Thursday, November 2, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, November 2, 2017

2 November 2017

The jews and kikealikes at Deadspin, typical Gawkerite communists, abuse anyone who doesn't play the charade that niggers are always right. Papa John's yanks its NFL ads due to bad response from pro-criminal kneeling by the negroids who are roughly 75% of the league; Deadspin responds with abuse. This is all the left has: lies and personal abuse. Ideology and lockstepism. Integrity, honor, truth - they don't even pay respect to these with hypocrisy. They lie, they are open about lying, they try to impress each other by the bar of brazenness. By the end of 2017, one of their favorite show-off events was the "write some lies right on top of video that belies them." Then of course you have their old-school judeo-leftist classics: face whitening disco criminals. As was most recently done with the Schumer-admitted ("diversity lottery") Uzbeki terrorist who divided a bunch of people with his terror truck. By the end of 2017, AmeriKwans could know the next act of terror was never more than 48 hours away, and many days featured multiple crimes of disturbance. Breakdown was becoming visible. Africans in your small town. An old white man begging with a cardboard sign. Things you never saw before soon become standard fare.

For really big events, two official explanations are necessary. Both are false. Thus, with '9/11,' an obvious propaganda term (Emergency!), it's acceptable to believe the official line, that muslims did it, or the  official unofficial line, that Bush insiders did it. Always left off the table is the truth: jews did it.

Interesting read on Ukraine by one of the better writers going now, Vincent Law. I'd put him and Erik Striker as my favorites right now. Striker is particularly good on the middle eastern stuff involving Israel, but also general media-cultural stuff. Law has remarkably wide knowledge from living in Europe, so he has the western and the Russian perspective. Their work is at and (.ws as of literally today, with tomorrow unknown).

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