Friday, November 17, 2017

[NOTES: Jan and I recorded a #TeamWhite, featuring news about Africa and USA. Will be posted here when it's up.]

Niggers: they're sorta shaped like humans but push it any farther than that it falls apart. See Malawi.

When he's not beating vampires to death (aka doctors with stethoscopes), the negro likes to relax with a fine cabernet. Here's a picture.

- Finally found a non-mud rapist in Sweden. Guess what, he's leader of Antifa.

Alt-Right Inspires Books
Of the three I'm aware of without researching, Hawley's is the one I'd read first. Nagle's sounds like you can get the gist from trailer.
Hawley notes the characterization of alt-right as a rebranding of radical conservatism is inaccurate as alt-right websites have little if anything to say about the Constitution, make no demands that everyone "support the troops," and evangelical Christians "are more likely to be mocked than defended." Many in the alt-right do not oppose abortion, viewing this procedure as a form of "inferior race" birth control, as black and Hispanic women have abortions at higher rates than white women. 
The alt-right despises gender equality and many of its adherents argue that women should be denied the right to vote. For Hawley, the alt-right is "a distinct brand of conservatism as we know it" and a destabilizing force in American politics. The alt-right is benefiting from the decline of traditional conservatism and is "working to expedite its final collapse."

“We denounce and decry every form of racism, including alt-right and any organization that advocates white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that we still must make progress in rooting out any remaining forms of racism...from our midst..."

The next step for a Twitter-like platform would be to explicitly network your account with another so you're following the people they're following. You'd end up with super accounts that act as content curators, which Twitter doesn't quite do by outside appearances.

If we are looking for the One True Platform, we are being delusional. All platforms will be under attack once they reach some threshold of efficacy or penetration. Gab, Infogalactic, and other alt-right-friendly platforms exist without the anglin-like hounding across the net because they are as yet relatively tiny and ineffectual. When they get enough visibility they will get similar treatment. One way to stop that I can see is to build out a parallel set of net infrastructure, since the era of an open/laissez-faire/disinterested infrastructure provider has ended. 

In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, according to an update to Twitter's Help Center on Friday.  
"You also may not affiliate with organizations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes," the update reads.

So anyone associated with USG is out? Of course not. This is the thing with mass stuff like Twitter - there's no in-between. Either  you do the minimalist: post nothing illegal, and if we find you did we'll remove it and ban you. Or...there is no second option. Other than moderating every single joiner and every single post. Something over a modest size makes this impossible, even with thousands of helpers. You destroy the whole utility of the thing, but that's exactly what Twitter is doing. Only those with Semitically Correct opinions can post.

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