Friday, June 30, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-06-30

30 June 2017

Action: Further review of alt-right v alt-kike rallies. White dude grabs shark.

Audio: Penultimate segment(s) of SIEGE by James Mason. His address to Tom Metzger's W.A.R., from the mid-80s. Statements by Perry Warthan, George Lincoln Rockwell, NSDAP's 25 Points, and more. And finally, the last segment of SIEGE. Includes "The Crazy Men of Destiny" and a timeline of GLR's life.

Roundup: Frankfurt now majority non-German. Facebook to delete 66,000 posts per week. Why that number? I don't know. Media control means you can turn truth into lies, and push those lies so hard you yourself begin to lose the distinction. All White Nationalists are salmon who made it uphill; we are tested; we are qualified. Leftists - you're that, these days, be default. There's nothing challenging about it. You have only to parrot whatever you hear from the teacher or television.  But, now, let's enjoy this graphic....

Nothing better than seeing old jewish whores sent to the glue factory. Per the altright piece linked above, the term gaslighting is essential to understanding. The media don't just lie, they tell you the reverse of the truth. And when they make accusations against our side, it is inevitably a projection of what they are doing themselves. That's straight (((Alinsky))) tactics. Christian "golden rule" bullshit is the perfect loser-foil to jewish aggression...almost like it was planned that way, eh? Jews never allow good motives (anyone opposed us is hate-filled anti-semite) while christians never question bad motives. Christianity in effect if not by intention is set up to lose. It's a milder version of the Amish saying outright "We won't fight." Our side has floundered for decades because our wise elders assured us there was some other strategy than simply identifying and killing our opponents that could work. Not the time! Not the time! they never stopped saying. Well look at you now. You just got your ass kicked by a bunch of goddam nerds. NEEEEERRRRRRDDDDSSSS! And then you tell me I'm wrong to praise #HeroAndersBreivik, #HeroThomasMair and #HeroDylannRoof. But're wrong. How many things am I wrong about, looking back the last fifteen years? These men reviewed the information, decided to act, acted, and stood behind their acts. They killed numerous enemies, and in return they gave away their lives' liberty. That's the definition of heroic. ... Apparently there's something called Hatreon. Haven't examined it. If you think, you can figure out what it might be. ... Interview with Paddy TarletonAlmost every traditional old-time or bluegrass song is just a slight variation of an old Scots or Anglo-Irish melody.  I use many of these melodies for my own songs because that is the folk tradition. That's what E. Michael Jones does, and recommends: take traditional melodies and make your own lyrics, and play and sing the songs yourself. I want to take the opportunity to say that it is important to realize what I do is not “parody”.  All traditional folk melodies are borrowed.  That’s why its traditional.  To give one example known to most, the “Horst Wessel Lied” [national anthem of the Third Reich] is based on an old German folk melody that goes back at least two hundred years before Horst Wessel’s own time.  For many in the Alt Right, this is something not well known but I see my place within this movement as an opportunity to help others gain that sense of traditionalism back through music. The Atlantic holds anti-alt-right a synagogue. Review of jew Milo's book. (((Zucker))) (topkike at CNN) flees from O'Keefe. Germany passes law further restricting criticism of The Anti-White Agenda. Canada is as bad as Germany.

The Idea of the State
This is where Nazis and libertarians disagree. Even if you have honest men who are not in it for the money (Hitler), and even if you manage to build a good-sized group of those people, it is still pretty much 100% inevitable your government is, over time, going to be filled with careerists rather than political saints. That's just how people are. Just because someone says he is doing something for "the good of the race" doesn't mean he is. And it certainly doesn't mean that the fifth guy down the line succeeding him is. The Nazis themselves talked about all the people who joined the party when it was on the verge of winning, or after it had effectively won. Those are the bourgeois self-regarders, and they are always going to be the majority of the technical, competent class. This is not a problem that can be solved, in my opinion. You can create a culture of eugenics, and breed the best blood, and perhaps in time that will breed a race of true Guardians (Plato), true Supermen (Nietzsche), but, the wise bet would be against it. The state almost inevitably becomes a gang, and it uses its power to enrich itself and reduce the opportunities of honest men who aren't part of it. That's as true in Mexico, as the linked article shows, as anywhere else. So while it would be better to have a Nazi state than what we have now, because it would give us the room and milieu to be white again, it would not by any means eliminate ordinary mean human motives that all whiteskins have, even the saints. Dare to doubt the efficacy of the almighty state. A white man can't and shouldn't be reduced to either for he is both.

Pedro Ruiz III and the Big Thick Book That Couldn't
Mexicans dumb enough to be niggers. The point is not that this refried retard got his gravid sow to shoot him to death, it's that there were LITERALLY DOZENS OF ONLOOKERS who apparently shared the reasoning. This is the kind of garbage that pours into AmeriKwa daily thanks to our having no border. I don't really believe this story cuz Country Slicker told me beaners are just as smart as whiteskins, and he's never wrong. Funny he had her shoot from a foot away. He was smart enough to know that if it were more than two feet she'd hit him in the head. Ah, but it all evens out in the end.

Trump Considers Shifting Shitskin Injection Under DHS
So says "Refugee Resettlement Watch," the single best tracker of this nation-wrecking mess. Ten states, at least, are sick of paying for illegal criminal shitskins. The secede mentality is alive in Texas at Boys State.

"We white people are the worst," said the Jew
Whether jews conspire in any particular case or not, they all think and act the same way. One of their notorious behaviors is jiting: pretending to be white in order to shame, discredit, blame, mock, harass and otherwise discomfit and discredit white people and the white race. WHITE GENOCIDE IS (((THEIR))) PLAN, (((COUNTER)))-EXTERMINATION IS OUR RESPONSE. The people who like Israel the most are those who know the least about it. Because they're Bible-reading retards. Niggy so fragile a drama critic (probably a kike) must be banned because she pointed out vast majority of shotted niggers are beshotten by fellow coons.

Invasion Front
Loads of shitskin gangs, thriving in the 'Kwa, where quality is not job #1.

Niger Beat
Niggers make every area unlivable - by white standards. To niggers, it's just nigger normal. Like many, many parts of Florida. One of them is Martin Country. Here on alleged female Mrs. SHEEEEITMAN, Leslie Jones. They share teef and your bicycle. Even Penis Williams guilty of crime. Police say she was responsible for death of 78-year-old in some car thing. Let's hope the old man was a jew. Comparative racial costs of blacks, whites and browns. Whites are tax slaves of the jew-led coloreds. Black bum kills white woman, dumps body in lake.

Media Front
“I really believe that the fact that I have such power in terms of numbers with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et cetera, I think it helped me win all of these races where they’re spending much more money than I spent,” he told CBS News’s Lesley Stahl a week after the election. “I think that social media has more power than the money they spent, and I think maybe, to a certain extent, I proved that.” I don't get fooled much these days. Not that I should, understanding the media and its agenda, which give 100% predictability as to how any individual news story will be treated. But I can be fooled, as can anyone, and the Daniel Holtzclaw case did fool me. Diana Davison gives you the facts.

Parade (of Lies) Put on By Finger Lakes Musical Theater Festival
"We're ready to bring people in and say, 'Don't judge. Sit down, and let us move you,'" he said. "Let us put this in front of you and let us move you. Come in with an open mind and an open heart, the same way you do to a TV show. If you're doing it to Netflix, why won't you do it to live theater?" Smock said once a year the festival makes "a point of finding a piece that fosters dialogue," and identified "Parade" as that show this year. Fostering dialogue is another of those typically jewish terms, deliberately open, ambiguous. It could mean anything. But it always ends up meaning the same thing: be "open" to whites being eternally guilty for everything. Even when jews rape and murder white children who refuse their adult sexual advances, we need to have a dialogue about how bringing this jew to duly adjudicated justice displays and reflects the hatred of jews that is, honestly, the only reason whites exist.

Throw the Jew down the Well, Throw the Faggoo Off the Roof (Throw the Buttista in the Bog)
A story about the foremost jebus cult organization and the predilections of its prelates. Anglin correctly points out how the controlled, covering-for (((media))) turn fag priests' love of sucking off altar boys into pedophilia - which is lexical abuse to cover sexual abuse. These priests are mostly genuine faggots. They like teens. Not little kids. But the jewsmedia, trying to preserve the ground they've won -- public acceptance of homosexuality fostered over the last two-three decades -- before they can make a big push to normalize pedophilia. Yeah, we can't "normalize" Trump or white nationalism, God forbid, but we can normalize morbid sexual deviance. That's the game. What's normal is normal, no matter what anyone calls it. You can fight nature, as the Roman observed, but it will return with a vengeance. Look how much is forced on us: we're forced to pretend we love homos in public, or the jewsmedia will get us fired from our job, even if it's ditch digging. We're forced to subsidize research for the specialist diseases they incubate, while non-behavior-caused diseases fell infinitely larger numbers. We're even forced to bake cakes for these faggots because we have no right to refuse service to someone because of his immutable characteristics. There are lot of rights in this world, jews tell us, but all of them are against whites. For coloreds, rights; for whites, responsibilities. Yes, fags always network. They always have their private agenda, even if they agree with an organization's ostensible mission. They are always bitchy, catty and querulous. They're not honest and manly and direct - they're faggots. They're male women. They have the virtues of neither sex and the vices of both. They need to go back in the closet, because after all, no one knows for sure. But if they want to parade around in public and demand public respect, yet call it a hate crime to discuss their actual, documented behavior openly, then it is perfectly fair, reasonable and just to throw them off the roof. Curse them, Father McFeely, for they are roofworthies. And bogsworths. Bogsworth would make a great Dickens character, wouldn't he? More here. As I've said, Catholicism produces weak people, men and women. Watch The Keepers. Wolves realize that the jebus "sheep," as they call themselves, are for shearing. Take the money, fuck their children, tell them the holy spirit moves through you (through your penis, to be precise). <----------(That last is not something I made up.)

"Gay is a propaganda term. They should only be called queers, deviants, degenerates, or fuckheads, gluticians, poostabbers, shiteaters, cloacalists, bungstons, etc. Just as AIDS should be called Q-RID, or GRIDs if you prefer the kiddie pool. ... Trump is crass, rude and mean when he returns insults for insults. It's beneath his office say the liars. Well, it's beneath your office when you call his health care plan "mean." You can't have it both ways. If the president stops taking cheap shots at the media, will the media stop taking cheap shots at him? stop lying about him? stop characterizing literally every move he makes as hateful, ridiculous and dangerous? To ask is to answer. Tweet away, prez. Make 'em feel the burn. I for one like the idea of a president fuming the pre-dawn hours. He's called more people psycho and low IQ before 9am than the rest of the prezzim combined. I love how all these little faggot-ass twentysomething snarksters get all schoomarmy with pearl-clutching horrah when Trump burps around. You're only allowed to criticize Approved Categories in Approved Ways. Today's urinalists are the hothousiest flowers in the history of typing. Contempible effeminacy in leftism: how should we feel about X? Like you can decide your feelings. It's kind of the point you can't. "What front should we put up?" What color should our facade appear today? Leftists don't look both ways for cars when they cross the street but to see what other people are doing. More on faggotry, what it is, here. Here on youtube doubling down after failure of #MoreThanARefugee, promoting faggoo pride.

Here on traditionalist Catholic regionalism, or LeFebvrism, growing in France...Traditionalist Catholics are one of, if not the, most fecund groups in all of France. As they tend to marry young and place a high emphasis on bearing kids, one can expect these families to have upward of eight or nine children. I’m not even kidding, this is the norm in many Traditionalist communities. More on similar here.


  1. Some men are always going to gravitate towards the consolidation of power. At least you get a stable foundation with NS no matter which way you go from there. You say yourself that the Nazis saw this and I imagine they took precautions. If all your good men are doing their own thing then who is there to stop the undesirables.

    1. *?
      Also Anders Breivik was a retarded faggot who shot anti-Zionist kids. Roof on the other hand seems like a down to earth kid.
