Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-05-30

30 May 2017

Notes: South Africa is heating up, though no one pays it attention since the majority of low-IQ coons now runs things. Zero Hedge offers a tard interpretation that socialism and liberalism is the problem, rather than niggers; ie, the Detroit explanation popular with the halfwits called patriotards. Comments show a little more intelligence. Jan from SA on what the Suidlanders believe. It's pretty wacky stuff, in the usual protestant judaizing way, based on prophecies from van Rensburg. It's basically the dispensationalist American fundamentalist millennialist End Times Tribulation Revelation horseshit transposed to an African key. Still more here, from ROK. Free speech? Not if you have an employer. Oh yeah and racism is losing its power. We've heard that for decades. Plagiarism rampant among Trump crowd. Brzezinski was a bad guy. Diversity bad for social cohesionU.S. researchers who in 2013 showed homogeneous or highly segregated neighbourhoods are almost always more cohesive than those which are diverse, reported that diversity prevents “the formation of dense interpersonal networks that are necessary to promote sense of community”. A Claremont conservative calls for decentralization? Did you run that by (((Jaffa))) the Hut (if that lumpy yid's still on the wrong side of the turf). Jews are paid money out of your pocket to wreck your nation. There are nine major federal refugee resettlement contractors. Graphic is HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant...)

PCR says Macron will complete the dissolution of France into a Goldman Sachs district.

"Protest sparks Texas lawmaker threats of gun violence"
Classic WP Headline. WTF does it mean? You read it ten times, you can't get beyond a vague idea. This comes of unwillingness to speak clearly: Alien beaners threaten Rep. Rodini, or whatever. Mass media are means of deceiving the goyim, as every jew knows. As every nitwit is instructed in j-school, always shift to the passive voice when Good Guys (jews, coloreds, queers) do something Bad. HIDE AGENCY ALWAYS where the judeo-left might seem guilty by traditional white-male standards.

Alt-Right.com Runs Article by a "David Gellerman" with No Bio
This requires explanation. Remember:  not so many years ago, Richard Spencer was at Takimag where he was instructed to "get em down" by jew Paul Gottfried. "Em" being comments by white nationalists who were kicking faileocon ass. In comments DG says: My nationalism is Swedish nationalism and none other. It is no secret to the people who know me, that I am also a sympathizer with Jewish nationalism. This appears to be a very bad sign, or an indication of someone's true intentions. The guy's comments below his article are more telling than the article. Spencer has let a camel nose inside the tent. The guy is pushing the same crap we always see: we should allow jews the same nationalism we want for ourselves - ignoring that jews are against white nationalism and created the lies and laws that suppress it. A very bad sign. The vast majority of people in the media, politics and other weight-carrying societal institutions who have also orchestrated multi-culturalism are NOT Jews. Yeah, ok, buddy. Never heard that lie before. And this is run on the site as a featured article. Not good. Those who admit jews end up being coopted by them.

Speaker Denny and the Special Wrasslin' Holds: How Many Goypols AREN'T Perverts?
Good article by Anglin. He says: I believe that the overwhelming majority of powerful politicians who are not Jewish are some type of sex pervert. This is a theme Pierce used to sound. I doubt the overwhelming majority are pervs, but undeniably the majority are lawyers. Certainly the sex snare has always been big business behind the scenes, and certainly blackmail should be considered wherever we find a 'dog that didn't bark,' or someone coming out of nowhere like, of all things, a high school wrestling coach. Pierce himself had attempts to honey trap him by the FBI, he believed. But the main tool for goy control, from the jew POV, is bribery. It says this in Protocols. Most goyim will sell out their people for money, to advance their personal careers. This is what cuckservatism means, after all. So money and emoluments bribery is the first recourse of the controlling jews. Sex comes after. Of course, these days, everything electronic is recorded by the central state. So there aren't many secrets left from the rulers. Blackmail is technically easier than ever. Yet at the same time, public attitudes toward deviant sex have loosened, thanks to efforts from the same quarters. Several right-wing senators are known but not publicly admitted queers, but they're not really blackmailable because the public has been obedience-trained out of expressing disgust by the threat of being labeled homophobes. Jews must deal with the fact that destroying white society via loose sex does work, the Frankfurt Strategy for wily jews to overcome Authoritarian-Personality Aryans, but one downside of that strategy is the reduction of the power of sexual blackmail as a handle on the hated goyim. At this point, heterosexual affairs are probably more useful tools than homo activity for destroying right-wing conservative pols. (Think of Pence, or Sessions, if they were solidly anti-jew. What penis crimes would most easily sink them?) Normalized homo activity, which the jews have spent decades promoting, undeniably reduces its availability as blackmail fodder. Little is left of traditional repulsions except child sex. Even there, jews have made media indications the last few years they want to change the public's attitude toward pedophilia too. They've begun, as we noted at the time, to feature pedo-neutral articles in Salon and elsewhere, as the first step toward over pedo-positive ones. Just the first toe in the water, a sort of heat check, or public-hostility dipstick. But then, as soon as queer marriage (queer legal privilege over normals) was widely achieved, vindicated by the jew-heavy Supreme Court, jews decided that trannies were the next man up. They put the pedo-promotion on the back burner. So now the space that used to be reserved for promoting homosexual behavior is given over to gender fluidity and similar clown concepts. The NYT runs articles promoting puberty-delaying drugs for little kids. Why the jews went this direction instead of taking the next step by demonizing 'pedophobia' or some such, I don't know. I suppose tranny privilege seems like lower-hanging fruit. This switch also gave them a chance to hypocritically attack (((Milo))) like they themselves are opposed to man-boy love, as NAMBLA calls it. They aren't. The left is for liars, hypocrites and perverts of a thousand disorders. Anything goes except traditional families. But they will use homosexual behavior, let alone pedophilia or pederasty, against White-right opposition in a heartbeat. Leftists have no problem using laws or views they don't respect themselves against the opposition, and they couldn't care less if they are hypocrites in doing so. Judeo-leftism is about whatever gets the job done. You don't need to have a majority of the 500+ Congress being pedos or queers susceptible to blackmail, you just need a handle on the top guys, or a few of them. Hastert was Speaker of the House. Key position. Jews are always at the bottlenecks. Just as they don't need to own every last Rural Daily, just the main papers, so it is with politicians. Most of them can be bought with jewish money. Just get them to sign the AIPAC position paper on Israel in exchange for campaign donations, The few that can't be bought (on both sides) will have skeletons. Most people do. It's not that hard to find out what they are. Blackmail is available as a tool wherever money doesn't do the trick. "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime," as someone once said. Someone can be pure as driven snow, but the media are owned by jews, and they will portray him, uniformly, as gutter slush. If anything, sexual blackmail is probably less useful of a tool than it was back 100 years ago when, for example, someone could show up at Oscar Wilde's door and tell him that "a curious construction could be put upon these letters, sir."

Those Poor Scared Shitskin Illegals
Showing up on floor of Texas House, signs about being illegal yet here to stay. Threatening a white rep. Following the law is white culture. Parasiting on whites is colored culture. Shitskins already have several befouled continents, we should kill them rather than let them add ours. Another take. Guy has it right: the aliens start with mawkish muh family appeals, but immediately the teeth come out when you ask them to follow the law, and they make with the niggerish threats.

...to underestimate the intelligence of the average AmeriKwan. Women, in Sweden, try to think, but it doesn't really come out right. Modern age garbage, a video collection of degeneracy.

No Such Thing as Cheap Labor
Hire white men, not Indians. Modest savings now = huge expenses on back end, as British Airways now knows. Hiring jihadists to masquerade as British citizens proves just as successful. But of course that's untrue. That's the standard bitch line spouted by conservatives: that the governments don't know what they're doing because they're stupid. They do know. They know full well how many jihadis they've let in, and they know full well what those jihadis will do. They demand it. 60,000 Haitians, avg IQ 67, allowed to stay in US.

On Crampus
More Evergreen (video). The stoodense dont want no homework, dawg. It's not even three minutes, has to be seen to be believed. When you tell monkeys they're people, they lose all respect for you. What "all this" shows is a civilization that has lost all confidence in its ability to grasp what's going on, make judgments and act on them. I doubt anyone in the video is capable of college-level material. Evergreen State College has long been known as a “hippie school” with no grades, no required courses, and a 99% acceptance rate.  It’s an example of what you would get with a Bernie Sanders-style “free education for all” policy of educational socialism. Some points on the war on frats, which is an implicit war on whites. Never heard this before: Theres a saying that goes "you wouldn't call your country a 'cunt' so don't call your fraternity a 'frat' " :) Funny. Kind of like 'Nazi' for National Socialist. But I see nothing wrong with shortening, it doesn't necessarily imply disrespect. It is the usual way of English. Cancel Sarsour - the writer fails to note that what ties the censors is they're jews or jew-tools like Prosemite Sham aka Gavin McInmeendo. Skip college, read Lovecraft. He fucked off high school, still messed around and got his triple double. Mike Rowe on Tucker on trades vs college and more. Someone 'offended' a Chinese, therefore suspended. In Australia.

Niger Beat
Myrtle Beach spends 1m to guard against Black Biker Week, which they don't call it for PC reasons. White bikers meet too - with no problems. Awful stuff and double standards in Baltimore, narrated by Flaherty. Massive long graphic of whites murdered by niggers/coloreds.

America's only high quality African had his life destroyed by niggers. Figures.

Women These Days
Cameras, not love, is all you need.  Jews at Disney pushing this on kids. Don't give them money.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You see goyim "if jews weren't jewing, whites would be jewing" so dont pay attention to the jews doing what th they do, because whites...

  3. Mr. Linder -Your writing is remarkably great. It's like medicine to read it.
