Monday, May 29, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-05-29

29 May 2017

Notes: Memorial Day Weekend took a terrible turn when an anti-semitic rock leaped out of the water and holocausted the mother of the jew running Uber, right off the poop deck. It was the lead story on Google News for hours, cuz dead jews' mas matter. The rock will be arraigned on Tuesday. There is a country with undue influence in US politics. Not Russ, but Izzy. Here Assad on how US politics actually works. Spit test identifies kikes. Here on Israel and Saudi Arabia, brothers in terror. Syria is the last secular Arab Ba’athist state in the world. Unlike in Israel, minorities have full constitutional rights and unlike in Saudi Arabia, all religions are tolerated. In Syria, women can act, speak and dress as they wish. Arizona legalizes gold and silver as currency. These kinds of simple actions directly threaten the power of the U.S. Federal Reserve, and any competition to the U.S. dollar undermines the central bank’s longstanding monopoly. Laugh at Ron Paul all you want but he has helped Whites and hurt jews by talking about the Federal Reserve for decades. Money control is one of the two jewish power bases, along with media control, the accession to which it obviously facilitates. Says Paul: “HB 2014 is a very important and timely piece of legislation. The Federal Reserve’s failure to reignite the economy with record-low interest rates since the last crash is a sign that we may soon see the dollar’s collapse. It is therefore imperative that the law protect people’s right to use alternatives to what may soon be virtually worthless Federal Reserve Notes.” Do elves make better slaves than niggers? is a question ancient theosophists battled over for centuries, but one we here at Integumentary Material take no position on. You know what else Paul said? Paper is not money, it’s a substitute for money and it’s fraud.” . . . Yemeni Houthis know what's up with the Jehudis. As the great philosopher Stonemeyer said, the people go to church but nature takes its course. As America's eminentest scientisticalist, I find the theory that oil is a sort of liquid plywood made of defunct dinosaurs highly dubvious. Probably the most pathetic story you have ever read, and it doesn't even involve a nigger. Nope, we whiteskins must claim credit for this winner. Jews believe non-jews are slaves or dead, just ask this rabbi. It is difficult for whites to grasp jew thinking because there's nothing in our culture or mindset that corresponds to it, and we just naturally think, assume or feel that others must be mostly similar to us. It is not so. Christianity tells whites, in effect, you must pretend to transcend. Judaism, by starkest contrast, is directly in line with nature. How do you measure cultural decline? How about by the inability to master the technik of waterslides. Yes, we have a larval human skipping stone at the new Dublin, Calif., place.  At least this piker escaped with a cement burn rather than getting Ichabodzed like the Verruckt youth in Kansas. 

Land of the free, as long as you sing along with the Going Line chorus. Free speech and national borders are now "far-right" positions, according to judeo-left. Keeping manwos out of female restrooms? Yep, that's far right too. 

Hot For Tots
One of the yiddles, Jacob Schwartz by name, working for DeBlasio, who is married to a nigger, is busted for child porn. (((Jacob 3000))) likes his "89 videos of child pornography, including pictures of baby girls as young as six-months-old." His fellow jews in the media are keeping this story on the underground low. But don't worry. Jake's jewpa says the lovely lad is already receiving "therapy." Yeah. The therapy. The talking cure. The good ol' joosty blatherscam. It will make jew Jacob not want ta watch the vidyas of six-MONTH-old girls doing with the sex not so much. Why shore it will. It's not a lie if you pretend to believe it, Jewsies. "Schwartz was the president of the Manhattan Really Young Democrats." Ya don't say.

  Jew Jacob can't wait to go home and strangle his Schwartzie to 6-month-old girls.

"He was released from jail on a $7,500 bail." Of course. He's a jew. He likes six-month-old girls. No threat to society there. 

Jew Perverts Through History
Our next Pet pervert under consideration is #LEOFRANK, about whom the NOI have published a book and articles. I will be audiobooking the book shortly. Today, if you do a google news alert for "Leo Frank," 90% of the hits will be mentions of a lying musical called "Parade" in which LF is portrayed as a victim. Even though he was a pedophile who raped, punched and strangled a 13-year-old white girl for refusing to allow him to debauch her (as he had many others). This graphic has the truth:

Behind the scenes, jews well know the truth about their boy Leo.

Even his top supporter, wealthy adman kike Lasker, knew the truth. Everyone did. Jew claims about Leo Frank are a perfect illustration of the Ultimate Brazen Lying jews celebrate as The hallmark of their 'culture': chutzpah. Their tribal tell, itz. Except it's not a tell because they openly brag about it. In a sense, the entire race, and its history, is nothing more than an extended piece of performance art. (Shia LaBouef-ing across the ages.) The art being lying. Notice that jews claim to be both the "father of modern advertising" (Lasker above) and "father of public relations" (Edward Bernays). If there's deception involved, the sperm is wearing a yarmulka. 

Nation of Islam (NOI) has a new article out: 


Read it here. Alfred Uhry is the liar who wrote "Parade." He is a jew. From Atlanta, like Leo Frank (at crime time); attended Brown (Leo Frank was an engineer from Cornell). Most associated with the piece of crap called "Driving Miss Daisy," which began as his play and he adapted for the movie. It is routinely claimed by newspapers mentioning "Parade" that its story is "true." Most of these stories include retarded goyim acting in the play goobering on about awakening to Teh Bigotry as a result of their "research" for their acting. Do you wonder that jews hold the whiteskin race in contempt? They are liars, we are clowns. We are rubes, they are Rubensteins. NOI says:  
It now appears that Leo Frank’s misfortune was quickly seen by Jewish leaders as an invaluable propaganda tool by which an invented history of Jewish oppression in America could be forged.
Quite correct. Jews mistreat everybody. This turns into everybody mistreats jews. All other nations, literally every other time and place and people, has uniformly hated jews. What's the common denominator? Jewish behavior - screwing other people, then lying about it. Jews aren't victims, they are criminals and perpetrators; falsifiers, scammers and propagandists. They are every bit as criminally inclined as blacks, but they prefer a different type of crime. And unlike blacks, they have the verbal ability and media access to hide the facts. A nigger walks up to an Asian, hits her over the head, and steals her purse. A jew falsifies history, and gets nations to pay it billions for the imaginary atrocities it suffered in the Oy!-locaust. That's the only difference: higher IQ affords jews a chance to steal on a higher level. 
...the book consults long-lost interviews and rare documents that reveal that some of Frank’s most ardent Jewish supporters not only were repelled by Frank’s abrasive personality but also believed he was in fact the murderer of Mary Phagan. They felt that if the murder conviction of such a high-ranking Jewish leader were allowed to stand, the image of the Jewish community would be dealt a severe blow. The combination of this fear and opportunism motivated the Jewish leadership to take on Frank’s case as a major cause célèbre. So Uhry’s Parade has little to do with the facts of the case: the play is instead crafted to maintain a 100-year fantasy and to satisfy a powerful Jewish community that insists on a sanitized view of their history for public consumption.
Well, NOI, given its perspective, is a little off here. The jews are using their lies, their bogus narrative history of Leo Frank, to indict White America as 'anti-Semitic,' their favorite scam-concept - guilty from the start. It has nothing to do with whitewashing themselves, it's purely a racial attack on whites. And an attempt to persuade whites of their original sin of racism. Whites must never defend themselves. They must leave their very children open to jew predation lest they be accused of anti-semitism, which is their dirty word for the natural reaction to being swindled and lied about. Of course, that goes for racism too, another jew-created scam-concept, as we see in the UK, where 1400 white mary phagans in ONE SMALL TOWN (#Rotherham) are pimped and whored out by invading muslims. It's all of a piece, and all with one end in mind: white genocide. NOI is far too generous in assessing jew motives. Jews are simply and always liars. Don't ever assume they don't actually know the truth - they do. They lie and lie calculatedly and deliberately, and they do it across generations. 

Note this from the NOI report, it is particularly significant: 
According to Lasker’s biographer, the men with him during that encounter took “a violent dislike to him [Frank].” Lasker “hated him,” and said, “I hope he [Frank] gets out…and when he gets out I hope he slips on a banana peel and breaks his neck.
So even though this jew absolutely loathes Leo Frank, he still sees Frank as a fellow jew, first, last and in between. He pays for all his post-trial appeals. He funds a coast-to-coast, even international, P.R. campaign to help him. He arranges private (goy Hearst) media and detective (William Burns) help to get him off. Even break the law (plant evidence) to get a jew HE KNOWS TO BE GUILTY off. Do the words "thick as thieves" come to mind? They should. That's what jews are - TRIBAL LOYALTY OVERRIDES EVERY OTHER CONSIDERATION. That is why this people is absolutely poisonous to every other - because all jews care about is other jews. You are your whiteskins are so many walking, talking kleenexes for them to jerk off on and throw away. Just like Mary Phagan was to Leo Frank, so is every single last one of us non-jews to the jew. Until we decide to bring this foul race to justice. Just as we did Leo Frank.

Christine The Unfair: Somewhere in the Dictionary Between Hunchback and Halfback Lies Heroine

Would you buy a used camel from this woman?

Look at the shoulders on that broad. You're not running inside on that linebacker. Christine Fair denies being a jew. I have seen no evidence she is, though many have claimed it. "Christine is not a typical jew name. Nor is Fair (unlike Ross or Green(e)), so far as I know. She certainly looks like one and acts like one. She has the mentality and works comfortably within their (((System))). But no need to call her a jew unless the charge is sustained with proof of lineage. Good news is cops are on this "hate" and "crime" like it's...uh...real crime, I guess. They have cameras! They lift fingerprints. They iknow who you are. They're icoming for you, filthy goy hate criminal with your nocent treeposting.

Carl Menger, Father of Austrian Economics: Not a Jew
He was called a jew by conservative retards who are actually socialists. A socialist is one of two things: someone who wants someone else to pay for everything; someone who wants to prevent others from doing things unless he personally approves it. That is a practical, psychological definition of socialism - it has little to do with economics, which are merely consequences of it. 
Later Carl Menger became the target of anti-Semitic attacks over his role in establishing the gold standard in the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a member of the Austrian Currency Commission. The specific charge was that in promoting the gold standard Menger was working for “the Jewish haute finance” – just as the progold (Republican) party in the United States was – opposed by the “silverites” under the leadership of William Jennings Brian (of “the crime of 1871” fame, whose plank to re-establish bimetallism in the United States was soundly defeated in the presidential election of 1896.) During the deliberations of the Austrian Currency Commission Carl Menger correctly maintained that the gold standard was the only monetary regime that would neither favor debtors at the expense of the creditors, nor would it harm them in favor of the creditors. Menger’s argument to support the thesis of the even-handedness of the gold standard bears repeating.                                      
Carl Menger's family were nobility. He dropped the 'von' from 'von Menger.' His family were Austrian; they moved to Galicia, where many jews reside, and a particularly nasty strain. So it was easy and plausible to call them jews, though as best I can tell they were not. At least, Carl was not. The point being, those who try to dismiss Austrian economics as jewish are factually wrong. Not that most of these critics care. Most whiteskins, including tardzis, are on the intellectual level of Baptists: anything written on paper is evidence as good as any other. If they want something to be true, then that means it is true. These lowfers are evidence-egalitarians, and that's a terrible thing to be. There are many critics of libertarianism, but they just use the term as an epithet. They can't deal with its ideas, I must assume. Most of its ideas are correct. Or they prefer to characterize libertarians as a bunch of pro-druggies and open-bordersists. Those are true for some. But the libertarians at are mostly pro-borders, exhibit personal control, and are highly knowledgeable not just about economic matters, but reliable on foreign policy and college shenanigans as well. 

Has come a long way Linderward, though I'm sure he'd balk at describing it that way. He now acknowledges jews as a problem, and weighs them, as a problem, pretty close to their true weight. He has one giant step left to make in his thinking, and that is realizing that christianity is not part of the solution, as he still contends, it is, rather, a large part of the problem. It is the reason whiteskins do not value or defend themselves, since not one of its doctrines values race. It is the reason whites misidentify themselves. Which wrong-thinking it does not originate it exacerbates. Christianity teaches whiteskins to identify themselves as Individuals Who Need Salvation, then encourages them to join the Body of Christ. All of which is entirely antithetical to racial thinking, which is basically common sense applied to everyday social life. We are a 'kind,' and we prefer our own. As do all kinds. Christianity obtrudes insane and adventitious speculative considerations (heaven, hell and like gunk). It devalues accurate perceptions. It shittalks sense organs. It is, in fact, liberalism itself, masquerading as its opposite and enemy. "Judge not lest ye be judged" - the single most destructive statement ever made in human history; an out-and-out attempt to lower humans to the level of the lesser animals. "See with your heart, not with your eyes." Where can these statements lead but to the willful blindness and spiritual promiscuity called christian "love"? These are the precursors for the meth of hominid egalitarianism. Instead of being white men and women, ordinary animals, members of a race and nation, they become special spiritual snowflakes - part of the "body of Christ," who died for all mankind's "sins." It's a very different way of thinking, and unavoidably at odds with racial particularism, as it is catholic - general. It's enlightened universalism before the term Enlightenment existed, and bogus for the same reason. Humans are different species collected under one name for political reasons, and christianity plays right into that snare and delusion. Vox's attempt to make a distinction between some true and eternal Christianity and what he laments with the awkward coinage 'churchian' as the modern form is spitting in the wind. The thing itself is the problem. Christianity is inherently and irremediably anti-White, and before he dies, Vox Day will reach that conclusion too. Cuz as I said from the start, and the last 15 years have born out, what with the rise of the alt-right, Over time, everything moves VNNward.

Niger Beat
Nigger murders eight in Mississippi.  Yep. Ziggies have dominated the shootings scene in 2017. Of the thirty-five deadliest shootings, twenty-six were committed by blacks, four by Latinos, two by whites, one Hmong, one Pakistani, and one Arab. Would you like to see video of what Africans do to each other, set to Taylor Swift song? It's called The Africa Pill. Here nigbutts get their comeuppance. The compulsion to steal other people's bikes is nearly as strong in the igobean as its tropism toward fried chickens carrying watermelons under their wings.

Bees These Days
You may recall tales from your grandpappy of a modest insect called the honeybee with a not so modest impact on the world of ag. Bees were devastated lo these last decades by colony collapses, caused by lack of faith and mites. Yes, bees, like Boers, turned away from God, and he rewarded them with tiny families and a terminal mite condition. Anyway, on a plant near me, full of small purple flowers, I have seen more honeybees in one location than I've seen in many years. That would augur well. But outside the me-crocosm bees are still in a bad state of things, according to this story. "It’s agreed nationwide that varroa mites are the number one enemy for bee loss,” said Steve Repasky, president of the state beekeepers group, who has 125 hives and has been a keeper for 30 years. “We had healthy bees before the mite arrived. They’re are transmitting 25 different diseases and viruses.” So: jews : whites as varroa mites : honeybees. But some bees chew out the knees of the mites and save their colonies. They're called "anklebiters" by beefolk. We Whites need to take a lesson and grow our own kikelbiters.

On Crampus
Evergreen...where a probably jew-leftist named Weinstein yet's in trouble with niggers for not vamoosing on 'whiteout' day as the coonstons demanded. Video related to that here. Universities have become not just tard factories, under the jew, but violent tard factories. More on Albee refusing to allow his play to be niggerized, post-mortem. “White culture is so stupid,” exclaimed an exasperated Hayes. “The culture is shifting, you’re outnumbered. Be open to it. Numbers aren't culture. Yeah, white culture is so stupid you have to steal their shift fifty years later and whine like a bitch when the artist's estate won't let you mutilate it.

1 comment:

  1. How would you respond to Murray Rothbard, Henry Hazlitt and Ludwig von Mises being Jews? They were prominent economists who contributed to Austrian thought just as substantively, if not more, as Menger did.

    Also, there are some Jews running around at the LvM Institute and beyond, like Walter Block.
