is hundreds of miles east in Kentucky, probably not too different. We'll see what happens with Heimbach and crew.
Real Progress: Antifa Database, Courtesy of 4Chan
They do it to us, they have nothing to complain about. Notice how maybe 2-3 doxes were enough to discourage their showing up for round three in Berkeley earlier this week. When taking your mask down has the same effect as cutting off your balls, maybe you're supporting a shitty cause, eh? But if leftists could think that hard, they'd be rightists.
Academia Loves Niggers + Communists and Especially Communist Niggers Who Are Convicted Criminals
Woods on the speakers they like. Nigger terrorist is feted where normal whites are firestormed. Keep in mind what Eric Thompson says: principles protect people. Not the reverse. You already enjoy free speech. What you need to do is advocate white interests. It's being aggressive vs being defensive.
Duterte to Cashier Rothschilds Banking Scum?
Well, he did for druggists, maybe he can do for dreydlists.
The Jew You Flatter is the Eew You Become
US is as dishonest as the jews whose boots it licks. Congress is 100% jew-servile, at this point. Maybe Ron Paul excepted.
The worldwide bleeder didn't fire any blacktivists. Jemelle Hill. Your classic affirmative action hire, no matter what anyone calls it. More on ideology having something to do with layoffs, though I don't grasp precisely what Linda Cohn is arguing.
Two Fences Are Better Than One Fence
Some girls' mothers...are bigger than other girls' mothers... Timeless truth me, baby. Don't know why this story reminds me of the song lyric.
Wait a Minute...Those Aren't Nightcrawlers
Evidence suggests girls have been brought to Michigan from around the Midwest to undergo the gruesome operation since at least 2005. According to the complaint, several Michigan girls have complained to authorities that they were mutilated by Dr. Nargawala in Dr. Attar’s clinic. Welcome to AmeriKwa...stay low, don't get beat.
We Need More Judiciary Jemiahs
As well as describing diversity as an “intrinsic good”, the report said the “lack of female and visible [black and ethnic minority] senior judges threatens to erode the public’s confidence in the judiciary”, warning it could be perceived to be “unfair” that in the Crown Court “those tried are disproportionately non-white, yet the judges are overwhelmingly white”.
Niggers are an intrinsic good, like gold or silver or a giant pile of two-week old dead carp.
Oh an' Itz On
A non-racial but realist, Aaron Clarey, correctly, calmly explains to the left that (white) men have nothing left to lose.
You must be so unhappy mr Linder. Harboring such hatred, filled with poison. Just because you are white does not make you better than any other human on the planet. I think the root of your hatred stems from the fact that you are a terribly insecure man. Another explanation for could be that, although you are proud of being a white man, you feel inadequate because you are an unattractive one.