Thursday, June 15, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-15

15 June 2017

Action: In Bulgaria...

Only in Bulgaria a child holding a sign saying "Give the rainbow back to the children again you faggots" at a gay parade

Yeah, how about A Little Child Shall Lead Them YOU BUTTZZFEED FAGOO

Audio: Fresh Taha here. Mahi-Mahi for the mind, itz. Fresh SIEGE here. Vox Day and Molyneux discuss Crime and Punishment. They say Angus you've made the same album twelve times. I say no mate - 14x. Probably 18 now, Good video. It has pterrordactyls flying on attack and superannuated gents in short pants waggling saucy behind. It's fucking 1984 all over again, man. Muh tasty kitties. A lot of people think Gen. Tsao was a person. There's a wordo for those folks: ALL-DAY SUCKERS. Lil clue for the unhep: tsao = mandarin for = miaow.

Notes: MacGregor-Mayweather fight is on... Here on EU going after three countries with loyal leadership, demonstrated in their refusal to admit Muslim terrorists per demands of Soros / sellout brigade. Russia and China have not agreed to be "provinces of the US empire," says Lew Rockwell, that's why Washington Post/CIA attacks them. Pretty amazing statement about Seth Rich: the cops walked him past neighbor and said he didn't even know he'd been shot. Story keeps getting curiouser. Three police at scene had body cams, no footage of course. Same with that plane hitting the pentagon. US is on the side of ISIS. More on same. If you hear it from an official source, it's a lie. Attack on Scalise by Bernout. Heartiste on the leftist mentality displayed in reaction to shootings. SPLC linked to shooter. The SPLC sues White sites to suppress their free speech while pretty unsubtly encouraging violence against the white right. Of course, the SPLC is a known terrorist organization - it had prior knowledge of the the government's plot to murder Americans at OKC and did nothing. "In my personal view, the SPLC should not be held responsible for their speech that led to this attempted assassination. However, my personal view on freedom of speech is very much different than that of the SPLC. For instance, the SPLC claimed that Dylann Roof visited this website, and thus my speech was somehow responsible for his actions.The very core concept of the SPLC is that “speech leads to violence.” Why shouldn't they be held to their own standard? They should. Also, they don't merely believe that speech leads to violence they believe speech that is wrong (pro-white or anti-fag) IS violence. Hence the clown term "speech act." The SPLC obsessively connected Scalise to David Duke, and spent tens of thousands of words attacking him as pure evil using the most virulent of hate speech on their “Hatewatch” blog. Then a fan of their’s attempts to assassinate him. HOLD THEM TO THEIR OWN STANDARDS, SAID JEW ALINSKY. BY THAT TOKEN THE KIKES OF SPLC ARE GUILTY OF MULTIPLE COUNTS OF INCITEMENT TO ATTEMPTED MURDER. Anglin on AI and the future. Here on the GoatQueefers. Huge rise in no-go areas in Sweden. You know, the ones that don't exist. A man named Ciccardi wrote a poem about these years ago: As I was walking on the stair/ I met a man who wasn't there./ He wasn't there again today./ I wish, I wish he'd go away. Here reaction to Sessions appearance.  South African banks going the way of Illinois.
Phresh Ideas: A Book Somebody Needs to Write
Silverstein and Sheeeeeitman: The True History of So-Called Civil Rights

What Is a Patriotard?
Nine-tenths it's just a fat idiot. How do you identify the (lead) federal agent in batch of ptards? It's the one with the deepest voice. If you want to learn some vocab, it's the most stentorian of the lot. Thing about ptards is half of them work for the government. I'm not talking about undercover agents. They're ll cops or military. How fight-the-System can you be when you're employed by it? Or your pension comes from it? OD readers ask the important questions: Has anybody here got in to a fight with a large fat guy like this ? What works ? Do body shots to fat tummy work? No, silly. That just makes 'em jiggle 'n' giggle. ... Notice the reappearance of "Silver." Whom you may remember from such films as Jewzeluhs: They Jite and They're Near-White. What is a patriotard? It's the stupid fucking look on this guy's face.

Muh Wutz Goin On Here Looik

Race and Southern Baptists
There is division in the ranks of the christers. Soul equality is as bogus as any other. That people close their eyes when praying symbolizes their preference for not the spiritual but for refusing-to-see. As Nietzsche said, making the unequal (black and white, for example) equal isn't justice, it's injustice. Who can deny that he's right? One race makes America better, the other race destroys it. Who prevents these races from separating, or from the natural superiors dominating the inferior? Bless my soul, itz the hymies. WP story here. ...Southern Baptist leaders worked on the language late last night, and the convention will vote Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. EST on the resolution condemning the alt-right movement — a small, far-right movement that seeks a whites-only state. Spencer's reaction on twitter, have to scroll some. Bad things, according to soft-serve dirteaters: gambling, going ginsu on womb babies...and white people who like people. How about an NBR? A Nigger Baptist Resolution: we apologize for being lousy slaves? Fox report. Christianity is inherently and irremediably and doctrinally anti-White. One day even Vox Day will realize that. Note: there are 15m SoBas and 85% are white. They're the biggest Rotestant denomination. How insane is this?: It affirmed that “there has arisen in the United States a growing menace to political order and justice that seeks to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic cleansing.” It identified this “toxic menace” as white nationalism and the alt-right, and urged the denomination to oppose its “totalitarian impulses, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that infect the minds and actions of its violent disciples.” So not nigger crimes, jewish warmongering, jewish money-funking to the tune of 20 trillion debt, borders open to third-world vermin - these aren't the problem. The tiny tiny reaction to them called the "alt-right" is. Only with jews controlling the media and saying perpetually "isn't this great?" can so monstrous a lie even be pretended to. These lefty SBC are in the same camp as candidate Hillary - forced to assume the position that things in America are wonderful, and don't need to be made great again. It is only possible to believe this if you close your eyes. It is only possible to promote this if you're a complete fool, or, likelier, a big ol' liar. How can a religion be "good" when it preaches plangent bullshit like it does from the very top? Obviously it can't be. But there will still be loads of halfwits and emo-nancies making excuses for it. Look, a religion that bends every which way (and SB was started precisely to support slavery) is irremediably anti-white. We need people who are pro-White BY PRINCIPLE NOT BY TRANSIENT CIRCUMSTANCE. That way they don't back and fill when the powers that be change positions. If christ-lunacy were ACTUALLY pro-White now is the time when that would come to the fore, as brave christians, in time of actual need, rose to defend their pro-white principles. Not when they use their bible to justify slavery when slave owners have power! I have failed for ten years to get this obvious truth across to morons, and no doubt I'll fail here again.

Frontiers of Mentation, with Steepf GRRwin
Cor, look at this byooteeful lil blighter. WHO'S THE CUTE LITTLE IDEA?? YOU ARE!!! Cant wait to stick me thumb up its processed-pie hole and sex it! (you wits of nit need to understand that sex it means determine its sex not have sex with it).  Lil blighter in question:

They're Doing It To Ourselves File

Is it not cute? Will I not not not use it as a dept header when relevant? I will. Was GOING to use it for OD's downage yesterday but turns out that REALLY WAS due to FAULTY WIRING. So I cant. Since I'm honestish. Can one be honestish? Or is that like being a little bit pregnant? The thoughtlets just keep coming....  Another thoughtler: the Darwin quote at bottom of page was probably familiar to the poet who wrote "the worst are full of..." you know it. That's how 'originality' works, most often. Eliot took Darwin's idea and altered it. Just a guess. Might be wrong. Might be right. But it is right that that's how MOST 'originality' actually works. FEW things are completely new. ... Here are someone else's thoughts on why whites don't oppose their replacement. Irish Savant says: Which leads me back to a contention I've been making for many years. Namely that Whites will not rebel in the absence of a catastrophic economic melt-down. Which was pretty much George Lincoln Rockwell's opinion, as recorded by Jame Mason in yesterday's SIEGE segment.

On Crampus
Banning Confederate clothingOrange County Schools in North Carolina banned such items against the advice of their attorney, following seven months of complaints regarding Confederate adornments... To leftists words are more real than behavior, than reality itself.

Niger Beat
Disgusting as the crotch botches of a Dallas nigger. How do you tell the dancer from the dance? A better question: how do you tell the feculent ferals from the feces? A White Marine's experience in Bawlmer
We've gotten to the point where it is nearly impossible to maintain decent standards in any group larger than about three people. That's by design, of course. So the Boy Scouts get jewed into supporting all kinds of crap they never would on their own. WE NEED NOT REFORM BUT REVOLUTION.  Bloomberg promotes the lie that American prosperity depends on discos. Not enough that Wonder Woman is a woman, she must non-white and fat. Really fat also acceptable. Healing from toxic whiteness. Hello? Yes? I'd like to exchange my toxic whiteness for salubrious blackness? Ok? Thanks! #1 Dead Tree Fake News (DTFN) in all the land promotes faggotrySo, what exactly is the opposite of a Nazi? The opposite of a Nazi is a faggot. More on Wolfenstein. May I pretend I've actually read Gibbons and say: This sounds like something straight out of vol. 17 of Gibbon! Strangers humping on the roadside. Except they're doing it midair. A tube of Ryannair to be precise. Erik Striker neatly captures it: ...because having a hole between your legs grants you adult privileges without adult consequences... Aint that the truth. Katy Perry apologizes to niggers for having hair or something. It really does look like, as someone tweeted, whatever virus was infecting Miley Cyrus has transferred to christian nitwit Perry. That stupid cunt who went Darwin Award on her hot-car kids so she could par-tay is full-on whiteskin, a real Sadie Hawkins. They're the same as us? They don't even shit like we do. Do you even toilet, bro? The answer, sadly, must be no. It do bins and showers tho.

Great White Sharia Enforced on Dirty Whitegirl Mudshark


I personally interviewed the no-armed shark for this story, and he told me, do you think a great white would ever breed with a blacktip? "FUCK NO." That's a direct quote. From the sea.

An Example of How We Are All Just Like Everybody Else - Including (and Especially) When We Think We Are Different
Something I noted in white men for years. They would recite something to me that I had told them first, giving no evidence they remembered where they first heard their opinion, nor that they realized it wasn't originally their own. But if I am like them genetically (as they were my relatives), then I ought to be doing the same thing myself. So I kept watch. And sure enough, I caught myself doing it just yesterday. Something I thought I had said first was actually said, and no doubt read by me at some point, by Charles Darwin. He said, and I slightly paraphrase, the races of man are so different that were we animals, our different races would certainly be considered and marked down as different species. This was quoted in yesterday's segment in Taha (midsection of ch. 4). So I did just exactly what I've seen people I talk to (and am related to) do myself. We are NOT different from others, we are the same. Self-love is the illusion that one is different from others. Only in small ways, the vast majority of us. And I don't even say small significant ways. We are all technically unique but very much the same.

...remember my second response to jewdar questions recently. Just came across this perfectly apposite quote:

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge”-Charles Darwin

He's probably wrong though. He's just Charles Darwin. And you're You. Pardon. Super You. Like Super Dave Osborne's less jewy even groovier goyer brother. Let's put it this way. The Darwinner could distinguish between barnacles on sight. And you think you can identify jews on sight. Do you see the difference there?  I'm not even kidding. CD was the eminentest barnacologist the world has yet produced. He used to call in sick to the office so he could scuba dive to study the animalia clinging to the hulls of skulls in Brewster, a tiny city just on the coast in northern Yeast Anglia.


  1. To christcucks, If god so loved his creation why has he let most go extinct? What makes whites today any more worthy of mercy than our ancestors? Or the Germans who fought the plague your god created in jews?

  2. AC/DC...I would say rather, no, mate, the Malcolm/Cliff/Phil rhythm section has made that album (however) many times. And don't listen to anyone, as I've encountered multiple times in WN circles, that the band is rhythmically strict and march-like. They're just listening to the quarter-note boom-tap and not the straight-eighths that swing like crazy. AC/DC isn't the Gang of Four...Phil Rudd's (dropped) murder procurement charges made me laugh: the devil finds work for an impulsive mid-prole lad with $60 million.
