Friday, June 9, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-09

9 June 2017

Action: Houston this Saturday, 10am CST.

Audiobooks: SIEGE pp57-89.

Notes: Here on Russell Moore in key figure in jewing of Southern Baptists. Here on McHugh and conservatism, which was defined for all times by Joe Sobran, as I have quoted many times: "[I]t was all a game; a way of making a living." More here on lefting of Breitbart, jewed from the start. Removing white monuments in St. Louis. Conservatism, at least since Buckley, has been jew-leftism. It's intended to prop up the (((System))) by fooling and drawing money from people who actually think the Washington Generals are trying to win. Here on Daily Stormer and barratry. Tucker on Kurt Eichenwald and his love of tentacle porn. Coney is a sad cunt, and a clinton tool. Of course, the media needs nothing to create something. Their entire ingredients list could be ketchup, olives and sardines. Or it could be, as in case of Russia: nothing + repetition. More here. If you missed this yesterday, new Ontario law lets gov seize kids whose parents don't want them fake-sex-changing. Of course, 'fake sex change' is redundant. You can't change your sex anymore than you can suddenly decide you're actually a wolverine. Pills and surgery and social pressure to get others to nod and simper can no more change a man into a woman than a man into an armadillo. More here.

How Not to Do It: Kurt Kikenbald - Jew or Goy, He's a Real Dope
This is the lying cretin who sicced the cops on someone for making him epi-spazz from a vibrating gif. That was the story, anyway. Now this cretinous douche is back in the news for inadvertently exposing his love of bizarre nip-porn, involving tentacles and young girls. He then said he and his kids were looking up said porn to prove to his undoubtedly hairy wife that such exists! So, compounded mistakes. Let's review them: DONT show people screen clips from your computer. Or you are very likely to make not precisely the mistakes KE did but something similar. You don't need to give anyone free private information they can use against you, as the left always does. You also can't "see" what's on your screen because you're accustomed to it - like reading something you're editing for the 15th time. Your eyes simply won't notice what someone else's will. Kurt's second mistake was if anything even worse: telling obvious lies about his motivations. If no one will believe what you say, because it's ludicrously implausible, then don't say it. All you can do is stay mum, absorb the hit, let the tornado pass through town, and hope it goes quickly. Kurt agreed and amplified with his own stupid porn problem by his retarded response. Truly funny. But what's not funny, is we are in a system where clowns like him are above us legally. Where they get the prime media jobs. And their decisions are law. How did we fall so far? ... See, the thing about Eichenwald, he's NOT AN OUTLIER. The ENTIRE TRIBE IS LIKE HIM. Look at this incredible list (in the middle of another story) of documented holohoax tales of bullshit. Jews are quite literally a race of liars, a tribe of thieves, a genocidally bent clan of murderers.

Niger Beat
Bald people needed for body parts in Mozambique. Black violence is out of control in Minnesota (St. Paul). But since blacks don't like cold weather, as many WN cretin have informed me over the years, Flaherty is obviously making it up.

This pretty much sums it up.

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