Sunday, June 25, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-25

25 June 2017

Audio: Latest SIEGE 7.6-7.16 here. On loyalty, discipline and leadership. Alt-right on alt lite here.

Roundup:  Lew Rockwell on US wanting war with Russia. SoBas just keep getting better, telling their collection of mental runts to stop waving their Confederate flags.

SPLC Terrorists Getting Sued by Muslim
THIS is what is worth doing, worth funding, worth supporting in all ways. Not defending against these criminal jews but going after them with pen, in courts, and any other way that works. Here on WeSearchR.

Jew Psychology
Personally, I do not believe Jews even “lie” in the normal sense of knowing deceit. I think they have the same ability that women and psychopaths have to believe that whatever they think in their minds is reality. It's tempting to believe that, but you try lying to them (jews or a woman). You try being inconsistent in a hypocritical sense, the way they are 24/7/365. Then get into an argument. They will bring out your lying/hypocrisy/inconsistency every single time. So they are well aware of the difference between lying and truth. Whether jews are born that way or learn that way, doesn't really matter. It's all they know and all they do. They don't change. What can change is our attitude toward them. Jews are parasites, and they come with a justifying ideology. If leeches and ticks could speak, they would sound exactly like jews. Termites would take polls and talk with a straight face about "anti-Termitism." An office in the State Department would be set up to "monitor" "global anti-Termitism." Here on Piccolini, some former skinhead now working the lucrative side of the aisle, with help from ADL and "your" federal government. Striker shows that the left is almost wholly artificial - it's funded by money taken from normies, normal white people, and used to pay maloccs to grind their teeth in public and attack those who dare to advocate for white normals. We truly do need a revolution, because reform is not possible. A few months ago, a GOP Congressman uncovered a Department of Justice slush fund that was injecting $3 billion into extreme leftist groups. I mean, that's billion. Not million. BILLION. If you want to go to a white rally, that's money directly out of your pocket. Gas, lodging, food, time away from work, etc. But the left is all funded by (you) through government or by superrich like Soros. WE NEED A REVOLUTION. The psychology of the jew is simple: a profound hatred of all non-jews. They, as a political tactic, project that onto us. But very few Aryans are actually driven by hatred. I have stated and I'm honest when I say it, often wished I had a hotter hate in me, a true jew-level  hatred of the enemy. It creates a tremendous drive, along with other good things. Christians call what they do love. All they really care about is how they feel about themselves -  yet another way in which, contrary to what right-buffoons refuse to acknowledge: christianity is liberalism. They don't care about the results of their love. They don't want to hear about outcomes, evidence, results, likely consequences. Flat don't care. They're doing good. They're monomaniacal retards. Or at least that is the only way to treat them. Their promiscuous spiritual love destroys everything it touches. Christianity exists to make losers feel good about themselves. It's a loser association, and it has been since day one. Whites must work to synthesize hate within themselves. Because contrary to what jews say, it truly doesn't not spring naturally in the Aryan breast, not at the same levels. Just as the niggeroons have evolved extrafat backsides, I suppose for reasons akin to the noble camel, so jews have steatopygia of the hate gland. Name any jew you like - Sarah Silverman, Bill Maher, Alan Dershowitz, any neocon warmonger-yid - which of these nasty kikes is not fairly characterized as driven by hate? And it's in their books - read Portnoy's Complaint. All the guy does is jerk off and spew shit about blondes he wants to fuck to get back for his daddyjew having a goy boss. To us Aryans this is wackotic behavior, almost inexplicable. To jews, this is par for the course. That's a recherche golfing terms that means THE AVERAGE JEW HAS THE SAME MENTALITY AS PHILIP ROTH AND HIS CHARACTER PORTNOY. They all truly think like that. The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews hate non-jews, not that they don't understand lying and deception. And oh yeah, if you want another book to read to see the jew mentality in action read the MOTHERFUCKING OLD TESTAMENT, NIGGER. If goyim Aryan weren't so congenitally tone deaf, they would NEVER have accepted this crap book as their north star. It is completely un-Aryan in tone and content. It's just a load of jewshit, every bit as much as the New York Times or Washington Post. Really, our race needs to grow up, more than anything. Start hating, start noticing, start caring, start refusing to accept dishonor, stop being pussies, start being fanatical, determined, clever, cunning, book-smart, street-smart, tough, resilient. Quit being christians and start being something deserving of the title White Men.

Technology Facilitates and Obviates Centralization
This spintro sparked by points Brad Griffin made on recent podcast with Spencer and the Grinning Trimmer re SoBa convention. The US up until, let's just say 1900 to make a nice round number, was a LOCAL country. Government was small. Roads weren't that common or great. There were no interstates. As someone said, the average person had little contact with the federal government outside letters delivered by the Post Office. There was no Federal Reserve (banking was a private matter, or at least a state and not a federal matter). There was no income tax. There was no Department of Education, etc etc., as none of that was written in the Constitution, and some people paid attention to the law back then. The country legitimately was pretty free, de facto, if not de jure, given that whole 'Civil War' breech of contract. All this would change in the twentieth century. Loads of jews arrived in the US right at the same time our industrialization was hitting full stride. Soon we had not just the lowly telegraph but telephone, radio, then tv. These technical developments facilitated the centralization of power. They made it easier to create vast administrative networks. Not just the federal government but the 'public schools.' Those nasty things metastasized after the civil war, as 'progressives' realized they were a powerful tool for sucking money and power away from solid parents to useless bureaucrats teaching destructive nostrums. The new technology and transportation (mass automobiles) allowed the creation of national brands. Instead of just staples they couldn't get or make on their own, people started buying processed food, readymade. For which they heard ads on radio. The jews dominated the stage first - see Henry Ford's The International Jew. Naturally they went into early radio, got their noses on early movie technology, set up Hollywood on the opposite coast (away from inventor Edison). They were set for tv, after a goy invented that. They dominated the retailers and grocers who could afford to advertise on the new media. Everything was in place for a tiny, hostile, alien minority to change the nation's idea of itself - and following that, the nation itself. And that is precisely what happened and still is happening. The 21st century technology of the internet, which hit the big time around 1995, allows global control and decentralization. The tech goes either way. So the battle goes to the laws. Freedom to hear non-jew views from white peers has obviously had a huge effect on white minds. From the jew perspective, this must be curtailed, whatever it takes to do that. From the white perspective, we learn what we didn't learn in school: that we are part of a race, and that that race has an implacable enemy. We learn that we must counter-exterminate that enemy before it exterminates us. And what we're going to learn, to end on an anticlimactic because nonracial note is that...we dont need government. Competent people don't need central government. Central government needs competent people, to feed off.

On Crampus
Even a few years ago you would have thought this was satire: White Person Accountability Group at MIT. AKA a Bible study group for secular people. Always got to be some kind of a cult, it seems like. Muh Ah Hab Sind be with us always. It seems. Are you really so sick you want to pretend you owe something to niggers? Then let you perish from the face of the earth, because you're even worse than a nigger, pathetic whiteskin.

It seems like a pretty simple concept. But it's been made into a very slippery and useful scam by leftists and hysterics. PCR observes: ...only 3% of felony cases go to trial, and in these cases, prosecutors are able to bribe and to pay witnesses for false testimony against the accused and to withhold exculpatory evidence that would clear the defendant of the charges. In other words, conviction regardless of the evidence is almost always obtained.

Blacks Are Human?
Bullshit. Watch the video. The claim that niggers and whites are the same species is semitism, not science. Here a 5m drone video tour of Baltimore's niggerhoods. Niggers responsible for yeah basically all violence in New Orleans.

Media Front
Confederates portrayed as evil, worse than niggers, in every single shitfilm out of Hollywood. If you're paying for cable, or tv, or movies, you're underwriting your race's demise. Stop it already.


  1. A great film that portrays the atavistic hatred that jews have for goys is "Quiz Show". I'm not sure it was a deliberate exposition and I'm not sure most Whites would even notice but the Jews in this film fume while the Whites are oblivious. Excellent movie.

  2. Still propagandising Franks' innocence..
