Thursday, June 22, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-22

22 June 2017

Action: Unite the Right, Charlottesville, Virginia, August 12. Will rogue Proud Boys (anti-racialists) be there? Mixing up race and religion doesn't work. Nor does mixing literal, overt and public ANTI-racialists. That just helps Rebbe Media mislead whiteskins back into the same old cul-de-sac of failure. OVERTLY PRO-WHITE. OVERTLY ANTI-JEW. That's the litmus test for winning.

Audio: SIEGE 7.1-7.5, on religion (62m). Christianity is anti-White, and it's not a matter of opinion.

Roundup: So (why does everyone start 1/3 of all sentences in 2017 with a superfluous "so," as if we're in some neverending conversation. Stop alreadystein.) the closest elders related to nigger criminal Michael Brown (one hesitates to say parents) get paid off, the amount under wraps. There's never been a better time or place to be a nigger criminal (dept of redundancy department) than AmeriKwa 2017. Everybody lies for you! You steal shit and attack a police officer, your oldnigs get millions of dollars. Your homies get to riot and loot and burn OPS (other people's shit) to the ground - completely uncharged, wholly jewsmedia-excused. It's wrong to call Cernovich some kind of weirdo. He's many kinds of weirdo. On US, Russia and Iran fighting it out in Syria. Germany stages 36 break-ins assaults to stop people from criticizing Sau Merkel's Soros-approved invasion policy. Like all good people, I detest Illinois. A lot of Missourians dislike Iowa, but I cannot find it in my heart. Their boxy women and delicious corn have delighted all eight of my senses, at one time or another. (Though they do throw a black kernel now and then - I allude to yous, Beirich and Lenz). Wheresoas Illinois-hate I can find in my very hair, where it will no doubt linger until I'm deader than three Tocharians. Very few things are as depressing as the low-rent areas around Chicago, it's like all the overpopulation of Southern California with absolutely no redeeming features like beautiful sunshine and pleasant weather. I'm not even talking about the nigger crime and the presence of mexicans, which now extends well out into the cornfields. Yes, downtown Chi can be hella fun if someone else is paying and you're into nightlife. But that American Loser Union Man was from Belleville, a shitberg somewhat past East St. Louis, one of the shitholiest meccas of the nigger religion. Illinois is a good flat place to grow corn. That's about all that can be said for it. Wisconsin is better. Iowa is better. Missouri is much better. Even Indiana is better. City of Houston isn't doing much better than Illinois, which is no doubt unrelated to its large populations of swarthy criminals. It is thinking about selling streets and easements to make up its nine-figure deficit. Meanwhile, over in UK, Grenfell sooties are movin' on up. Failing upward. Bourgeois Biedermeier obtains, in Britain and elsewhere. If you can't do anything about things, then go inward and just pretend they don't exist. Look up Biedermeier (literature) if you would learn its meaning. Altright podcast. We can't do anything about blacks until we admit they're niggers. That's the first step to recovery.  The reason i'm not a christian is (besides its central claims being lies) is I don't get off on blaming myself for things I didn't do. I'm not a spiritual pervert like the jebusites. The political ramification of this is I have no trouble calling things what they are. Most blacks are niggers. Nigger is a fair term to describe the vast majority of blacks. That you feel it's morally wrong to describe a race accurately is your hangup, man. It says not a goddam thing about my mind or my character, but it says a hell of a lot about you. I'm an intellectual straight; you're an intellectual pervert, a real queer daddy-o. Look me in the eye and tell me the majority of blacks -- the large majority -- aren't niggers. You can't do it. They're niggers.  ... Still more on Seth Rich. Where do the Democrats go from here? Anglin has some ideas. He's correct in his description of their problems, or proximate problem, to find new leadership and direction, and his suggestion of Jon Leibowitz is solid, but all the Democrats have to is let things continue as they are. Time is on their side - unless-until Trump or some other force can push through its agenda. All Trump has done is arrest their momentum on some fronts. But losing elections doesn't matter that much when you have the unmoving, unelected permanent bureaucracy on your side and the lying press too. What ties Democrats together is the same thing that ties mosquitos. They draw their blood from the same source. They must keep on feeding or die. They don't need to win elections so long as they enjoy budgets. Their real threat is less political than financial - bankruptcy. But we've been hearing about that financial destruction for decades and somehow the System keeps going.

I Always Detested Diana Spencer
She had no German blood in her like the wonk-nosed uglies who stupidly married into her. Just pure English posturing & lack of character.

Truth: Whites can't elevate blacks (a lie that christianity is responsible for making plausible, with its pernicious doctrine of soul equality before god), but blacks can drag whites to the bottom. The ruling jews know this. It's why they sic blacks on whites in America and give them involuntary birth control in Israel. I mean, to the ones they don't simply deport.

Line: Racism is a term invented by (communist) jews to turn black genetic problem into white mental illness.

Truth: Hatred of Whites is a hatred of their superiority, as much as anything. It results in the intense, hate-filled desire to deny that superiority and degrade its culture and destroy its genetic base.

The One-Graphic Truth About Jew-Feminism's Purpose and Real, Functional Meaning

All of you with daughters - explain the above to them. Show them how it relates to what they see on tv and hear in the classroom. People lack imagination. Particularly women lack imagination. They assume, it literally never rises to the level of consciousness (and the enemy knows this), that what IS is the only possibility. It is authority. It is right. That it is coming to them from on high PROVES it is not only the right way but the only way. Women MUST have it explained to them because very few of them will figure it out by themselves. Probably not even 1/100, and she only after the damage has been done (say when she's 55, and sitting on her recliner, stroking her cat). Always ask yourself the angel's question: what is the opposite of what i'm hearing? Why isn't that true? In jewed times, it almost always is. Here Striker on a white man facing life in prison for having sex with a drunk thot.

Thought: Communion is half-assed cannibalism. Cult of posers.

What Is the Narrowest-Minded Human on Earth?
For my money, it's the public school teacher. I know there are intelligent ones, but not many. Most of them are average and lazy. The AVERAGE public school teacher believes past religious faith, that is it never rises to the level of doubt, that she is open minded. But let her hear a view that is one degree different from what she has been taught she will freeze like a headlit doe. She cannot compute something that's out of line with The Force. It's not even like ideological response of hatred or lack of agility or flexibility. It's just complete bereftness. As far as she knows, everybody thinks the same way, and they agree their position is open-minded. It's not even a position at all. It's just how things are. There is no parrot as rote as a public school teacher, female version. Not that male teachers are much better, maybe 10%. Men generally have an inkling of reality, at least enough to be cynical, but among women, the vast majority are clueless, and the ones that aren't are hard-core power players. There's something particularly horrible about the limited female mindset equipped with a dimestore ideology yet real administrative power. These fat-assed society-wreckers are everywhere these days, they are the iron-butted stanchions of the System. Why are they teachers? Because they love kids. Loving kids qualifies you to be a pedophile, not a teacher.

Theresa May, God Almighty
What a horrible woman. Looks like a five-day-old Danish with a hell portal in the middle. Her head and face and horrible features are like a whirlpool of character-detritus made by a sinking ship.

Exterminate All Grackles
I don't like the way they strut around, in their scintillating black purple suit, cocking their malevolent eye, displacing milder, more attractive birds, hogging all the ground-grass goodies for themselves. It's time to dismiss them from this thing called life, as the Prince put it. Grackles, oh yeah and jews, must go. MUST GO. Even their fucking name, it sounds like the verb for nigger littering. Look at that fucking nigger over there, it just grackled three Popeye bags and a 40 to be named later.

The White Front
Cops pull out of Jarva completely. That's a Swedish section full of sandy dindus and other members of the fun bunch. Whites disappearing from film, at least in manly roles. Sad that only someone into comic books can speak about movies generally these days.

The Media Front
Jews lie, intimidate and murder. That's the long and short of it. They are a race of liars. They must be put to sleep before they white-genocide us. That's the bottom line, whether it meets with your irrelevant personal approval (or religious ideology) or not. Here on (((Bezos))) and his Amazon. Here Wired writes a shitty article on Wikipedia replacement, Vox Day's InfoGalactic With the notion of facts under siege, they are taking aim at the documents that most closely resemble a holy text of mainstream consensus reality: Wikipedia. Leftists refuse to admit theirs is a position, they simply define their views as normal and good, and all who disagree are extremist weirdos. Thus, they can't admit what is plain to everyone semi-honest: Wikipedia is no netural place, its politics are tendentious, totalitarian left in EVERY SINGLE CASE. The conceit of this stupid dishonest article is that somehow something close to the truth comes out thru a battle of editors is absurd since only one political position is allowed to furnish editors. You can't even edit your own page, if you're a rightist, let alone a racialist. ... And LOL at idea that reality is determined by consensus. That means the majority can never be wrong. Truth is a matter of numbers. ... Someone emailed me this 'free speech' site, based on traditional British speaker's corner:  They're calling this authoress Nagle of new book the "anthropologist of the alt-right." Here Anglin on future of youtube and social media. Not sure why he says Gab sucks. Gab has enough people who aren't alt-right that one tried to get me banned for saying "We must kill all jews" yesterday.

The Financial Front
Another player rises, Bancor. A few days ago, a startup called Bancor raised around $153 million in two hours and twenty-five minutes. The ICO, short for initial coin offering, followed several similar, equally successful funding events, and the numbers are rising. Prediction market Augur raised around $5.2 million over two months in 2015; this year, its competitor Gnosis raised $12 million in just 15 minutes.

On Crampus
Jew David Cole on the nigger mentality behind discriminating against whites. Subhuman calls humans inhuman. Notice Lew Rockwell paying more and more attention to racial stuff. Another idiotic she-professor, at Northwestern, argues that discos should be protected from critical speech, because we already limit speech.

The Appeal of David Lynch's Twin Peaks
It's not like it's great stuff. I don't think. It's that it's pleasant, odd stuff. But I think a lot of the implicit appeal of Lynch must be the whiteskin diversity he puts in his weird stories. There really aren't many discos in them, and I think that is a greater part of the appeal of Twin Peaks than its genuine fans would admit to. It's just like laying down a burden, not having to pretend blacks, browns, etc, are interesting. They're not. No other race is half as interesting as just a handful of whites. You see how our various coloring is mirrored in our brains. There's more diversity in a few of us than all niggers or mexicans combined. ... The Keepers is about the murder of a nun in Baltimore. Or is it about the murder of Baltimore, the changes downward since 1969. I suppose it's just a typical hit piece on Catholic church, but...why does this church people who cannot act when action is called for? It must be the downside of hierarachy. Just complete inability to stand against authority, no matter what kind of nasty action it's involved in. Catholicism produces men and women who are afraid of priests. For christ's fucking pathetic is that? You truly see why the church is so big on getting kids before they're six: anyone older would see them for the laughable perverts far too many of them are.

1 comment:

  1. I don't find Wikipedia that dishonest. It's more what they chose to leave out or emphasise that is the problem.
    It's obviously pro Jew but then again so is Day.
