16 June 2017
Audio: James Mason's SIEGE. 5.11-5.23. p214-245.
Notes: More taping ahead this weekend and next week, straight through till we finish SIEGE and the Taha. The Taha is the clearest explanation of Nietzsche/Nazis I have come across. I highly recommend the book.
Roundup: Gold 1250s, Silver 16, BitCoin 2440. Reed notes that Robert E. Lee was right, that a centralized empire would mean tyranny at home and endless wars abroad. Weev on making women great property again. Grenfell vs WTC towers three...quien es mas macho? Sin dudo es Grenfell. Bleeping Computer bans patriotic Pepe. Background on Hodgkinson. Courtier satirist Steven Colbert (catholic) had to censor interview with Oliver Stone because Stone mentioned, in response to Russia questions, that ISRAEL interferes with American elections. If you hate whites but love animals, you're living a confusion. You love animals but you hate the only human species that protects them? Loyalty matters. Jesse Benn, known jew and jiter, says armed resistance needs to be better organized. Jews produce by the thousands the type that murdered tens of millions of our kind last century. Are we going to let it happen again? WHITE GENOCIDE IS (((THEIR))) PLAN, COUNTER-(((EXTERMINATION))) IS OUR RESPONSE.
Thatza Pizza
In a baseball-related carjacking gone bad, a FWM (fucking White Male) attempted to impinge on the health resources of an EFWM (Elected Fucking White Male) and some others stuff.
The Jewish Scam
Can an entire race be a scam? Yes. Jews are proof of that. Like a blackberry, they're a compound fruit; a Scam made up of a bunch of smaller scamsters carrying out sundry scamlets. Jews invent a scam concept - anti-semitism. That essentially says: any reaction to us other than what we prescribe as acceptable is hate. And that hate should be made illegal. And governments should track it. And haters should be fired, censured, censored, and forced to pay restitution. Then jew agencies affect to 'measure' the level of 'anti-semitism' their other scams have produced. Often times, as earlier this year, they produce these illegitimate (in their eyes) reactions themselves. Then they demand extra funds from the government to defend themselves! I mean, a jew in Israel makes phone threats to US synagogues. In response, the government and jews shriek about danger, and jews are given millions of dollars to defend themselves. The person making the threats is revealed to be part of a team in Israel. Israel refuses to deport him. But the moneys given the hate clan in the US aren't returned! Then a jew org affects to measure "anti-semitismTM" and includes the jew on jew threats. At no point anywhere in this process is there anything but jews abusing non-jews, and stealing their money. It is my view that no white publication should ever give notice to any ADL or other poll talking about 'anti-semitism' levels again. There must be a counter word for the real phenomenon of jewish hatred and scams directed at outsiders, most notably the white race. I've termed this LOXISM. If anything actually should be recorded, it's level of LOXISM. There you have real wrong done - continuously. ... As the reviews of Parade, the musical about jew pedo-murderer Leo Frank show, jews will defame or rape or murder anyone who gets in the way of their tribal promotion - even 100 years after the fact. What the jew who wrote Parade says about prosecutor Hugh Dorsey is flat out defamation by any standard. Compounded lies is jewish 'intellectual' culture. How is The Hoax not like all other hoaxes? Interview with Kollerstrom. More here with K re Amazon kick off holo-factual materials. Jews are the #1 global force pushing for censorship. Recent attacks on David Irving, closing his bank account, shutting down his bookstore paypal account. "You can get put in jail in most European countries if you doubt (((their))) canonical tales..." SPLC is jewing jewily as always but now with fresh jewspice.
Niger Beat
Popular white bartender Sebastian Dvorak murdered by nigger(s) in Baltimore. In 2017, whites are 25% of the formerly civilized (Mencken, Poe) city. Witness intimidation is common in Baltiless, if unreported.
On Crampus
College is a waste of time and debtor money. Includes pic of Carrot All Auburn Guy. In the recherche category of carrot-based amusement, I would say he trumped the Top.
Verbal War: 'Handguns'
James Mason makes this point in latest segment from SIEGE: the right term is SIDEARM or SHORTARM. 'Handgun' is a "pantywaist" term. I had never realized the term was a propaganda term. I don't remember a time when it wasn't used; perhaps you do.
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