Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, October 24, 2017

24 October 2017

News: Gab drops suit against Google, appears to believe its app will be approved this time. Gab is identified with alt-right in MSM, though its founders and leaders identify themselves with free speech. It is true that Gab is for everyone, but it is also true and more important that the ones that need a service such as Gab are Whites / jew-critics. The rest can speak freely anywhere, including the patriotards, the alt-liberals. In other MSM lies, alt-right is "weaponizing" free speech and using deep-state psychological techniques to spread its message. Less like a terrorist group, more like CIA. Someone named Hemmer doesn't want the alt-right allowed on campus. That's not what openness to ideas means. There's only one legitimate view, after all, and we know what that is. Not links to these few articles because nothing new in them. The Atlantic article has people from left coast invading America in true and genuine interest in discovering what Real Trump Votin' People think. If you wade through the pleonasm, the leftists arrive where they started, as always. The minute you accept conflict is real and interests are irreconcilable, you become a right-winger. If you're a true believer who thinks conflict is misunderstanding born of bad communication, and that all possible positions can always be reconciled, then you're a whiteskin leftist. If you use leftism to obtain right-wing goals, you're a jew. ... In other news, Russians planning a moon base by 2050, and Chinese have learned to grow rice in seawater, enough to feed 200 million. Meanwhile, in the USA, our tax money is used to grow giant colonies of salty niggers.

Table Talk Can't Be Trusted
Its provenance is too iffy; the text traces back through too many hands, too many languages, too many unclear motives. There is no shortage of people who want to put their words in Hitler's mouth, so probably best to ignore this work. Its best use, looking back, is revealing how dishonest certain well known historians actually are, particularly Hugh Trevor-Roper. What we see in this particular instance is an example of a greater and great truth: once something is beyond the pale, Nazi or in some other way pro-White, accuracy ceases to matter. Or, the only accuracy that matters is that you denigrate the person in question. Whatever tends toward the bad is acceptable. Conformance to stereotype outweighs factual accuracy. You can see that in daily reporting about, say, the alt-right. To the judeo-leftist, they're all just hate group spinach and to hell with them. No one ever got in trouble for saying something bad about Hitler, after all. Every possible charge that could be dreamed up has been put in print. Since other right-wingers or Whitists are lesser variations of Hitler, they're open to scurrilous charges as well. Facts don't matter. Destroying anything White and preserving anything jewish matters. That's the unspoken rule that explains what we actually encounter in the real world where the left media write about Whites: excessive inaccuracy to outright fabrication, normally both in the same article.

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