Thursday, October 26, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, October 26, 2017

26 October 2017

White News Now: Twitter added loads more rules. Disqus booted RoK and Reddit dumped a couple of pro-white subs and basically won't allow anything pro-white in future, if I'm reading it correctly. Can't have free discussion on the Internet. Trust authority. Obey, consume, sleep. Leftist sites like The Ringer (a sports/pop-culture cite whose writers are 100% leftist) shut down their own comment sections, where you could see one of my Linder's Laws in action - that the readers are always to the right of the writers. Where speech is truly free, anyone can see that the average white person is conservative. Leftists don't want to be reminded they live in a bubble. They want to believe everybody thinks as they do, though they must somehow push down hourly reminders it's not so. They're not content operating their own sites by their own rules, they must also go abroad in search of monsters to destroy - monsters being normal-looking and normal-thinking white people. So you can't comment on their site. And if they have their way, you can't comment on your site either. Or have a site at all, see Daily Stormer. In theory, a minority position could work to persuade people and thereby become the majority. In practice, we never see this. Judeo-leftism has always progressed via lies, defamation, physical intimidation and intellectual censorship. Judeo-leftism isn't accidentally but necessarily tyrannical. Meanwhile, over in Europe, leftist have shut down the ancient Frankfurt Book Fair because Finis Germania's publisher is there. We can't have one book honestly describing what's going on in Germany (if that indeed is what the book does; I haven't seen a copy). Swede returns to homeland and is legit shocked at transformation. We, including Swedes, are being charged big bucks to fund our own genocide. It's, as I've been saying for years now, time for an army. Talking on the Internet is fine, rallies are increasingly dangerous in all ways, the time to kill is plainly here. ... Deranged behavior of base Shtickman Kyle Chapman and Looney (((Loomer))), at the least a stalker, probably much more than that. Let them, jews like Millo and Loomer will suck all the air out of the racial nationalist room. Best to ignore them. That means not talk about them. Focus on our mission - #TeamWhite and sovereign white nation.

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