Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-20

20 June 2017

...kills a terrorist supporter and wounds many others. Good on ya, mate. Since the well bred respectable people won't do anything but flee and shit their knickers (even if they're bobbies), I guess that leaves it to the drunks and brawlers. Fine by me. The more assups under tires, the better off the world is, especially if they've got jews or niggers trapped in their pit hairs. Unlike most Europeans and all their leaders, Osborne was man enough to breed: six children. I, for one, like it when whites fight back: #HeroDylannRoof, #HeroAndersBreivik, #HeroThomasMair.

Thought: We need a White Liberation Army.

Action: Report from Austin.

Audio: New SIEGE (6.01-6.10). Discusses Hinkley, Reagan, Joseph Paul Franklin, whom he (James Mason) knew personally in late '60s when they were part of NSWPP and running actions against the Vietnam protesters.

The Man Front
 Canada is fucked, says Diana Davison, one of the premier anti-feminists. Consent in a sexual relationship is solely in the mind of the woman. Actual evidence need not apply. Because reality is a woman's feelings and nothing else. Yes, that absurd, new Canadian laws that virtually no one there dares oppose. Dutch have made studies of false allegators. Studied why women lie about rape. Here's some realtalk from comments on that video:
I'm speaking as a uniformed cop from a medium sized city that happens to have a high crime rate. Having conducted approximately 80 preliminary investigations concerning alleged sexual assault, I can say we care about lot these lying victims and are extremely frustrated that they face no repercussions! I've seen ONE victim of forcible rape in 16 years of policing. The suspect (on parole already for armed robbery) was trying to stuff the victim in the trunk of his dad's car when we arrived. Another 10 or so of these 80 preliminary investigations were other forms of sexual crimes, the other 60 or so we're total bullshit! We are frustrated because even when we can articulate why the alleged event did not happen within 5 minutes of talking to the "victim", unless she comes off her story, we have to see the investigation through. Personally, even if the victim recanted her story, I will write several pages of narrative, documenting her lies and the results of my preliminary investigation...just in case she changes her mind. I've never been able to charge the victim with falsely reporting an incident, the philosophy being, "you don't victimize the victim", somehow legitimate victims won't come forward if we lock up these liars who think nothing of potentially locking up an innocent man for 25 years because of extremely selfish motives.
Sandman on anti-MGTOW movement.

The White Front: Interview with Jan re genocide in South Africa. Here Wired article on Ben Garrison. The history of the corrupt scheming hands-rubbing jew graphic. If you're thinking about starting a band called Zips or Gooks, today is a great day to turn that dream into reality. Jew Snyder refused to back down or apologize and now it looks like he's won. Despite intense public pressure to change the name, Snyder has refused, saying it "represents honor, respect and pride.'' Nothing to learn there, though. Keep doffing your hat and walking backwards, whiteskins. Rebbe Media Thot Leader Laura Loomer, pardon me, (((Loomer))) the joomer, part of clan ezra, has already raised 10k for her anti-Nazi stunt. Sandman on reverse hypergamy. Why they're called blue niggers. Another attack on Trump supporter, a bodyguard for Baked Alaska. Gee, Trump wasn't joking. Millions of non-citizens did in fact voteAs many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House. Of course anyone with an IQ near 100 knew that. It's not like there could be any other reason the judeo-left, which is 100% for totalitarian control and show-me-your-ID-I-mean-three-IDs in every other situation would suddenly get all free and easy before the voting booth. Carrie Fisher. She liked the drugs. Kids, if you learned just one lesson here, it's that jews must be counter-exterminated for whites to live. But if your noggin has room for a second lesson, it's to stay away from teh drugs, and that means as many as you can, and it has nothing to do with their legal status. Drugs are like mexicans. Whether they're illegals, or if they have a tarjeta verde allowing them to do cheap labor, THEY'RE STILL GOING TO MESS UP YOUR NATION. Meanwhile, there's a feud going on involving Greggy Greg, Grindr Greg Brown "Troutdog" Johnson and Richard Meh-Spencer and a Swede named Friberg. Johnson penned a cogent response here. Johnson is at his best when he analyzes. He's an exceptionally clear thinker and expositor. He's at his worst when  he gets schoolmarmy or chest-beaty with muh whu-ah-should-have-done. Anyway, he has a couple excellent paragraphs on honor, and its importance to him and in general. The campaign for white genocide is real. Even the professional fundraisers called V(don't)Dare concede that. Here on SJW in gaming. Cucks and reals battle in Finland. In good news, opinions jews hate, which they call hate speech, like it's some neutral, objective thing, is just more good old free speech protected by the First Amendment, Supreme Court rules.  A trove of genuine Nazi artifacts found in Argentina.

The Media Front
Even Vox Day, a mere one (1) standard deviation less intelligent that God him/her/zirself has figured out there is no way to win when you deal with the (((media))), even if you only respond with written answers. They don't ever use them.

The System 
The libertarians believe the US will go bankrupt (Garny North, many others). They believe the System is past where it can transform or regenerate itself.

Law Would Make Israel 100% Jewish Racist Apartheidist Nationalist State
Everything they say is hate and racism for you they have or are about to make official state law in Israel. How many billions do we give these jewish-racists each year? Each day? Yet any college that has students who receive federal loans is barred from anything 1% in the direction of what Israel is doing. Nothing but double standards as far as the eye can see. Always they benefit jews, always they damage and discriminate against whites.

Algeria: Pied Noirs
A song/video about Pied Noirs (black feet) leaving Algeria.

Tru-Costing for Nigs et Browners

Thought: If creatures evolve what they need, why didn't the mosquito evolve so that its bite would go unnoticed by the host?

Niger Beat
Nigess punches white girl 40x, nig reporters try to make dey monkey sense o' the situation.

Stockman on Trump
...the man is clueless about what he is doing in the White House and is being advised by a cacophonous coterie of amateurs and nincompoops. So he has no action plan except to impulsively reach for his Twitter account. Stockman is an excellent analyst. I tend to believe what Stockman, Scheuer and few others have to say, even though they do not offer a racial perspective. But as former insiders, they have a good clue to the real power players and their guiding motivations. Stockman lays out how the jews wormed through USG demonized Russia because she interfered with their plan to topple Assad. It remains to us racialists to point out what the Stockmen will never say: you cannot have a good society or nation with jews in it. Hence, NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. A timeless truth, itz. Garny North on the burocratic mess attending infrastructure. Even apart from jews, we need a centralized government - why? We don't. The monstrosity of the federal bureaucracy is unstoppable. Trump will not change it. No one will change it. Only one thing will change it: the bankruptcy of the federal government. That day is coming a lot sooner than most politicians in Washington are willing to admit or even consider. Universal Basic Income is a new name for an old bad idea - welfare.

Our world keeps moving from the vertically-structured (“we’ll tell you what we want you to know”) to the horizontally-networked (“we will seek truth together”). E pluribus unum is the collectivist motto of the American state that helps create the Establishment ideal in which we shall all become Pringleized as indistinguishable residents of air-tight containers. Link


  1. Are you actually supporting the actions this dumb-fuck anti-Islam patriotard? If you're so stupid you think devout Muslims are the problem and not the Jews and their degenerate white enablers then you are a cretin who probably should kill yourself.

    Fuck Darren Osborne. Whites who attack Islam are endorsing the status quo of moral squalor. Whites who hate Muslims are spiritually Jewish.

    1. I don't get this attitude. The goal is to bring back the UK from the brink of nothingness and support a return to a moral position with some kind of continuity.
      The Muslim community is probably one of the least moral communities one could imagine(they abandoned their countries to leach off another). I have nothing against Muslim countries(especially shia ones) but they are not compatible with the UK. What is your alternative?
      "please, mr. Muslim could you leave?"
      Are you from the Uk?
