Saturday, May 27, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-05-27

27 May 2017

Notes: Polish politician, female, Szydlo, urges Europe to rise from its knees. a good idea. Whose time has certainly come. “If you can’t see this – if you can’t see that terrorism currently has the potential to hurt every country in Europe, and you think that Poland should not defend itself, you are going hand in hand with those who point this weapon against Europe, against all of us.“It needs to be said clearly and directly: This is an attack on Europe, on our culture, on our traditions.” The key is to blame and target not the muslims half as much as the jews and associates who let them in, fully intending the mess we have now. Not questioning motives is a known goy failure pattern. The elite running things, believe it or not, are every bit as smart as you are. If you can figure out that millions of Africans and muslims will terrorize the white natives, they can too. Calling these elites "stupid" is a way for Ann Coulter to sell books. Little man likes having smoke blown up his ass, but you and I should prefer to acknowledge and operate from reality. The elites are not stupid, they are anti-White, they have a plan, they are working that plan. Read Protocols first, if you would have an idea. ... Ben and Jerry's getting faggy down under. Tech thief Zuck gave a speech at Harvard. A veritable gallimaufry of anti-White, counterfactual nonsense. He cried about the story of an illegal alien, whined about the “climate change” hoax, demanded free money for everyone in the name of “equality” and claimed that we are all citizens of the world. Much as all these bastards like (((Zuckerberg))) hate Trump, his election, which most of them considered impossible, stunned them into thinking that maybe they could be elected too. Pretty much anyone famous for anything is now thinking that way, Here some disturbing picture and words about vagina-lipped Peej WatsonAbout to check out Prague's vibrant gay scene! Excited! Yeah, that pretty much scores a 9 out of 10 on the "happy as a fag with a bag of dicks" bathroom scale.

Global Jewish Cabal? Thatz Crazy Talk

Get Used to It, They Say
Do you think one of these politicians siccing muzz and other scum on Europe would tolerate for one minute terror directed against his family? These elite don't even tolerate criticism of their policies - while telling you to get used to seeing your sons and daughters run over by trucks and blown to smithereens. If this isn't a time for killing, then one will never arrive.

On Crampus
Crampus includes all schools not just colleges. So what would get a yearbook withdrawn and reprinted and what would pass: faggotry v. Trump support? If you can't answer that, you really haven't been paying attention these last couple decades. Faggotry is kosher. Because nothing says butt seks like rainbows and fake horses. Sexual degeneracy unravels white nations. You see the fruity shitbats out front; what you don't see is the calculating round table of vile kikes coldly plotting all this. But just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. I cannot over-recommend reading Protocols, where you will see the way jews actually think. The minute they have actual world power, they will shut all this degeneracy down overnight. They do in fact know it's degeneracy, and they are using it rationally to destroy our white nations and our white families. We must destroy them first. Subtler point: kids learn bad habits from peers. That's one reason the government is against homeschooling. And against public schooling of the old one-room schoolhouse form. Different generations together tends to have a stabilizing effect. Wouldn't want that. Remember, this goes all the way back to Plato. The basic idea, which is independent of jews though of course known to them, is to GET THE CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE PARENTS. Parents are seen by the System as bad-idea-installers. Parents corrupt the kids. They need to proceed directly from the uterus to B-30 (not just K-12, Birth-30yo) for the right software to be installed. Children are larval hominid resources. They must know the government is the bringer of all good things. They must have the right attitudes toward groups the government approves and groups the government would suppress. That's what 'school' is for - government school, anyway. Really, it's dubious you can maintain any kind of a decent system with forced public schools. The nature of the setup is against it: it's an easy job, it appeals to lazy, greedy, unambitious types. It's force funded rather than voluntary. Add to that that the worst sorts tend to lust hardest for power, you're going to tend to get a system that perpetuates crank nostrums (redundant) in service of an entirely criminal class. Think Clintons, Schumers, Podestas. In this particular case: This is the first time Atascocita High has published an LGBT spread in its yearbook. The parents object, knowing the meaning of this 'spread.' Then the kids get to feel righteously inflamed with new-age justice. The schools teach them, as they teach the teachers themselves as education majors at cow colleges, that they are change agents for a brighter new world. Many children will be susceptible to these lies. A wedge is driven between generations and family members. All in a day's work for 'public schools.' It's a terrible institution and should be done away with. Read John Taylor Gatto. Read Samuel Blumenfeld. Read Charlotte Iserbyt. Schools create such absurdities as 'gay-straight' alliances. Rather than teach kids the facts about homosexual behavior, a subject that perhaps should be introduced to older teens at earliest, these deviants are promoted as heroic, discriminated-against victims of blind hate. It's made popular, fun and cool to take the side of unreason, and dangerous and uncool to take the side of reason, tradition and facts. Now there's even a Gay Bowl, sponsored by NFL's New England Patriots. It's that groovy.

Concepts: Muh
Out of all the clever terms, muh is the winneringeriest. He began life as a humble appendage to an appendage. From honest, earnest Muh in Muh Dik (a #BixNood joynt), he grew to staggering proportions. Now he's, truly, the mock of the walk.


  1. "Not questioning motives is a known goy failure pattern."

    How many times do detectives have to first shove family and friends noses into obvious evidence before the family or friends get a clue so-and-so isn't the angel they think? Happens all the time.

    I used to not realize just *how large a percentage* of white people are total rubes. Yet, whites, especially the working class, blue collar whites, often like to brag or at least insinuate how "street savvy" they are. They are the dumbest ones.

    I'm well into my 40's now, and for the last few years have often been thinking back on the people while I was growing up in the 80's. It seems to me many of the guys then were smarter then the ones of my generation and the boomers of today. Back then a lot of men around where I grew up were machinists and good tradesmen, even more than a few craftsmen. They were interesting to talk to even if they were not especially educated or jew smart or wise to politicians and such. Many of them were "characters," as people used to say. Even the more stupid and reckless ones were at least entertaining. But the people today, literally two minutes of "conversation" with them and I'm late for the door. Conversation is not even the right word for it. It's more like an extended "weather sure is nice today" and the kind of idle talk you might have with a stranger while standing in a long line or sitting next to you on a bus or plane seat. I can listen to people talk for three hours and at the end cannot tell you one single thing that was said.

    The men are as bad as women and you only get whatever is the latest pop culture fad out of their mouths concerning their "interests." Where men used to talk about guns, today it's all AR-15's. Where men used to have an interest in working on cars, today it is only what Jegs has in their catalogs, and for ridiculous high dollar. It used to be only a certain type of guy rode Harley's, now all the yuppies do. But they are boring where the old, true biker was at least interesting, even if a criminal or less than outstanding citizen.

    It is not so much what our people have, as it is what is missing. It is not so much what is wrong with them, as it is what is just not right.

  2. Dumbed down and deranged from decades of jew anti-white propaganda has rendered many white Americans unsalvageable
