Sunday, May 21, 2017

Linder Daily Commentary, 2017-05-21

21 May 2017

Notes: BitCoin breaks into 2000s for first time. Kim Dotcom says it was Seth Rich, can prove it, will testify before Congress. On prospects for alt-right.  A White-left confrontation in Graham, N.C., yesterday. Blacks are blight. That coon Landrieu can't handle that is his problem. New Orleans has been redecorated as a Third World city with a coat of graffiti, trash and bullet holes. It smells like urine. Typically stupid broad goes after Spencer at gym. The woman, who is one of these inferior professoresses, is told to leave him alone, but later his membership is terminated. More here. On black hundreds (today's version) in Russia. Their IQ is low, but their blood-alcohol is high: meet the journalists! The Big Short (2015) actually is the rare good movie I could recommend, it's about the housing bubble on surface but real theme is trusting logic and facts against fashion and majority opinion. Nog top cop David Clarke did some MLKing on his master's thesis? Future of government spending, from Gary North. Essentially, old people will win battle, there will be little discretionary maneuvering room, eventual collapse will happen from over-entitling. Here on darkening of Miss USA pageant.

New Orleans: From Robert E. Lee to Robin Pee Lootie

- The stupid quadroon mayor of New Orleans actually claims the Confederate statues were the reason NO has lost population. There is no lie a nigger won't tell to evade responsibility. No one wants to be around niggers. That's the reason. DiLorenzo says: So it stands to reason that the mayor had better begin planning for a population explosion in his city now that all the monuments are gone.  One question, though:  Some of those monuments have been there for over 100 years, during times of large population increases. Simple logic is well beyond quadroon capacity.

Christianity Is Anti-White
I say it because it's true. I emphasize it because other Whites will not mention it at all. 

On Crampus
Harvard again. Coons got their own apartheid graduation. You know that. One submitted a rap video for its senior thesis. Yes, blacks face special difficulties that others do not. Behlee dat. As dumb as a feminist. Not a saying. Should be a saying. Fooled by hoax here“You read that right. We argued that climate change is ‘conceptually’ caused by penises,” Boghossian and Lindsay wrote in a celebratory article announcing the success of their hoaxFirst women's college to admit trannies is Mills in Oakland, Calif. The story of Lavinia Woodward, another high-IQ woman, yet, who needs to be kept in check.

Stray Comment
Old Soviet proverb: You don't read the newspaper for the truth, you read it for the lies. That's what we have now in the West, not only in USA but here in Germany exactly the same, we basically get translated versions of NYT and WaPo from five local press oligarchs. When this stage is reached, the collapse of the regime is close as their propaganda arm becomes ineffective. Counterproductive actually.

Hush Crimes
Colin Flaherty on Anthony Cumia (video). Colorado's Hickenlooper sides with invaders over own people. It is WHITE PRIVILEGE and, since federal, INSTITUTIONAL PRIVILEGE to have 90% of crimes committed by hispanics lumped into the "WHITE" category. FBI only has three categories for perpetrator -- WHITE, BLACK, OTHER -- but MORE categories for VICTIMS: -- WHITE, BLACK, HISPANIC, Federal government is objectively ANTI-WHITE. See 2m video. Couple whites murdered in their home in Weirsdale, Fla. Black sign at a rally yesterday: Prisons = Slavery. You think I'm kidding when I say blacks see the white concept of crime as discrimination against them, as crime is one of their best ways of attaining assets. What it means to have shitskins flood your sector. Austrian town refuses more invaders after 3 discos rape 15-year-old girl. China moving past USA because we spend all our time and money playing racial charades to promote niggers.

Bogus Concept: Feelings (Attitudes, Opinions) as 'Violence'
It's not black violence that's the violence but your white WORDS.

Whiteskin leftists think they're clever and advanced with this sort of verbal dishonesty but they're just destructive fools. The leftist jews, however, know exactly what they are doing. They rationally pursue ends whereas whiteskin leftists tend to bask in delusion, typically of moral excellence.

Diseases: Chagas and Powassan
Chagas is really nasty. I don't think the bugs that cause this get in US, except via invaders, possibly. Probably too far north for them. Oh wait, I'm totally wrong: The kissing bugs behind the disease have also been reported in 25 US states, with the largest concentration in the South. Here on this new tick disease, Powassan.

Washington Post Headline Sampler (last 24 hours)
From 'nut job' to 'wacko,' Trump has a history of insulting others' mental health
Trump mocked Obama for bowing to a Saudi king. And then he …
Pence cites Trump's 'leadership' in commencement address

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