Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-05-24

24 May 2017

Notes:  It's disgusting how no normal white male adult with two testicles a functioning brain and scintilla of honesty will stand up to lying, murderous rats of Israel, and that list of dishonor was most certainly applied to and joined by Donald John Trump at the Paling Wall recently. Iran doesn't attack people or fund terrorism or draw up policy papers calling for the reordering of the middle east and taking out seven different governments. Israel does. Jews do. Iran allows inspections, doesn't have any nuclear weapons; Israel does not, and does have hundreds of nuclear weapons. None of this matters - the jewsmedia lie and back the jews, unsurprisingly, the politicians are all scared of them and reliant on billionaire jews for funding. One hoped Trump was independent of the kippah killers, for he said as much in front of them, but in the end it was the one thing the Donger reliably produces: bullshit. Let's be absolutely clear: Israel and jews are the chief source of misery and evil in the modern world. All these seemingly disparate unrelated problems in fact trace back to jews and israel. As Henry Ford said in 1920, international jews are "the world's foremost problem." 100 YEARS AGO, HE SAID THAT. ONE HUNDRED. BEFORE ISRAEL EVEN EXISTED. ... Houston is Nigston. Rally on June 10, both sides will be there. Excellent backgrounder on Christine Fair. No one's complaining about the (((Judah Benjamin))) monument just outside New Orleans. Breivik is a hero, as Vox Day agrees. I said it from day one, and I was virtually alone, though others came around to it. More on Seth Rich, being "Panda." Long past the time for revolution against the governments that let these muslims terrorists in. Pigs can't find anything to do in monoracial Japan. Crime as make-work for blueniggers. And social workers. Gibsmedats always have 'unmet needs,' that take a seven-nation army of bureaucrats and social workers (a euphemism for obese women) to provide. The funding for which always sources from your white-taxpayer wallet. Poland is perhaps the European country most similar to Japan when it comes to homogeneity, and for that reason King Jew Soros and his EU have declared war on it. Islam is an ideology that justifies what the shitskins who believe it want to do anyway: rape and steal from superior cultures. So even if the sons of Libyan immigrants to England lose their religion, they're still low-IQ shitskins, with all the proclivities that implies. What needs to be done is exterminate the jews and their lackeys who opened our borders, while at the same time rounding up and deporting or executing the Third Worlders they let in. Instead we will get jewsblather about "not dividing us," which is the politicized version of the grammatical mistake of the unclear antecedent. Who is "us"? "Whoever we say it is," says the jew. "We alone determine and speak for the community." But no, "us" is Whites. That must be our answer. Until we understand who "we" are, we can't defend ourselves. We must promote the conceptual and real polarization of #TeamWhite v #TeamJew.

Remember: You can't "step over" or "move on" from the Holohoax because it isn't history, it's propaganda, and as the link above shows, it's in the news daily.

Inspirational Thought For the Day: No string of words is so dumb it cannot aspire one day to be a headline at Salon.

Concepts: Waking Up
Manchester... They still talk about waking up in South Africa, where whites are murdered, heavily taxed and discriminated against, and only 9% of the population. But if the society that gave way to one-man one-vote was defined by apartheid, it seems undeniable that the population was already "woke." Did it go from woke to asleep? Is the problem perhaps not one of perception but one of character or will? If eating makes appetite, perhaps physical resistance operates the same way. Think of the reaction to Based Stickman. People aren't so much asleep as scared and without imagination. They can't imagine that things can be different, they have to SEE it. And when they do, it puts new and unusual thoughts in their heads. If that Swedish broad could wake up to jew, maybe Katie Hopkins can too.

Breivik: he's never going to get a cubicle job at Dinklestrom & Fosby with optics like that. Point: there is a non-small percentage of whiteskins that is genetically incapable of conceiving of politics as anything other than "appealing" to middle-class respectables, which are functionally cowards, unfortunately. "How we look" to these people is irrelevant.

Washington Post Joins the Cavalcade of Jewish Lies About Leo Frank, Murderer of Mary Phagan
It is most telling - in a case in which the proof is 100% established beyond any doubt, jews continue to lie that their kike was innocent. They know it is a lie, yet they proceed - 100 years after thet fact. Which is very good for Whites, because more will accept what I say: jews are a race of liars. And there is no way to stop them except to exterminate them. Writer is (((Jason Bogage))) on twitter. Perfect example of gaslighing: jews have engaged in a cross-generational conspiracy to lie about their man and present him as innocent when they know for a fact he is guilty. They cite each other. One jew academic will write a book of lies about the Leo Frank case, claiming he was innocent. That book will be cited by numerous jews in the media. Anyone who researches will find that jewish google or jewed Wikipedia or some other kikestream source is agreed on the 'fact.' Then another jew will write a musical play about his innocence. Pretty soon the truth is completely buried, save for those who read the actual records of the trial, or listen to the audiobooks I've recorded. Then a fourth jew comes along, and gaslights that "neo-Nazis" are trying to cover up the truth. The key is that you see that jews work together not just now but literally across FIVE GENERATIONS to LIE to smear the white race, the South, Georgia, the honorable men who saw that Frank's sentence was carried out. All to protect a married jew who punched, raped and strangled a 13-year-old white girl because she refused to let him debauch her. If you truly don't believe that jews deserve a racial death sentence, then 1) you are a fool, 2) you are endangering your own kind by your refusal to face reality.

Basic Reasoning
The muzz didn't let themselves in, they don't control immigration in any Western country. That means someone else did. I mean, if you're into logical reasoning. So who let these Muslim jihadi terrorists in? Who? Isn't it strange that basic logical reasoning can only be found at "Nazi" sites? The point of continual government-aided terrorism is to get the people exhausted, fearful and ready to accede to world government. So it says in The Protocols.

Boom, Boom, Out Go the Lies
In two days, two pillars of leftism have been destroyed. I mean, two of their most basic lies: that intelligence has nothing to do with genes, and that "humankind" lol emerged from Africa. Of course, the left was never honest. Brazenly lying and pretending to honest intellectual doubt are simply poses among them, if you've ever argued with some leftist who demands that you explain how black violence or IQ, say, are tied to genes. Well how is violence tied to tiger genes? I have no idea. But it obviously is. What isn't genetic? Damn little. Anyone can see that at a glance. Do smart parents have dumb kids? Sometimes, but not often. All people can do is reproduce what their genes carry. Not all genes are expressed in every generation, so you get some variety. But generally, as the expression has it, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Things reproduce themselves, and that goes for the mental as well as the physical since, after all, they're the same thing.

New Judeo-Leftist Book on Alt-White
We get to a point, after decades of macerating in rotten media and absurd schools, where People Allowed To Talk can't figure out if those opposed to their cult of Things All Good People Believe are serious or not. What William F. Buckley called "the prevailing structure of taboos" has been in place so long that many properly socialized people don't even realize there are other ways of thinking, let alone tolerate them. This is ideal for the conditioners. So if anything unusual occurs, our supersized pseudo-academic political population pops up to explain it. But all its works are superficial because they are written by folks who don't just SAY that (for one of literally a million examples) anyone who believes in national borders is a right-wing extremist, they actually BELIEVE it. They are normal. Their views are normality itself. Anything different is bizarre, insane, unaccountable, must-be-joking,-right? This is how it is in 2017. Is there something difficult to understand about a race defending its interests? Indeed, not even its positive interests, but its base physical existence? This would not seem to be a major intellectual for the fact that the marxist academy, politics having taken over for actual study, has 'problematized' everything from the existence of the white race on down. The garden-weasel conceptual scam of racism can explain or explain away every colored failure and every apparent White success. Besides, how can a race that DOESN'T EXIST have interests? By the alternate token, how can a race that doesn't exist be responsible for all human misery? the existing whiteskin could fire back. But he can't because anyone with white-positive views isn't allowed to earn money writing articles in common newspapers or lecturing in college classrooms. So he goes into some non-political area, or hides his views, and then he shows up where his views are, for a time and space, tolerated. Maybe a discussion board, or a forum, or a blog, or the comments section under an article written by a Card-Carrying Cultist (aka journalist).

Kill All Normies, by Angela Nagle (can read some pages through link)

Coonquote: Notions of white hegemony—of the idea that white Americans have a stronger claim on national resources, that they are somehow more legitimate citizens—have never left our politics. But for most of the past four decades, they’ve been expressed in coded terms, with a degree of deniability. (“Welfare queens,” the “47 percent,” etc.) The ascent of Donald Trump, propelled by a message of white anxiety and white anger, has cleared space in our political landscape for the explicit articulation of that view. It has been bolstered by a media that gives its greatest attention to the president’s supporters and treats their resentments—against Muslims, immigrants, and black Americans—as legitimate expressions, worthy of attention and political consideration. [link]

Jamelle Boie. Slate's chief political correspondent. 

Again, as the other day, notice the implicit argument always used by liars, whether leftist whiteskins, niggers or jews: "national resources" are just sitting there, growing on trees, part of the environment, some independent, neutral, preexisting thing that evil white men dass-racistly hogged for themselves before othercoloreds could get to them. What was the infrastructure when whites showed up in 1492? There was none. It was forests and marshes and Indian fauna. There were no buildings. Resources were in the ground and trees, unimproved. White minds and white backs turned them into civilization in a way no blacks ever have turned "resources" to advantage anywhere or any time in history. Some people think white interests are "worthy of attention and political consideration," he says. The black population lives off the white, if by "resources" he merely means money, but it's a sign of hate and extremism that the people paying for everything might have a politician giving them political "consideration." This is the world turned upside down. The tacit premise is whites should shut up and pay for everyone else, and consent to be the Butt Bearing the Burden (of mocking and taxation), while every other subset of simian, sodomite and semite parties on their dime. Anyone opposed to this scheme is a racist and should be no-platformed, no-countried, no Paypal-ed, and ultimately no-gened. We need a revolution, a blind man can see that. Whites don't need coloreds or jews. This fundamental fact has been lost. Jews and coloreds need whites - to feed off. To produce the goods and services and culture they can't produce on their own. Whites have every interest in throwing off colored domination and going their own way. This becomes ever clearer over time. The more the discoloreds grow in demographic power, the more hostile, violent and demanding they become. Whites must pay for everything. Not just money, they must assume moral and criminal-legal guilt for every transgression. White attitudes are the real problem, black crime and civilizational incapacity may be laid to the racist white mindset. This drumbeat of white-abuse is kept up for decades, reality rendered unrecognizable. Nothing publicly spoken corresponds to anything, after a point long ago reached. This is what always happens in societies dominated by jews: anyone who contradicts their Official Public Lies is abused, tortured, starved, jailed, executed, whatever.

Genes Linked to Intelligence
...and mankind did not come out of Africa. Dark days for lying left. ...a new study of nearly 80,000 people, published in Nature Genetics, has managed to identify a number of genes that seem to be involved in intelligence... Another study shows pornography leads to impotence (erectile dysfunction): ...a statistical link between the amount of porn they watched and sexual dysfunction... Timeless truth: if jews say it's good for you, it's bad. If jews say it's true, it's false. Key here is what Striker says: the numbers are undoubtedly worse than the jew docs admit, because this is an area people don't want to be straight about (patients). No one wants to admit he can't get it up when he's a twenty- or thirty-something. It's kind of like the saying "the fool you flatter is the fool you become." Or the other saying, "you are who you pretend to be." If you focus on porn, you become porn-addled. Reality fades, along with erections. So stay away from porn. And remember the Greek saying, "moderation in all things." Anyone who says watching graphic sexual images every day since you’re 11-years-old does nothing to your mind or sexual life is a liar who wants to hurt you. Exactly. No need to adduce xtian morality. When you watch lots of porn, you're training yourself to respond to that sort of stimuli rather than to flesh women. Bad idea.

Enemy Concepts: Human Rights
What does human rights mean? It's not obvious. As with the bogus concept of racism, it involves deception. Answer tomorrow.

Doesn't understand that PC is Semitical Correctness, but he does understand that even in the early seventies jews were race-reversing to avoid stereotypes, i.e., reality. Turning black muggers in Charles Bronson's "Death Wish" into whites. Reality convicts niggers. Therefor reality must be reversed. It is good for jews. It is telling that Eastwood believes his "Gran Torino" isn't politically correct.

Enemy Concept: Mushrikin
Means those who don't believe in Allah. Attendees at "shameless" Ariana Grande concert, for example off the top of my head, are mushrikin, and shriekingmush too.

On Crampus
Look at this garbage around Duke. Dig into this trash looking shit - oh christ, it's a literal Israeli green card professor; this guy named Williams is another kike. Another kikess is from Latvia. What a mess this country has become. These neo-communist garbage are completely employable by the System, paid by your taxes, the same taxes that fund jews persecuting 110-year-old "concentration camp guards" and like jests. Part II of the Raleigh-Durham commies.

Washington Post Headline Sampler
Trump budget seeks huge cuts to science and medical research, disease prevention

Trump wants to starve the poor, kill the sick, and retard medical research.

5 moments that show Trump isn't about to get any help from the intelligence community

WP finds it harder to come up with anti-Trump stories when he's out of the country

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