Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-27

27 June 2017

Audio:  SIEGE, ch8. on Leaders. Part one and part two. Adolph Hitler, Charles Manson. Also, Matt Koehl's Words of Hitler. Hitler quotations topically arranged.

Roundup: The left has no arguments, just lies and suppression, has no appeal except "we'll give you stuff you didn't earn." Judeo-Canada trying to force white men to play along with sex charades. US going way of Illinois and Puerto Rico. Third-world gibs produce third-world problems. Land of the free morphed into land of gimme-something-for-nothing in the 20th century. CNN full of fags, jews and lies. Just as it was back in the late '80s, when I was in there a few times.
 · 39 minutesIn Russia, the Jews led a Communist Revolution then fled to America.
In Germany, the Jews led a Communist Revolution then fled to America.  
Huh. I wonder what they did in America? 
Racial Science
Races have different oral bacteria.

Niger Beat
Nig asks Flaherty what black people should do? A well captured mugging of two white guys. And other nigger dreck. Flaherty pushes people to Jesse Lee Peterson (black) if they want solutions. Which is a cop out. Christianity won't make gold out of nigger dross. What's needed is simply to round up and slaughter or at least expel niggers from all white living areas. But that will have to be preceded by rounding up the whiteskin sellouts and jews who run "our" governments and elevate these monkeycoons over humans.

On Crampus
Blacks or standards - pick one.  Anti-White nigger Lisa Durden now free to find a job elsewhere. St. Louis gives larval nigger criminals points. No punishment until the youngnig gets 10 of them. More on Evergreen, if you can stand it. A warped, jewed country, where no one can speak the truth about anything that matters. That's what the jews have built. And we let them. Huge number of colleges have social justice degrees. Complete, overt leftist politicization of academia.

Media Front
How they played the Gary Webb revelations.

1 comment:

  1. Great narration of Mein Kampf. The translation sounds much better than the audiobook I have.
